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Everything posted by Leudimin

  1. Yes, I did. I always build that coaster, so if you see a coaster with that name, it means I was there . I'll never use bad words, instead using more creative insults like that one which nobody wants to hear (a rare type of brain cancer affecting mostly children with a 0% survival rate).
  2. Which server it is? It is on the master server list of servers? Anyway, here's my killer coaster, the Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma or DIPG for short. A killer coaster had to have a name of a killer (this hopefully will change sometime in the future). The looping coaster is always built on the Mass Destruction server, doing 10 laps with a launch speed of 922 km/h (573 mph). This iteration was built in the red zone of StuphChicken's Sandbox Server, and it's a LIM launched coaster because the looping coaster strangely isn't avalaible:
  3. I found about OpenRCT2 in YouTube while watching regular RCT2 videos. However my old computer ran good old Windows XP, and unfortunately OpenRCT2 isn't compatible with it. When I finally switched to newer laptop I copied a bunch of RCT2 files to an USB drive so I could download and play OpenRCT2 as a standalone game.
  4. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Okay, I'm done. I had already planned to add a station building to Looping Extravaganza anyway, or at least to cover the queue. I've also repainted it, so now it's almost impossible to notice it when zoomed all the way out . Then I built a grav force ride with some gardens surrounding it. It doesn't take a lot of effort to make an area look nice. I had originally planned to build this on the space Deurklink placed his latest hack. Claimed: - Queue: @giraty. Broxzier, Jochem, Deurklink, Leudimin Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714, Wuis, saxman1089 The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.68.sv6
  5. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Okay, claiming. If @Broxzier agrees I'll be relocating the coaster I built in my last turn to the failed motocross track. Claimed: Leudimin Queue: giraty, Broxzier, Jochem, Deurklink Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714, Wuis, saxman1089 E2A: @Deurklink I was planning to build something were you built the Skyline Skywarp! Just I didn't knew what.
  6. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Claimed: Broxzier Queue: Jochem, Wuis, saxman1089, Deurklink, Leudimin, giraty Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714 Fixed. @Deurklink I already took the effort of thinking something to build. Anyway I decided to rebuild the coaster into something more decent, which may or may not cross your Illuminati Confirmed coaster, so I need permission before proceeding.
  7. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    I wasn't expecting to get the park so early (I expect it in about two weeks time, not just one), and didn't want to drop to the Missed list (at this point I believe I'm the only one not to have been there), so I had to build something, even if the result is, well, strange. At least the previous time I had already said "sh*t, I haven't built a boat hire", so at least I had some inspiration.
  8. I usually aim for a minimum excitement rating of about 6.50, and even then sometimes I'm not happy. BTW, you have a pathing error near QT-Pi's entrance, causing guests to clip into the queue line and then walk to the entrance.
  9. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Okay, again I had to improvise something. So I built Looping Extravaganza, a ridable version of the killer coaster I always place in the Mass Destruction server, where it has unbanked curves, a 922 km/h (573 mph) launch speed, and in theory it does 10 laps (it always ends up being many more), giving an intensity rating over 80 (Even over 90 if it stops right after the last lap instead of doing another at idle speed). I almost always name it DIPG (the same as the group park radio's call sign) to emphatize it's a killer coaster, although lately it has had other names like Fa Ke You ("French-Croatian squid", actually derived from the direct translliteration of "F*ck you" into Chinese). Obviously this is not the case there. I've also connected the Cornish Farm with the Wuis' WIP area, just in case, Again, even though I'm tagging the first in queue I strongly recommend anyone in the Missed list claim the park so I don't have it back in just a week. Claimed: - Queue: @Broxzier, Wuis, saxman1089, Deurklink, Leudimin Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714, giraty The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.63.sv6
  10. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    At least you avoided to say that deadly cancer's initials. Seriously, who assigned that call sign to the Group Park radio? (Oh, wait, it was me as a mock-up of the North American system )
  11. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    F*ck, I didn't expect to take the park so early. Well... Claimed: Leudimin Queue: Broxzier, Wuis, saxman1089, Deurklink Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714, giraty
  12. Three weeks and no update? What? Anyway I haven't done too much to the park, just added a launched freefall which is an exact copy of the Group Park's radio mast (down to the colo(u)rs!). I'm trying to get something of the Wild West area done now...
  13. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Claimed: Wuis Queue: giraty, saxman1089, Deurklink, Leudimin, Broxzier Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714 Fixed (Broxzier was both in queue and missed).
  14. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Okay, I almost forgot I had claimed the park, but I've done something to it. At first I had no idea what to do, but then I noticed there were no swinging ships in the park. So I went back to the area I cleverly named Lauren Hill (which is the hill with the radio mast at its summit), and as I like to place swinging ships over water I built one on the river as it meanders around the hill. Then I went to the other side of the hill, and built some rowing boats. In this park I don't tag my rides, as I give proof I've built them on this forum, but since I had no idea to name it I decided to include my username on it. Anyway, watch out for the water tornado! This time I didn't place scenery, so feel free to add to those rides. I'm tagging the first on queue, but I strongly recommend that anyone on the missed list claim the park, so I wouldn't have it back too soon. Queue: @giraty, saxman1089, Deurklink, Leudimin Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714, Broxzier, Wuis The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.58.sv6
  15. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    OK, claiming. But wait, only 4 players have worked in the park since my last turn. Anyway... Claimed: Leudimin Queue: giraty, saxman1089, Deurklink Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53, Darthyoda714, Broxzier, Wuis
  16. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Darthyoda, you ruined the park! The park rating is now at zero, so nobody would want to visit it.
  17. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Because cascadia claimed the park in front of me when I had just got the right to do so at his expense (he didn't claim for 24 hours). So all stuff he built in that turn, including Horse Rides, is unapproved by me. Since I'm sure I'm the only one which disagrees with that, I leave all of it there. PS: Before I discovered OpenRCT2 and its built-in ability to make hacks I actually despissed them.
  18. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Okay, I wasn't inspired, but at least I did something. First, I built a new riverside food court. For some reason I place the stalls out the main building like I did here... Then I decided to wrap up the Central Plaza, using the last avalaible space. I searched for a Rigg's balloon race but couldn't find any, so I decided to build one. The scenery was inspired by the Penguin's (i.e. Cascadia's) food court surroundings. Not pictured is a new building for the mini golf course, built to the same style as the Two Acorns and the Bear station just across the path. Claimed: - Queue: @saxman1089, giraty, Darthyoda714, Broxzier, Wuis, Deurklink, Leudimin Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53 The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.53.sv6 PS: The ride named Horse Rides (Penguin) actually has no approval from me due to obvious reasons . However I know it's not the consensus, so I didn't demolish it (yet).
  19. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Ok, claiming now! Claimed: Leudimin Queue: saxman1089, giraty, Darthyoda714, Broxzier, Wuis, Deurklink Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, TCE, RedScope53
  20. Oops. Didn't read correctly. I don't use the latest build (I only update when the network version does so), and I use Spanish anyway so I wouldn't be affected by the bug.
  21. Short answer: You accidentally pressed T. Pressing it again will show all the tools again.
  22. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Strange, in my live copy it has been always named Mònochrömos...
  23. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Once I get the turn back I'll allow 12 hours for anyone in the missed queue to claim. If no one claims in that timespan I'll claim the park.
  24. I believe there are some miscalculations here . Besides, 1*320 (not 1*360) is physically impossible, at least while the maximum map size is 256*256.
  25. And in the end I've built yet another coaster! This time the corkscrew coaster is an impulse launched one named Scorpion. It also contains no corkscrews. Next to it a Go-Kart track has been laid, and inside it another pyramid, this time containing a motion simulator, has been built. If you don't believe me, here's the same pyramid with the "See through scenery" option turned on: Next I'll get up the dune to complete the park. The wild west themeing will go there, in addition to a big coaster and several other rides. This time I won't be building a pirate ship, though, as I like to build them surrounded by water and in the desert there's (almost) no water. It will be back for Leafy Lake. Edit: Dang it, I thought I had saved the game, and now the corkscrew coaster is gone. Well... Edit, 2: Okay, now it's back in place, and this time it makes two laps. I've also corrected the entrance style for the motion simulator. And this time I saved the game, and as result it's now one month earlier than shown (I didn't need to tweak the coaster).
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