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Everything posted by Wuis

  1. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    This is kinda a solution, kinda like how it goes but also not really like that it goes so fast through quite tight turns and such. If not, I think I will go underground, I don't want to tower over the monorail. EDIT: Have been working on an entrance this evening, 1 or 2? (1 is obviously far more finished than two, but then I know what style is prefered.)
  2. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    Is this better? I only was able to add 1 corkscrew, I had 2 at a certain point but the lateral forces were too much. Track of the wooden coaster is restored, though it has been changed and now goes up earlier to make the brakes feel more gentle in the front of the train.
  3. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    Is this better? I just like the fact that TOGO was an Asian company thus it felt more fitting in there, but I'm okay with having a corkscrew over here. A B&M seems a bit too much in the tight space.. On another note, breaking down seems to go faster than building up.
  4. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    I guess because one so called 'Wuis" build the TOGO standup and he is kind of a madman...
  5. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    We might be on to something!
  6. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    Corkscrew? It's a stand up! (The fear of any human being, thus I like it)
  7. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    A fan who absolutely loves Coszie Park has uploaded pictures of the part of the park which has been keep secret quite the while to cheer the mood. The reason it seems to be kept secret for such a while is it is seperated from the rest of the park by a river. Many people praise it for being very one with nature, which led the fan to an idea, he added a donate button for the park along with the pictures. Only an hour in the pictures have made a whopping 1 million euros, which many feel it is so deserved.
  8. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    --BREAKING-- Maniacs ruin Theme Park It all looked bright for Coszie Park, until some maniacs decided to infiltrate the park and completely ruin it. An area has been totally covered in graffiti and has been marked by vile words. When the culprits left, they decided to burn down the forest next to the ruined area, which caused massive damage to the forest, a wooden coaster, a monorail and some stalls in the area. Handyman who thought they would only be needed when the park would open in a few months have been requested to help clean the mess in return for a bonus fee. Officials are already questioning if they could open on the desired date, in a press interview one said; "We don't want to see guests leaving around 3PM with a frown on their face because the lack of attractions, we are thinking about possibilities of still opening the park at the date if we can find enough attractions to fill the day." (You might notice that I quite ruined this area, that is because I wanted to remove the city part enabling the bit of ground at the entrance expand to there, if you liked anything in the city, let me know so I can try to let it return, the woodie is staying exactly the same and the monorail might change station but that's all.)
  9. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    I might indeed do that, besides the looping ship, that's just going to get it's genius original name back.
  10. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Thanks Ziscor and Cascadia, I kinda stole the colors of the walls from a short series by Theme Park Worldwide on Youtube, I always struggled with the asian theming but since I use these for a variety in walls I really like the theme. Now I actually look back at the videos they made, it looks totally different but it's where I inspired that from. If you really like the theming you should look out for my next build log. On another note the names are a bit racist, I might want to change those to something more appropriate, seeing my update post you might see in what kind of mood I made all that. Also if it indeed looks compact, then it all worked out.
  11. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Added an asian area including; Chinese Junk Ship Swing RIde(?) named - "Hi" - Flying Carpet named - "Hey" - Oak Barrel Rapids Ride(?) named - "Hell No" - A food court with drinks, food and toilets Changed path monorail Wuis cried because he couldn't add a gigantic coaster to the area I changed around the path of the monorail to get it going straight more, I also made a confusing path for guests that doesn't inflict them currently (I've sped forward a bit) but it obviously will, so sorry in advance. Also sorry for not using the expansion's Asia theming, I'm lazy. Claimed: -Queue: @Dan, Broxzier, jensj12, Cascadia, WuisMissed: @imlegos, @SuperVarken, Ziscor , Philmon11 The OpenRCT Group Park 3.44.sv6
  12. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: Wuis(mans)Queue: Dan, Broxzier, jensj12, CascadiaMissed: @imlegos, @SuperVarken, @ziscor , Philmon11
  13. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Claimed:Queue: Wuis, Dan, Broxzier, jensj12, CascadiaMissed: @imlegos, @SuperVarken, @ziscor , Philmon11 Tommorow afternoon or evening I will claim so, let's not go night mode in a school week. ^^ And if you want to claim it you can do so because I'm honestly kinda busy. (hehe another turn) Actually happy that I still have a part of my own park/build log ready for upload.
  14. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    @jensj12 I dunno what you did or if you did anything at all, but the Stallion seems to return to first spot(from like 6th) if you simulate the game on hyper speed. Weird that it can be so different.
  15. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Wait, what happened to the pirate building at the entrance?
  16. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    I really like the look of the bridge part! Can see that the buillding still needs some detail touches, only thing that I don't like is the trim on the track. It really doesn't look good imo.
  17. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    The manager has gotten into a bit of a fuss after releasing a tweet with photos of a new restaurant and a bobsled coaster, the comments he put reaching towards the media and the fans constantly belittling him. The situation was quickly resolved as the management promised the price to be 10% for the park itself and 20% of in the restaurant for the first two weeks the park will be open. A person called "Wuis" on a forum wasn't really excited about the replacement: "The bobsled doesn't seem to include any intense or exciting feature, the invert doesn't deserve such a disgrace as replacement." Other people on the forum joked about him getting in trouble if the manager saw that and they all laughed it off. However, many do think he has a point and wonder where the replacement for the invert will be, thus a thrill coaster. On the other hand there are also a lot of happy faces about the restaurant, which many saw as a must. EDIT: Extra picture: Do you wanna see the last and in my opinion best part?
  18. Wuis

    Coszie Park

    As of a few months ago the park got so far to finishing a inverted coaster, but due to wrong calculations it wasn't allowed to open. A huge case against the manufacturer has started as the park lost a lot of time on this part of the park due to this coaster. A few fans were allowed to fly drones over the park to atleast capture the coaster for the public eye, which wasn't the smartest decision as the rest of the area is also revealed. Even though fans like the addition of the River Rapids, Magic Carpet, Monorail Station and the Rowing Boats, they seem to be concerned about the service quality in the park. The absence of food/drink, information or toilet facilities angers the people who previously saw themselves as fans of the park. Some fans even said that they'd rather see a big restaurant, than a coaster replacing the current invert. The park says everything is going to be fine, but the media is also getting concerns. To calm the crowd the park has already started a TV and Billboard Add. Further is found that the park has ordered a Stand-Up Coaster a few months ago, which should be stored or already built up. EDIT: Can you find the hidden attraction?
  19. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Finish it off! Kill it with fire! You'll not just ace it but embarrass it, good luck on the exam and the turn man
  20. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Psssh, he is telling lies. You'll see him online in every server
  21. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Yeah, I also kinda didn't keep it to my rule. I just don't know what kind of other rides I have to build, especially when certain rides are already built I kinda don't choose them anymore. Queen Bee was also going to 'bee" a tracked ride, but if so I wanted more to it. A solution like now done with the attraction Dan made his last turn would've worked out pretty well but I'm not that creative. I do want to fill up some places in the park though, thing here is that I am too afraid I will have to change something about the attractions nearby. Also I've always wanted the Dinghy Slide to have a station.
  22. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    New coaster; "Project KB". A family boomerang coaster. It has been built by an anonymous corporation who has sent it as a "gift". For some reason, bees swarm the benches around this coaster. (THE HANDYMAN KNOWS) In the top left corner the tight race for the Guests Favourite, had to close file before I smashed my computer due to getting beaten by a kiddie coaster In the top right corner the stats from "Project KB", decent stats for a family coaster In the bottom right corner the little change to Splinter, now turning right instead of left On a side note I honestly want to apologize for not putting as much effort as I could in the things I've been building the last turns, it's just that I don't want to end up claiming it for 48 hours and only working the first 2 hours, when I end up seeing I can claim something in the afternoon or in a weekend/vacation/holiday I will try to make it up again. Claimed: -Queue: Dan, Broxzier, ziscor, jensj12, Cascadia, Philmon11, WuisMissed: Imlegos, SuperVarken The OpenRCT Group Park 3.39.sv6
  23. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: WuisQueue: Dan, Broxzier, ziscor, jensj12, Cascadia, Philmon11Missed: Imlegos, SuperVarken EDIT: Who saw that I cheated with the Stallion queue by placing a path before the actual queue and changed it? EDIT2: Splinter re-opened. EDIT3: When adding new coasters/attractions/stalls, make sure to remove them when you actually don't use them.
  24. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    Not claiming it yet(It's getting night ) but I am getting cool vibes about these killer bees, like the frozen vegetables series I had started. This is were my speciality lays, silly names and stories! Going to think about something when I am at school and if thought of something I will be building so. EDIT: You got to watch the park file itself or page 8 of this topic to find out how it originally looked but i think we would be much better of if the Splinter didn't go over the path, it would also possibly lay open a possibility for the monorail to go past the splinter instead of right through of it. So I'd like to ask @Philmon11 if I can edit the exit to entrance part of the coaster where nobody rides the coaster itself.
  25. Wuis

    Group Park 3

    OH NO, and this next to the Queen Bee coaster! What a coincidence, or is it? I think it is horrible you removed my beautiful self sculpted Italian cypresses but it's your coaster. And in the end it looks a lot better too! Also on a side note I think that the monorail is a coaster on itself currently, it wraps around everything it can, it goes up and down, left and right and I don't think that is what a monorail is for, I think we need to redo the track of the monorail so you end up seeing more and go less left and right, up and down? who's with me?
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