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Everything posted by RollerBoaster

  1. Welcome to the twenty-twenties (we need to make that phrase a thing!)
  2. Thanks - Are there any good dat files for this that you know of - I have a lot of dats but none of those. It looks optimistic- seem to be plenty on nedesigns - but not sure if they're path path or scenery path but I should be able to find what I need, but if anyone knows of any dats that are tried and tested please share info.
  3. Found a few mentions of diagonal paths being possible with some workarounds but not yet found how so three questions (which sort of evolved into five!) Are diagonal paths indeed possible? Do they work well or can they be buggy (I've seen some custom parks where layout workarounds have broken guest movement or trapped guests in areas they get stuck in so if it doesn't work too well I'd probably leave it). How do you do them and a thought / other workaround can you also do a jagged normal path and fill it out to look like diagonal path with scenery path triangles. Has anybody made said triangles? Reason being my current real world inspired project has a LOT of diagonal path irl and it actually looks quite appealing/festive.
  4. Thanks. RCT design always seems to involve some brainpower puzzling but ORCT has improved things a lot Having fun with one of my projects working out the orientation of the various map/ reference images I've got at the moment. Real life version has some tricky borders instead of just following roads, so having a fun night figuring out exactly where the park edges and rides are! Found the entrance locations now so that should help lots, once I figure out the borders I can figure out roughly where the owned land borders need to be, setting up the rest of the landscape and where the rides go. Matching research images and video to maps/landscape should be way easier than it turns out to be *smiles*- I'm doing a lot of image rotating/ map sketching/ reference map labeling/ head-tilting/head-inverting to match all these guide items up... Plenty of fun though as it means I can use some rides and scenery I've not used before, Spacek's may not suit this project but I'm doing two other festive parks not based on real life so looking forward to trying Spacek's seasonal offerings in those.
  5. I might try these in my festive projects- if I find any tweaks that get things running smoothly I'll let you know. Another question to go with djwessie's: can you share games/scenarios with these tweaks in, ie if you tweak the mass will it keep that saved? Could it lose it (mass setting) if people redesign the ride (Obvious answer I'd guess is yes due to retesting)-if it works I'll probably share some advice on making the ride work. I'm no expert so if anything seems too wrong and I can't fix it I may accept the imperfections or have to leave the problem dats out- but they look too good to not try out. Thanks for your work on these.
  6. Teaser (the greyscale would give it away as it's from a map and has the names on!) It lost a bit of the river (top left/ middle left) and I'm slowly adding the water manually- making water features is sloooow as you have to shape the banks (in this case the ones the height map missed) then add the water, then fix any messy hills and cutaways you've made in the process- the mountain tool's not much help- if anyone has any timesavers for rivers/lakes I'd love to know! Something I'm working on based on a real location....
  7. Awesome park, love your creativity. You even sometimes have a similar mindset with your names- I built a Swan Lake ages ago- guess the rides plant name ideas in our heads so names probably pop up a lot as people get the same ideas for names (I love making puns such as Undermined for a mine train or Pretzel Loops for a pretzel shop, Turned Bank for an atm.....), has a nice hive mind feel that people often have similar ideas (real parks probably influence us a lot too) I'm hoping to up my design game for three festive scenarios I'm working on.
  8. Late reply but unless you've accidentally overwritten them they should still be there- you just need to look for them in the folder view and navigate to the folder they're in which will be different depending on how you set up your vanilla (original) RCT folders- and of course where you chose to save your games. Open RCT has its own folders for custom content and saves. Your vanilla RCT does too, as well as any you created. The exception is if your RCT2 saves are the recent re-release/ minor updates 'Classic' version- I think this changed several of the file formats thus doesn't save things in the same way as vanilla versions as well as being a bit of a pain to access save files etc- I think but I'm not sure you need to export them from the game to use them outside of 'Classic', it has an annoying save setup where you don't choose a folder to save to, not sure I even figured out where it saves to (Classic has some good points and a nice final park if you complete all the other scenarios but it's not that great- you have to email parks to share them outside the game, yes, it really is that badly implemented, just like RCT World it derailed somewhat, I've kind of given up on it although I would like to play that final park) If you want to share anything it's way smarter to make it in vanilla or orct, and orct is of course the most flexible. If you are trying to share something from classic here's the info and good luck
  9. Indeed. Splitting a two-wide path with occasional intersections in this way is a clever trick, especially if it's proving problematic, as Ruedi mentions you can use the boulevard method- basically a three or four wide option with the odd shop etc and no path in the middle one or two, paths on the two outer edges or if you want a double split path another way is you can use fences or walls then delete them so that the paths don't join, again leaving occasional intersections. Double fully joined paths can look a bit more realistic though so if they work in your park feel free to use them. You could of course boulevard or split double paths in very busy areas so you get four paths but they're spread out and limited to two-wide with the occasional junction. If you want the illusion of a larger paved or similar area you can paint the land or use scenery to fake the pathed area being bigger than it really is, again this can look more realistic for example in front of a major coaster's station, although of course peeps won't walk in the 'faked' parts. Sometimes shops and attractions too close together can leave guests going round in circles or back and forth- watch your guests' movements around your park and you should be able to find and fix any major problem areas/bottlenecks/ confusion zones.
  10. Object selection cheat tool shows the two rct fan paths missing aren't selected- it has a path count that excludes them and they're not on the list of selected paths, so weirdly they're being ignored and not selected by orct when vanilla doesn't ignore them. So orct is duplicating the desert path twice in the path selection tool in-game in the two slots of the path orct is missing. The 'new path' is there (the one I think is 'rozy path' but with its name not showing in orct)- I'll attach that file here as it's an example of one where vanilla shows a name for the path but orct doesn't and just calls it 'new path'. I'll also attach the two files that MAY be the missing paths- I can only guess at this as vanilla doesn't give me the filenames (I'm not sure if you might be able to dig these- or the actual filenames if they're not these two- out of the savefile) Finally the one that's getting duplicated in their place patrctfan#dp PATH LIT.DAT patrctfan#snd.DAT patrctfan#st.DAT patrctfan#dp.DAT
  11. Useful to know- is there any way also to get the dat name by inspecting the scenery directly- some scenery pieces are quite similar so there may be times you want to click the item and know the filename, so this is where it may be useful in the tile inspector if it's not already there.
  12. I've found the new problem's cause and fixed that- deleted the leftover renamed duplicate I made (PATRCTFA) as it hadn't fixed the problem but I missed deleting it now it's gone I don't get the duplicate in vanilla's scenario editor (the problem is otherwise unchanged) My three questions would be: -why does orct lose the names of some paths and just label them 'new path' where vanilla shows their names (such as 'rozy path' if it's used the same path in orct), likewise vanilla seems to show the full names whilst orct shortens them (.....) in the list ? -why can vanilla handle the sand and stone path but not orct ? - does orct lose some path options and have a lower cap for number of path options than vanilla- or is there some other cause of it 'losing' some paths? Also if anyone can clarify which dat files the test savegame 'pathmaster' is referencing for the path choices that could be helpful Thanks, I know solving these things can be a pain (and annoying if there's something really obvious with hindsight) but this is bugging me a lot as it makes me wonder if any other dats are affected and could cause any issues- I've noticed a few naming difference quirks with scenery items too, ideally I mostly like to design things that work the same in vanilla and ORCT when making landscapes/ scenarios.
  13. In ORCT - nb only ORCT has the paths listed as new path- these are named in vanilla- they may include the 'missing' rozy path (as orct's tile inspector shows it as 'new path')- but the mising rct fan paths aren't here ------------ Update: desert path 'patrctfa' name here is the duplicate's name, the correct problem filename is patrctfan#dp as per my most recent update post
  14. In vanilla (note that I've created a new problem in that I now have the desert path listed twice in the editor, possibly as I tried renaming the files in case orct disliked the filenames after discovering this problem (whilst keeping the originals), may have lost track of the 2 new files!, hasn't changed how vanilla/orct handle the path options though, and the savegame has the original files before I duplicated and renamed them:
  15. I've used the tile inspector to look into this a bit more and it seems all three paths may be missing that drop off the list in the scenario editor- two have defaulted to the last path that does show in the scenario editor and I think the third has defaulted to some random other path, difficult to figure out- I'm still looking into it but I do think that three paths are missing which work fine in vanilla (not sure if you'll be able to view the park in vanilla) What info would you need from me in order to establish if it's a bug or a path object limit (it could be the latter and not fixable but vanilla rct doesn't seem to have the same problem/limit- it may be unique to orct or something orct dislikes about these path files), will try to get some vanilla screenshots to show the difference. Relates to path issue mentioned here: Game save file below image: pathmaster.SV6
  16. Hmm, I'm only getting 'show console'/'show paint debug window' in my debugging tools - has the tile inspector feature been removed or is it a separate thing you need to install? Sorry if there's a really obvious answer- rct inner workings noob!
  17. Just found this- if you can't tweak your scenery positioning in-game sometimes this helps but save your game as a backup first- some clever tricks (probably not these ones) can have odd results judging by some custom parks I've seen, so backing up means you can always take a step back if something unexpected happens.
  18. You didn't say how to open up the tile inspector: answer is here - options in menu- enable debugging tools...... Also if it's not there already this would be another useful place to be able to see path/object filenames re suggestion I've just posted
  19. Is it possible to add some code so that the scenery/ path/ ride menus show the object filename (.dat usually) as well as the object's given name- this could be really useful for checking/ fixing some of the issues I'm having with paths, objects and scenery as I often know the problem but not which dat or other file has the problem or is linked to it. I know custom scenery sometimes does this in the scenario editor but it would be handy in-game too.
  20. In ORCT the aligned objects should change colour when you're at the same level so you can match things up- still worth checking from all four rotations though as sometimes the bit you think is perfectly placed from one viewpoint soon turns out to be somewhere else when you rotate the image. The ctrl trick usually negates having any problems - it places things at the same height- but if you still do: It's best to start at the lowest level- this may be above ground level sometimes eg for a ride entrance structure. Not tried but you could maybe build the whole wall then delete the lower bits in such cases if it makes it easier to align things. Uneven ground can make things tricky- if you can't line objects up with their neighbors you may need to level the ground below so they raise/lower in the same increments. Ride/other scenery bits can also be a similar problem- in which case you may need to build further out or amend your plans if something's in the way. Finally with walls etc for stacking - and also for neighboring walls/fences etc - check where the grey border is so you're building on the same edge- each tile has an edge for walls/fences etc, for example with a wall or fence by a path you can build it on the path tile edges or the edges of the tiles next to the path. It's easy to slightly misalign walls if you don't check they're matched (you get a grey border round the aligned tile)- it's useful though as you can sometimes deliberately misalign things to build round other things in the way, it's sometimes better to be slightly misaligned than leave a gap (for example if building a wall round a kiosk)
  21. I now have matching object files in both vanilla and orct- they are now the same so I've pretty much sorted the missing objects issue. However the orct path issue previously mentioned persists- so it does seem some paths are dropping off the selection menu for paths in the scenario editor- three that I know of are missing in the editor and two in the test park I did with these paths (where it defaults to using the same path image three times for three different path options, one of which is the last one to show up in orct's scenario designer) - as I mentioned the third path type DOES appear and is usable in the test park but not the scenario editor. All the paths are available in vanilla both in-game and in-editor so it's an orct-only problem. Any ideas? Can send files for investigation if needs be (reminders to self- test park is 'pathfinder', problem paths last three on vanilla list in editor) Another thing I've noticed is some custom scenery/rides have descriptions that appear in vanilla that don't appear in open (when previewing in Scenario editor object selection windows)- only seems to be certain items.
  22. Seems interesting (I have very basic IT skills so am not yet programming savvy) Particularly for future evolutions of the game it might be interesting in a few specific areas, for example I know some players have asked 'what if in future you could have a rival park competing with you', thus the programming challenge of implementing this, maybe the problem of pathing and guests not using transport rides as transport could also be improved (better guest aims/intent logic etc). So it could certainly have potential for future evolutions of the game
  23. Maybe as something that's tagged with the ride like the operating modes etc so the game follows the old or new rules as applicable and still doesn't break existing stuff or disallow it.
  24. Would this be possible though as both ORCT and vanilla may be set up to look in the folders' parent directory which is different for both games- is there a trick for doing this and pointing both to the same folder? Another thought was to do it manually you could set the files to date order, establish which was the newest original game file then you'd only have to copy over the ones after this date, then you'd have all the custom files. Any you add later could then just be added to both folders. Has anyone had any thoughts on the missing paths issue as to why that didn't work and why the scenario editor also had a problem with some of the paths. Thank you
  25. Part of the fun of rct is impossible coasters Even top 3d titles still struggle with some aspects of accurate physics- it's not easy and this game was made a few decades ago. RCT has some fun quirks (just check out Marcel Vos's youtube) Even with a new build it would be tricky to iron out all the problems but I guess the devs can rewrite the rules. One way to not break existing rides with changes to the current build might be to make any improved physics versions their own ride type so that any existing rides aren't changed. The Nose Knows- RCT doesn't always like things at different heights- I managed to make a ride in one park with some very weird quirks with the station load/unload- I confused it too much with the paths underneath, amusingly in a Halloween themed park- that really was one spooky ride I'd avoid, was so weird I never sussed out exactly what was happening- it was a mismatch of ride data, where peeps were and the load/unload process- ride that and you could end up lost in the ether somewhere where reality doesn't quite know where you are or you're in some weird time loop. Luckily the ride and park still functioned although I eventually hit the sign limit further down the line after adding stuff to the park.
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