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Posts posted by Nubbie

  1. On 2016-07-18 at 11:32, joshmarsilio said:

    You could assign each player a "score" based on their successes


    8 hours ago, SensualEthiopianPolice said:

    You're literally asking for the impossible.

    Actually it wouldn't be too hard and not impossible.  All that needs to be done is create a voting system to rate players/give them a score based on commands/kicking score

    There are just two problems with it which would be inaccurate scores and requires central authority server (as anyone could modify the code to cheat)


    I would rather suggest a re-work of the permission system or more permissions to limit greifs

    • Like 1
  2. > 5. Jurassic World was a terrible movie

    > 8. Kick liberally may seem mean but it's always better to kick a regular player than to let a griefer keep griefing, just apologize if you've made a mistake.

    > 10. No furries

    > 13. Personal message to a developer


  3. 5 hours ago, joshmarsilio said:

    Well this is making the current version practically unplayable, but i guess i can try to be patient. Why would such a critical feature be flawed?


    I must say that you seem to sound a bit hostile in your tone, there are work-around in the peep AI and you have to think differently when making paths etc, if you think the AI is flawed, you're more than welcome to contribute code to correct that, you can find parts of it here.

    It's just in fact to my knowledge the biggest file in the whole game and needs a complete re-work to make it better. We all know it's flawed and a problem, but we're not ready to tackle something that would take months and months to probably finish in a perfect flawless way, it's one of those things that needs more than 1 person to tackle

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, HtHNightwolf said:

    Knot all the steel and wood that we can find ..

    No idea if that was intensionell :P 



    Anyways, indeed we have problems with greifers in OpenRCT2, tho people shouldn't have permission to do everything at first, they should work their way up :U 

    There are some parks where people work together to create stuff but think most of people like to build their own things for them self xox

    Note: Tried to join 'Wolfpark' but just got timed out

    • Like 1
  5. @Susrussr Most devs use GitHub to help, can you please continue your opened Issue, https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/issues/3956:)

    Please fill in this form correctly in that issue too:

    **OS:** [e.g. Windows 10]
    **Version:** [e.g. 0.0.5]
    **Commit/Build:** [e.g. 426e106]
    [Explanation of the issue...]
    - [ ] Reproducible in RCT2 (vanilla)?
    - [ ] Multiplayer?
    **Steps to reproduce:**
    1. [step 1]
    2. [step 2]
    **Dump file**
    [If you have a dump file: zip it before you drag & drop it here.]
    **Screenshots / Video:**
    [Drag & drop screenshots here. Use https://vid.me to upload video.]
    **Save game:**
    [Change the file extension to .txt or package to a .zip so that it can be drag & dropped here...]


  6. If we're going to promote a server, I think Br34k sure need the spotlight for that.

    Br34k has two servers in the game:

    • [Public]Br34k Gaming 24/7 - Br34k.com
    • [Public]Br34k Gaming Greifing Server - 24/7 - Br34k.com

    Why Br34k should be on the list is because these two servers are always up-dated to the newest version off the game, always running 24/7, has it's own automatic system where it switches maps every 3 hours and can restart itself if it crashes with the latest autosave!

    Check his server out if you want a quick server to play on in multiplayer!

  7. 8 hours ago, imlegos said:

    They come too see my unfinished mine train.

    oh god this is going to end up as a meme xD

    Still, when it was finished (if we're talking about the same mine train) it looked wonderful, just some minus points for all the.. mentions in the chat about it haha ;p

  8. Hey Jappy, welcome to the forums! :D

    Most bugs and issues are reported on GitHub in the OpenRCT2 repo (most developers are there, link takes u there) but you can report bugs here on the forums too as they will probably notice them, if not being redirected:)

    It's more appreciatedon GitHub tho :P

    Before you post issues tho, try to search if it's already been reported, thanks :)

  9. Yolosweg summed it up extremely well, will just add that this will probably be a feature later on (something the devs have mentioned) when the game is reverse engineered (translated to C) and it gets its own save format, .svX 

    The only problem is that we're a bit far away still :U

    Eventually we will be able to get some more ground textures and a ton of different features we're not able to get now, like removing all the '255' limits :D

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