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Posts posted by Nubbie

  1. @Netsrek

    People often run the game version 'Develop' to get the latest network version to play on servers and get bugs fixed etc. However stable 0.0.5 is just a day old so this issue is still active.

    Regarding the 'missing namefield bug':

    This has been reported on GitHub before (#2851) but got closed as so much had changed after the issue first opened. This maybe should open up the issue again as it seems to still exist. 

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  2. I'm not the biggest fan out of this as making a window pop up in new players face/experienced players faces would probably often result in them closing it without even looking at it. Players who do care a bit (with the exception of people not knowing how it work/exist) would look at the scoring themselves on the coaster they have built.

    Another problem is multiplayer, as this would indeed make a pop up from all coasters being built - people are already annoyed and complaining about crashing coasters popping up

    I do understand you want it to be optional- but if it's optional, the multiplayer problem still precist and that would probably not help much

    BUT if it's demanded, it could be made fairly easy

  3. I want to start off with the DEVs not really working that much on the griefing issue right now to my knowledge,  probably because off the lack of solutions that can effectively and correctly stop/minimize it in a efficient way that doesn't get too complicated/being too much hard work for now. Another problem is also that the solutions could have a opposite reaction and/or be worked around.


    The players playing the game could almost get categorized into 5 groups as I see it;

    Greifers, good builders, 'bad builders'', 'all for fun' and 'co-op with friends/restrictive'

    Players who 'co-op with friends/being restrictive' often just play on their own server with each other and won't be covered. 

    Most new people, as I see it, likes the 'all for fun' stuff like offensive attractions and greif etc as it's a new experience for them and it's more fun to experience the game in more of small bursts at the time instead of spending hours into building a single coasters on a server. This could also be the state of players who have played longer but still enjoy the game more out of its simplicity and freedom, not everyone wants to spend hours perfecting a coaster but instead interact and play with others in a more fun and laughing matter. That's why I've seen some servers being fully un-serious but still filled all the way up to 20 people with more wanting to join.

    Many who start the game is also not that good with building coasters as it's something you learn more off later on, so realistic server hindering and stopping people with them deleting their creations, can lead into them instead greifing others as they feel a bit unwelcome. 

    It's a bit of a hard shell issue as the games mechanics doesn't have any set rules like in other games, OpenRCT2s servers doesn't have objectives and set points, it's more open and free with less restraints on what you "can and can not" do in a game mechanics sense. It's more off a "exploring game" like minecraft where some can build a castle for hours, while other wants to destroy and some just wants to mine for gold. Not restricting the player from game mechanics like time, deaths, walls and boundaries.

    The only solutions I could come up with for the game would be;

    • More hosts with them being more acceptable (Good for people who are 'bad builders')
    • More open servers where everyone can build without any set 'realistic rules' and more free for all (Good for 'all for fun' players)
    • More closed off servers that are for more experienced builders (which we have with registrations, good for 'Good builders' but could be better if letting average players participate and/or people who want to improve from 'being average')
    • More PR for the game
    • Better anti-greif measures 
    • (Some official OpenRCT2 server?)

           Note; The word 'More' is used in the 'demand vs supply' sense with at least '1' being the smallest state of each category (aka. 1 server for each category)

    If the players from 'all for fun', 'good builders' and 'bad/avarage builders' all hosted their "own" server, people get what they are looking for. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, SensualEthiopianPolice said:

    eat up all their time and money

    Not much time/money would be spent as people could work on it a bit as they please, but, RCT2 is easier to convert into a new format as it's much smaller in scale and written in a 'translatable' language

    Still, there is no plans by Intelorca for this right now if not others will do it instead, like Krutonium said in a reddit post


    Your best bet is to get the ball rolling yourself - Learn Assembly, and C/C++, start, put it on GitHub, and announce it in SimCity related subreddits. That's how IntelOrca did OpenRCT2.


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