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Everything posted by Nubbie

  1. I think this should be able to be done right now, but do you really need to sort them for intensity and nausea?
  2. Of course you're suppose to see people from a ton of different countries.. as they want to see my wonderful coasters :*<3
  3. I tbh like it, especially the first scene which really surprised me, there's a lot of colors in it, just feels like the camera is a little off for my screen, is there a specific resolution it's aimed for?
  4. Isn't the calculations different for each coaster tho? As I think I've seen different coasters respond to different types of constructions Which means this maybe is more of a specific problem for just this ride? Even tho the score is BAD
  5. I'm surprised no one mentioned it but.. um.. Joel from Vinesauce .n.
  6. Never really thought about this.. never thought it changed the original buttons, have made a GitHub issue about this
  7. I presume you mean in it's own category? Maybe, there are a ton of scenarios out there already, but would be interesting if the OpenRCT2 community could create one and get it in it's own tab ^^
  8. WHAT???? Where were these when I was a kid!!??
  9. Hey and welcome to the forums 1. Indeed, there has been so many new changes to the game that it almost feels like something that got released just some months ago
  10. Nubbie


    Welcome to the forums
  11. i think that picture says enough
  12. The stats seems to be broken on that ride, shouldn't it be much higher because of the G forces? Or is it because the cheats mess with it or something?
  13. Most of my bad track designs comes from RCT3.. trust me, we shouldn't talk about them
  14. Nubbie

    Whats up

    Hey Dipply, I've noticed you on some servers .o. Welcome to the forums
  15. Welcome to the forums Hope you will enjoy your stay
  16. Do I need to explain mine? .o. Just wanted a pic for the forums and on GitHub that fits this project
  17. I see you guys posted some RCT2 music before, so why not take a playlist with 'all the songs' ;p Edit: I now see that playlists doesn't show up, just the first video xox
  18. Welcome to the forums You can post about issues both on GitHub but also here on the forum in the categori: Problems, bugs and feedback
  20. Weeeeell I know there are some people on this site who likes furs so~
  21. Just going to post this here as I know some people 'like this animation' WARNING: Explicit content, but not age restricted by Youtube, sensitive viewers have been warned
  22. .. I kept hosting it with his permission, it's a bit of a shame as it had a really good start to it Now I'm uploading this screenshot just so @craftxbox can see what we turned it into Zootopia.sv6
  23. We have to stay on topic :^)
  24. Hey Hey Welcome to OpenRCT2
  25. This really needs some discussion, that's why I post it here on the forums first. (Mostly because this is more like a mod it feels) Many users use pieces of coaster tracks to use them as decoration, it might be lift pieces for make rope for a bridge, train tracks to make a train pass by the park etc What this would do is to is getting some of the more popular track pieces that are being used and place them in their own category in 'Decorations' (See the concept pic) Why: Easier to place down, doesn't make coasters that can't be opened that shows up in the 'Rides' menu Thoughts?
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