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Everything posted by ImABoss

  1. I put the download in the title sequences folder but I don't see it?
  2. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    Omg I totally forgot about this
  3. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    Sorry, I had plans later that came up unexpectedly.
  4. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    Oh wait nevermind
  5. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    Why was I in the queue? I was in the missed turn list to begin with.
  6. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    Can I claim the park after @_SpacE__?
  7. I couldn't afford it probs
  8. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    I have a problem. I'm not able to add the save to landscapes.
  9. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

  10. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    I'm just gonna unclaim because I can't make anything good. Claimed: - Queue: Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPoliceBrigade, RedScope53, _SpacE_, YoloSweggLord, Jens12, WobbilyRails, TCE, Etricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis ImABoss Missed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan
  11. Boogie Jam
  12. I loved the WestWood park. Shame he stopped
  13. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    I haven't really worked on it... At all
  14. Same thing happens to me too. Whenever I'm hosting and someone doesn't join for a while, I check the server list (on a different window) and it's not there. It says "Ready for clients" But no one joins.
  15. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    'Posted 23 hours ago' OH BOY Claimed: ImABoss Queue: Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPoliceBrigade, RedScope53, _SpacE_, YoloSweggLord, Jens12, WobbilyRails, TCE, Etricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis Missed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan
  16. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

  17. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    Looks good so far!
  18. It disconnected me before I took the screenshot.
  19. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

    Aw man, I'm at the back :T That's ok tho
  20. ImABoss

    Group Park 4

  21. Thx.
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