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Everything posted by Leudimin

  1. It was just a basic coaster which went up, down and back to the station, built to test the cheat. Nothing special.
  2. Welcome LordMarcel! I was really impressed by the coaster with an excitement rating of 96.10 (later improved to 96.59), although that was a bit too long for guests.
  3. I won't be the first time I put a miniature train on a roller coaster.
  4. So I continued building behind Dynamite Blaster. The first pyramid has been placed, containing a maze beneath it. Next to it a crazy mouse coaster, named Crazy Desert Mice, has been built. I like crazy mice to be short but intense. Not far from it a food cout has been set up, as this is far from the one near the entrance. Finally yet another coaster, a wooden one this time, has been built. It's named World of Desert as it's placed where all planned theme areas will meet. I usually don't build a coaster through another, as I find the result quite messy, but this time part of World of Desert sneaks through Dynamite Blaster. Not all of the coaster is shown as it ventures in yet to be built areas.
  5. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Edit: nevermind.
  6. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Yes, you can, with the condition something else has to be placed where the radio mast originally stood (where the 3D Cinema is now).
  7. Not all of them. Only the (US) dollar, euro and Swedish krona as well as former French franc, German mark, Spanish peseta and Dutch guilder retain the same number as pounds (Although IMO the Spanish peseta should have been multiplied by 100 as we didn't use cents in the last few years of use). The Czech koruna, Russian rouble and Hong Kong dollar are multiplied by 10; the Japanese yen and Chinese Taipei (i.e. Taiwanese) dollar as well as former Italian lira are multiplied by 100; and the South Korean won is multiplied by 1000. Of course you can set your own currency with its own multiplier, I may put the North Korean won in the game .
  8. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Added a second path to Project 41. In addition the radio mast has been relocated to a higher location, it's exactly as it was minus the building. In the former location of the mast the studio of the Group Park radio (depicted as a 3D cinema, I apologize to duplicate an already existing ride) has been placed. Claimed: - Queue: TCE, giraty, Darthyoda714, RedScope53, Broxzier, Deurklink, Leudimin Missed: xbalogan, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, saxman1089, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, Wuis The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.46.sv6
  9. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

  10. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    24 hours have passed, so I'm moving Wuis to missed and claiming the park so I can have it for me in the morning (UTC+1) taking advantage of a holiday. Claimed: Dravetmi on behalf of Leudimin Queue: TCE, giraty, Darthyoda714, RedScope53, Broxzier, Deurklink Missed: xbalogan, Philmon11, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, saxman1089, TheMightyClem, 1081p, cascadia, Wuis
  11. Perhaps the most absurd ride I've seen is one with a -1 car train (yes, minus one). Obviously there was no way guests could ride it, and it had an intensity rating of around 300 (For the record, the most intense ridable ride I've ever seen had an intensity rating of about 112).
  12. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Submitting a quickfix. I've rebuilt part of the monorail station I added to remove the clipping walls. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.44a.sv6
  13. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Too bad the park is claimed by Cascadia, otherwise I'd post a quick fix. I already fixed the Ferris Wheel exit one time I had a regular claim.
  14. Oh, wait, money doesn't overflow. I've tried to reproduce this and money gets stuck at 214,748,364.70; so something else has occurred.
  15. I believe this was caused by a server glitch that made money to overflow. Money is stored as a 32 bit signed integer, and it's shown divided by 10. It appears it went over 214,748,364.70 (insert currency here and multiply if necessary, in your case it's $, in my case it's €) which is the limit, thus causing it to go negative. How money is handled also explains why the smallest increment possible is 0.10.
  16. Okay, I'm less busy now so expect more updates from me. Thus far, a log flume and a haunted house have been built. I like to create an oasis in a depressed section of land located at the back of the entrance area, around which I created the log flume. The dune behind is usually the last area to be developed, and where the Wild West themeing usually goes. Now I'm going to the area around Dynamite Blaster, where a pyramid or two will be placed.
  17. The laptop on which I play OpenRCT2 doesn't have a regular RCT2 installation! I got the missing files from a RCT2 copy in an old computer running good old Windows XP. Since OpenRCT2 (and other programs I use) require newer Windows versions I moved to a laptop, and I copied the necessary files in order to run OpenRCT2, so I somehow managed to get a standalone installation of the game . That also explains why I don't have any pre-designed tracks avalaible.
  18. Interesting, according to this tool guests will pay up to 166.90 (insert currency here, and multiply if necessary; like Deurklink I use €) to ride that huge coaster with an excitement rating of 96.59 before complaining it's too expensive for the first few months. Now that is something.
  19. And this is stored as a 16 bit unsigned integer. I know because I once managed to overflow it with the old heartline twister excitement glitch. So the maximum theoretical excitement (and intensity and nausea) rating is 655.35, which could be done with that glitch. IIRC the maximum non-glitch excitement rating ever achieved is 96.59 (buried somewhere in reddit), while my own personal record was broken by the recently built Project 41 in the Group Park 7 at 8.91.
  20. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    IMO the latest fixes should have been numbered 7.41a and 7.41b respectively, as though those names are permissible they break the de facto established standard. Also, 41 happens to be my favorite number, and as result the latest coaster in the park (which was built by me) is named Project 41. PS: I can't believe the Radio Mast has been there for 60 (in-game) years now.
  21. I'd like to get the most dazzling ride colors award . IIRC I got that one once. There are several I will never win, such as the best restrooms (US)/toilets (UK) one as I don't place many WCs, the best staff one as I don't hire either security guards (and I don't need them anyway) or entertainers, and the best value one as I don't use money.
  22. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Yup, I noticed that. Anyway I grant permission to anyone to rebuild that, since I cannot think anything better. And thanks for the guide! I decided to add a storage track besides the station, so Project 41 now has a excitement rating of 8.91, better than Ecarrot Torrace and thus making it the best coaster in the park (since Symphony of the Night isn't open yet). Here's the new save: The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.38a.sv6
  23. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Finally got around to build the purple coaster I had originally planned. Now introducing Project 41, a Hyper-Twister coaster which has broken my personal excitement record by 0.10. At 8.79 it has the second highest excitement rating of the park, just behind Wuis' Ecarrot Torrace at 8.80 (xbalogan's Symphony of the Night is even higher at 9.68, but it is SBNO). Also thrown nearby by the river is a haunted house. I've also built a new station on the monorail, using colorable pieces for the building. Claimed: - Queue: @giraty, Darthyoda714, 1081p, RedScope53, Broxzier, Deurklink, Wuis, Leudimin Missed: @xbalogan, @Philmon11, @jensj12, Przemek, @Jochem, @SpiffyJack, @cascadia, @saxman1089, @TCE, @TheMightyClem The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.38.sv6
  24. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Okay, so I'm trying to break my personal excitement record, which currently stands at 8.69. If @saxman1089 desn't mind I'll be building near his Gold Rush.
  25. Leudimin

    Group Park 7

    Ok, claiming now! Claimed: Leudimin Queue: giraty, Darthyoda714, 1081p, RedScope53, Broxzier, Deurklink, Wuis, Missed: xbalogan, Philmon11, jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, SpiffyJack, cascadia, saxman1089, TCE, TheMightyClem However I may not throw much as I'm busy these days.
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