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Everything posted by Foxbox

  1. i like this river rapid version. Its so compact. but im not a really big fan of this s-bend for the hyper coaster. It always looks like the engineers couldn't calculate it correctly *lol* Maybe, in reality, it would be banked to the left and right... Its really a shame, that RCT2 dosnt provide the assets for banked s-bent turns.
  2. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    im also sometimes testing things and posting the result (because at some point you have an idea for the project and want to share it.) As long as it is not claimed, i dont see any problem in that. speaking of testing: I think i forgot to remove a test-monorail at the dessert I wanted to add a helix to the monorail, but getting the rails lined up das too much work. Maybe I'll do it for a private project (or that Arid Hights recreation) With a invisible helix, and a Scenary-object, that looks like a monorail track, it could work out very well.
  3. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    i think it was a synonym for: "in real-life" or "in reality". here from wikipedia: it goes some distant straight befor the turn. X7 just said, they would fall off in reality. -------------------- And no: those files should not be part of the download. oRCT didnt remove them, after i de-selected them. It seems to be bugged sometimes.
  4. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    Im ok with it. Looks equally sized as the other rides. But the boats can't fly off those curves, can they? Never tired it. I think i have never seen a ride explode, until i reached Fiasco Forrest... wasn't prepared for that *lol* if you ask me: you can make it a bit bigger and let the boats bleed off some speed befor going into a turn. (e.g: a bridge to the other side of the canyon) But you dont have to. Its your ride after all. Edit: The approximation of the stats of my work-in-progress-Ride: "Sif - Artoria's Companion" Forgot it to attach :> The final values might be a bit higher. I try to get it up to 9.0 with scenary for my next turn. ... Im just thinking on continuing this theme-setting. rct2 + addons might have all assets for a dark-souls area. :>
  5. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    @Broxzier ... I was ansering something to @cascadia, when you replied. And then chrome crashed. This forum is strange Ok ontopic: it wasnt meant to be offensive. There are a lot websites with really strange rules (mostly hidden somewhere, deep in the archives). That was a legit question to prevent myself from getting any more trouble... It takes a lot to offend me (no one ever managed to do that) (but when it happens, the website that offended me would be wiped off the internet...) And dont worry about the URLs. I have created a script, that will prevent that. The only thing i can't prevent is a server-downtime, but same goes for your website as well. How about a double upload? I'll edit my post from erlier in a few minutes. The upload takes a lot longer on this server. We have a Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line in germany... its a pain in the a'' I could make a meal while uploading a bigger file. And because my server is closer, i dont have to send those files over the atlantic or over some nodes (e.g: england) Those are points, where everything gets slowed down >.> EDIT: Is the new version now without additional signs? For me it is (like the first one, too...)
  6. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    This is not a version at all. Version increment goes like this: 5.x.x and not 5.10 The next one should be: 5.1.1 otherwise we would end up with something like: 5.1337. The best way is to keep the numbers to 1 digit maximum at all time and seperate them for readability. For the signs: I thought i had them removed. They were only used for the screenshots. Not sure, why you actually could download them... >.> @cascadia @Broxzier The new version should be uploaded by now. I would be happy, if you remove the .DAT from your objects-folder, because they are never ment to be used in public. FOXSIG01.DAT FOXSIG02.DAT Sometimes, the Object editor dosn't removes or adds items. And why should i upload them here? Its easier for me to let my webserver automaticly put a screenshot together and store them in a download list. Or is it against a rules of openRCT2?
  7. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    Sorry, this was literally"Crash-City". OpenRCT couldnt even create dump-files for some reason. Thats why i took a bit longer than expected. Anyway: I'll wait with the entrance and see what all of you can do with it as well. Actually: i dont really want to build it all alone. The main attraction is not finished, but i think i came up with the perfect solution. There is also a secoundary attraction running right now. Now: Let me tell you a Story... (maybe not 100% accurate) Its the story about Artorias and his companion: As suddenly the abbys breaks out in Oolacile, Lorg Gwyn gave Artorias the order to stop the abyss from spreading out any further and rescue princess dusk. And so knight Artorias and Sif ventured to Oolacile to face the thread, but sadly the did not succeed. Artorias got overwhelmd by the abyss, that infected his heart. Feeling, that he more and more looses control over himself, his final act was to create a protective barrier around Sif to protect her, befor he absorbed the wholeness of the abyss. This stopped the thread, but also cost his life. Living with the knowlage, that Artorias saved her, watching him becomming husk, only capeable of screams racked with pain... she kept the ring of Artorias, knowing, that many will try to traverse the abyss, and defends her masters grave. ... Praise the Sun! Changelog The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.1: There are 2 placeholders for custom objects: Sif and Great-Sword. I will try to create an animation for it, that will fill the entire circle around the grave. Soo, keep some clearance please, because this wolf is quite furious with the sword :> Claimed: Queue: @UTMAN, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, Jochem, TCE, Tune, Cascadia, Broxzier, Wuis, FoxyMissed: YoloSweggLord, jensj12, Philmon11 Download: OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.1.sv6/The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.1.sv6 The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.10.sv6
  8. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    Half-time feedback needed: The color for the wall is based on the go-Kart-building and the roof on the "Park" sign. Its a "Gothic-Medival-Fantasy-GameOfThrones-NeuSchwanstein-Hybrid-Castle"... or something like that (click on URL to see the pictures) Had to re-route the monorail. But i think its a cool feature to let the monorail go through the entrance. I let it like it is right now and one of you could add some more details to it. The top looks a bit strange, but i didn't want to put even more weight on the two towers. It already might be at the maximum, the base could support. I also tried merging blocks into each other at the arcing (secound pic), but there was some terrible z-fighing going on and it ended up looking better with that small gap between the arcs. Need to take a break because its: 0:20h UTC+1 Have a nice day/Night/Whatever
  9. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    looks good. RMC on a minicoaster. I know a lot of people, that might get upset with that But im not one of those :3 Claimed: FoxyQueue: UTMAN, SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, Jochem, TCE, Tune, Cascadia, Broxzier, WuisMissed: YoloSweggLord, jensj12, Philmon11 I think i need more than one turn, so dont expect something working this weekend. (You know, im trying to recreate RCT2 in Nolimits... Now this project is the opposite. Recreating something from Nolimits in RCT2.)
  10. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    @Broxzier i have tested something. Not sure if you like this idea: (name/description is also multi lingual -> only those who are supported by the object creator) I will add those to the scenary tab later, on my claim. (The first entry {steep slide helix} was a faild attempt) I also take suggestions for more small enhancements
  11. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    I thin i have now a nice concept, when its finally my turn. (apart from finishing the group park entrance sign.) When its finished, you can "praise the sun" ;D *hint*
  12. i could only help with the logic, but not with the syntax. maybe i'll check the github page, when i have some more time. Right now i try to sell some extra designs for youtuber to earn a few euros more, so i can spend more time for Nolimits 2 and RCT. Thats my circle of life
  13. probably because RCT2 dosnt fit to their "high standards". But it may turn around, when this project is finished.
  14. But its more difficult, to ask chris sawyer if i could use it, then Broxier :> It also makes use of objects from RCT2 and booster segments for rollercoasters (that only exists in oRCT2).
  15. No. He is really good, but the software is extremely complex. Maybe he just had a bad day at the time. If the software would be bad, i woudn't use it. (Just wait till the first rollercoasters and rides are finished) BTW: Im half way through the first shop. "Info-Desk" @Broxzier Question: Am i allowed to publish it with the openRCT2 Logo? This will be shown, whenever a Nolimits 2 user buys a park-map. It will look like this ingame: Green is placeholder for the finished RCT2 screenshot, which will be used as a map in Nolimits 2 (cunning idea, am i right )
  16. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    Ah! i get it now. Awesome EDIT: @Broxzier Can't add new objects, that i might need for my turn. same goes for scene objects. Good that i tested it already It dosn't matter, what i add.
  17. So, i need to increase the light in such a way, that it matches the version, where the green pixel got removed. hmm. this wont be easy, but i'll give it a try. What me annoys, is that i have to switch back and forth between each image in Gimp. Now i have to learn python .___.
  18. @X7123M3-256 It worked. The problem was: I need to go back to RGB for every image. I tested it earlier and it worked. Then i tried it with that image and it failed. Anyway: NLPKENT1.DAT looks awefull in the shade. Maybe i should mask the green area --> index palette --> copy&paste it back on the true Color image.
  19. i think, i messed it up I did what you said: opend an screenshot, dublicated the palette of the screenshot, opend the entrance and importet the palette. Looks like the colors need to be in the same position in order to work. When i export the palette of an screenshot, the first appearance of the color red in the screenshot is not the same as in the entrance. This is why it got messed up.
  20. Thank you. But i was expecting the value as RBG 0xRRGGBB I actually need to manually put in ALL remaining 223 colors*. In the attached image, you can see under "HTML-Notation" the marked area. This Hex-value a 6 digit number, as you may know. All numbers together are the color, that is NOT indexed. Just like HTML and CSS. the color: 0xFE could be in the red spectrum, the blue spectrum or the green spectrum without the other 2 values. *Typing it manually was actually a lie... now that i think about it, i will probably just write a simple batch file for this *lol*
  21. Long story short: i just asked to many questions and found to many bugs. (that why i dont report software bugs anymore). Even the devs of oRCT would block me after 1 week. I have the unusual talent, to find every exploit/bug/... just by using a software. the more complex a game is, the more easy it is to find exploits. After ~7 emails with bug-reports, the dev said i should just shut the fuck up He asked, he received, and then he got triggered moral of this story for the oRCT-devs: Be carefull what you wish for :> But because the source for this software here is open, the amount of bugs is lower then in other programs and games.
  22. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    Nice work, @cascadia But wasn't the lake suppoesd to be clear?
  23. @X7123M3-256 do you know the hexa-decimal value for both remapable colors? Because the palletizing method looks promizing. But for that i need the value. For some reason, an entire color range got removed. from: #47af27 to: #0f3f00 Basicly, 6 types of green got removed in this image, so are there more than 2 colors that are remapped?
  24. This might a bit difficult, to tell the renderer to ignore a certain color. But i think, it could work. Or i just color it red (Lazy-Mode) . A bit more dark-isch brown like: #99220f might look good as well, because of the roof
  25. @cascadia when it was an unexpected crash, i would do that. But in this case, i more or less forced an exception in the software. I knew from the beginning, that something bad would happen. To fix this, the devs would have to redo the "detector" for the rails. Strange is just, that you actually can select the rollercoaster by clicking on a not connected rail. An idea to make it work would be to use the coaster ID and find all parts all over the map with the same ID. But this might also need a new type of save-file as well. <-(and this is the reason, why i dont send this dump, because its very likely, that a new save-file would fix this problem as well.)
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