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Everything posted by Foxbox
now everything is a bit clearer. (and sorry because of the intense discussion earlier) :> have started with the info shop, but i dont think i can finish it today. Its nearly 10:30pm here. The info-shop will provide you with actual park-maps. But unlike the RCT2-Version, you will have a limited amount of money in RCT2. The Park-Map system is very easy in case of the RCT2 version, because RCT already uses a grid
typical statement for programmers ...
Im going to try something really really stupid and insane .... a synchronized design in openRCT2 & Nolimits 2 The textures are 1024 in Nolimits2 and all objects uses up to 2 different LODs, because this will be a lot of objects. The path will be one exception. This will be a single mesh layout. But i really need a better sand texture. It looks somehow wrong, if i use those dunes. What do you think? should i try to create a more grainy-texture? (I can always go back to this one.) BTW: Creating a Park in Nolimits 2 take a lot more time than in RCT2. A Fully functional park (like the "micro park" scenario") could take one year in realife to design in Nolimits2. Dont expect huge leaps of progress here. I will only add new parts in RCT2, when i have finished the same section in Nolimits2. What can you expect of the finished project? a high resolution version of an actual RCT2 park (RCT1 scenario). POV's of the Rollercoasters and other rides (in Nolimits 2). 3D reconstructions of many rides/shops a playable savegame in RCT2. access to the created 3D models (even without buying Nolimits 2). (the Dev of this software hates me anyway, so why should i help him getting more sales ) This project could fail, so please dont be mad at me, if this happens... Even foxes have daytime jobs :> To showcase the amount of time to you: This small section took me 5 hours to create (without counting the entrance). Creating scripts for the objects, shader-core code, measurements, ...
@SpiffyJack I have tried to merge the track... bad idea. Dont try this, if you havn't saved your park. The idea behind this was, to create a switch, that connects backwards to the main track (so that the car wont change the track. As you see, the game crashed as i attamped to save the layout). I guess, track merging and saveing is not a good idea in general. Or maybe i shouldn't have merged the additional tracksection backwards at both ends... Maybe there is some sort of exploit, maybe there isn't. It needs to be tested a bit further at least, the game found something different...
Good news, everyone Its completly broken (Whats good about that?... i dont know :3 ) let me guess: ... Green is placeholder-color. Am i right? here the download, if you want to see it for yourself: NLPKENT1.DAT
i guess, it only saves tracks, that are connected to the main stations. Why do a wooden coaster need additional catwalks anyway? It already has built-in catwalks :> But its still an interesting questions, in case someone builds an RMC with corkscrews and things.
This is what i have done right from the beginning. The entrance is 3 meter wide and 9 meter long. i could multiply it up 3 times the width (because the entrance needs This is impossible, because if the camera is set to 64x31 pixel, the width (or height) is doubled (image aspect: 2,065 or 0,484). And even when i reduce the "FOV" to fit the entire picture, it would just look like the secound image (64x64). I enabled save frames, which is basicly what you said about adjusting the camera This is the area that will be rendered. The perfect image aspect is 0,861. But the resultion is too small. The entrance is so small, that even a fox wouldn't fit through it. Maybe the object editor needs bigger images. I think, the solution is very close. EDIT: It also seems to work with your aspect ratio, but the resolution has be bigger in order to work.
and why is the first picture different? because i change the distance in the renderer. if it really dosnt matter, then the "SW" image should looks like the "SE" and "NE" I make it simple: What happens, if you setup a camera far away from the object and render it as orthographic projection? The object appearssmaller on the image. What happens, if you setup a camera close to the object and render it as orthographic projection? The object appears bigger on the image. Hey a Field of View for Orthographic Projection (this are parameters for a camera, so its a orthographic camera, when the checkbox is enabled.) Autodesk 3Ds Max defies the laws of ... anything And it changes exactly what said above. It changes the render distance towards the object. (Same as i would increase the distance). What it does is simple: Take a normal image and rescale it. That what the result of FOV looks like after rendering. You could say its like zoom lens. do you want a video on how it works? http://flash-fox.de/rct2/video/projection/ This is the problem i have. I dont know, how far / narrow the FOV has to be.
I have already unlocked it. and it was hidden. I was told, that it automaticly detects, if its an RCT1 scenario or not by the name and the description of the park.
you are right. its as pointless as a multiplayer option :> I think the problem is, that this would be to difficult to implement / or even impossible. But it dosnt matter. Was just a quick idea, that i had, when i saw this park. Rememberd me on "Hero Defense"-Games for Warcraft 3.
@X7123M3-256 You are right about the 2 coordinates in RCT2. But 3Ds max has 3 coordinates, that i have to take care of And the distance from camera to object is the equivalent of an RCT2 zoom-level. If this distance is not correct, the result in the object creator looks like this: I changed the Z-axis of the camera in 3ds max (Which is a 3 dimensional space) and the rendering dosnt fit anymore. That's what i was talking about. You cant force a 3 dimensional space just to collapse into a 2 dimensional space. The X Y Z axis of the camera as well as its FOV determin how the rendering would look as an image. All the time, i was talking about rendering an image in 3D space and not about how RCT2 displays an image. When the 3D model is not properly rendered, it will mess up the final result in RCT2 as well. Thats why i need to make sure, that the rendering is correct and don't need to care whatever RCT2 uses to display it. But i can show you the difference between a perspective rendering (wich i normally use for images) and a dimetric emulation (that i have used for the Object Creator): Hopefully, you see, that there is no problem anymore. I have used all your infos a few posts ago to fix it. But as i said: i need to figure out the distance in 3ds max (Yes, 3DS MAX, not RCT2 :D), because without a 3rd axis, it would be impossible to create 3d models Its unimportant for RCT2 but very important for a 3d modelling programm. The resulting image determine how big the sprite would be. Its really difficult for me to explain this in a foreign language :> (its already difficult enogh in german as well...) I hope this post makes my problem a bit clearer. BTW: I have now saved a preset file, to get a consistant rendering result, so i only need to take care of the 3D model itself.
@Jochem I have a idea: I think the blocks are supposed to be trees? So, why not using lots of bushes. it would look like this: support structure is erased by using the inflatable ring (custom scenary object group)
sorry, but in this case you are wrong. See the difference in size: and this is not translating to the left/right/up/down. Its scale factor and it does matter. Even in openRCT2. both have different scaling factors because of the zoom: this is why it is difficult to copy the rendering into an existing image. And because the editor scales it down, the copy and paste problem is already solved. I found another version: http://tid.rctspace.com/Beta/index.html looks like this one can do large objects... just need to find it EDIT: Ha! found it. just click "New" button RCT2 Traditional Park entrance (Test Rendering) for some reason, it dosnt render the park sign. I think i need to create it by myself anyway.
@X7123M3-256 I just downloaded the object editor to test something. It seems like it automaticly rescales large images (which is good, because than the distance factor really dosnt matter). In that case, the only thing i need to do is to make sure, that the object uses the full image. But i think the downloaded version of the object creator is wrong. There is no option for multi-tile objects. I have version 1.01.
@X7123M3-256 I also tried a scaled up version: Its far from what i want... i think i really need to redo the 3d model. What i need to improve: add a normal map figure out the camera distance smaller dark-brown (or red) stones banner texture (do i need something special, to add a marquee-like park name in RCT2 -> in case i convert the result as an actual entrance for RCT2) changeing the battlement and machicolation as well as its support structure (the green lines between the towers) The setup for the first project always takes a lot of time.
Yes i am. But maybe 3ds max has some strange presets for the view... I'll try to find a tutorial on how to set-up a physics camera for dimetric projection my current area per tile in 3ds max is 3m x 3m. But an increase of the area would make the height look even smaller. a decrease of the area would make it look taller and according to the comparison, it needs to be taller.
this place was inspired by a glade in the Vulkan-Eifel, Germany (Vulkan => vulcano, yes, we have actually active vulcanos in germany... the more you know ^.^ but they are unlikely to errupt... unless a meteor crashes into that area. They are active in the sense of producing enough heat for hot springs and termal power plants.). speaking of Vulkaneifel: i have a nice idea, for my turn: https://www.google.de/maps/@50.2970161,7.1607736,418a,20y,41.54t/data=!3m1!1e3 A castle ruin and a railroad underneath it. But i'll skipt the railroad. Maybe one you can uses it for a rollercoaster. You can leave a sign, if i should build it in a specific location if you like.
@X7123M3-256 thats the angle im using. Its strange, that the towers are shorter. I increased the terrain to get the hight values. Maybe, the height-values in RCT2 are not correct. Maybe 1 square is 5m² / 16,4 feet² (and not 3m² / 9,8 feet²) @BlazingEmpireHD thank you, but befor i can start with the attractions, i need to figure out the exact measurements. The precision in Nolimits 2 (as well as 3ds max) is measured in milimeter, thats why i need to be exact. (about 0,00328 feet) ---------------------- Now that i think about it.... Chris Sawyer has its origin in great britain, am i right?... They use the imperial system and Nolimits 2 uses/needs the metric system... Maybe this is why it looks so strage. >>> conversion errors <<< But when i use feet, it would look strange in 3d. I think i stick to metric.
@imlegos difficult. its hard to get the correct angle in 3ds max. Orthographic dosnt seems to work as expected. I know, the golden teddy bears are missing... I dont know the anatomy of bears and usually im going the opposite way, when i see a bear and here in Nolimits 2: Im trying to convert all rides into Nolimits 2 (that means: manually recreating every sprite into a working 3D model. In 3D the shading is working as expected and the building looks brighter.
Any suggestions for improvement? is this close enogh to the real one? I think im going to make the banner dynamic via XML.
this just gave me an idea... openRCT2 needs a competitve mode. example: A map like this 3 years After 3 years, the park with the highest value wins. (conditions may vary from park to park).
@Broxzier And what about people in wheelchairs or children, who are too small for rollercoaster? (Yes they dont exist in RCT, but still :>) But a rollercoaster could be used as an alternative transport device.
And i also have those as "Track designes" saved. (i think i used the freefall tower). I could give you them. This way you can easily copy and paste all parts EDIT: No. they are gone. I think the patched version of openRCT removed all designs
@RedScope53 i dont mind which one. Have some screenshots where i experimented with some ideas. This was where i only knew, that i can import scenary by loading savegames *lol* I know, we dont have the same scenary in the group-park, but it could be done with vanilla as well. A suspende monorail would also be great. Normal railroad would need lots of terraforming, where monorails are always a few meters/feet over the ground. But we could also try a railroad like the one in GTA, that goes over the roads like the monorail. But then we need a urban-based themepark to make it look good.
@SpiffyJack if the code was written in java, i could help you. But C# causes headaches for me :> I think it reminds me of C .... Pointers... pointers everywere >.< -> of c#