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Everything posted by Foxbox

  1. that looks nearly as chaotic as the depot-area of the cologne main railroad station I like it train depot - cologne sadly, RCT2 dosnt have any turntables :>
  2. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    ^ that was me, i think. landscaped the meadows. i also had some problems, because first it was saved as " *.DAT " But i have the export enabled. Edit: sorry... forgot to change it to english... :> Its the third checkbox. >.< "Zusatzobjekte bei gespeich. Spielen exportieren" -> "export plug-in objects with saved games"
  3. @imlegos thank you for telling me, where to put custom objects :> had a lot of fun yesterday
  4. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    or you just place that sign sideways to the flow. :>
  5. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    ok. finished my claim for today. Download (last entry / scroll down): only added a few details for the meadow: and tried something with the park entrance. my plan was to create something like a castle. I used 2 custom objects (a 1/16 tile and a 2/16 tile <long>) for this pixel-title if you dont like it, just remove it / change color / whatever. It was just a product of pure boringness *lol*
  6. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    question: i know, not everyone likes custom scenary, but i found those on the problem is, that vanilla RCT2 has a lack of supports the blue ones could also be used for african style buildings (the roof supports that are logs sticking out of the sides) (8 parts) The red supports are only usefull for wooden coasters and bridges. (because of mount dirtmore, me might need a lot of bridges) (7 parts). catwalks for lifts could be done by merging other tracks ontop of an existing lift, i think (tile inspector copy&paste). Its your choice. i could create something without additional supports, but it might not look as good.
  7. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    had just an idea: how about a multi-area park. at the ocean some sort of water park and on the other side the main park both are connected via railroad system. (i know, it could confuse the quests... maybe one single (hidden) path, so that the pathfinding function wont get too many problems) visually both parks are seperate ones. only the one hidden path and the railroad connects both of them Edit: real countdown timer: Download will be added here (as soon as countdown ended /or earlier):
  8. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    @YoloSweggLord yes the middle path (concrete.dat) looks like it would do the trick. were do i have to put those files? In the OpenRCT folder or in the original RCT2 Folder? i would like to test it out on a empty map.
  9. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    ok i see. with a double path, it looks actually good. btw: anyone know how high the scenary limit is? How much trees could be added until the game runs out of memory?. it must be at least 16 bit, i guess.
  10. Rather than creating a new topic for each screenshot, i'll put my screenshots in here from now on. Should be a bit more organized. First screenshots: Beating the "Urban Park" RCT1 recreation without buying additional land. it works, but its a very close call. You need constantly add new layers of path or the guests will leave the park, because its too crowded. Topspin's are the main money-maker, but the problem is, that they take a lot of vertical space. Also: had to block the entrance to prevent leaving guests ...
  11. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    @SpiffyJack thank you. Have seen your train-station topic and i wondering if we could add a train station in the group park as well. (tracks lead out of the map border). (not sure, if the tile inspector can copy tiles from one park to another. Otherwise we need to add the train station later) I will claim it as last to polish everything up befor we start on the park.
  12. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    @Broxzier i rarely use hedges . When i use them, they are a few blocks away from the path (1-2) because it would look like this: btw: experimented with another type of flowerbeds: this is what i use instead of hedges (yes, i use bushes for a lot of things)
  13. Yes, i was bored. saw a trailer of Battlefield 1. something about trenched warfare and i was thinking: "i could do a trenched rollercoaster". Its a bit like cheetah hunt
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  14. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    stairs dosnt matter. the railing on the side, that is a bit annoying. Example: the normal path uses a railing on the side, but when i use a fence, i dont need a extra railing. the stairs can still be there. only the wooden railing need to be invisible.
  15. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    im ok with it. Can you also add one or two path without railing on slopes for me as well? Im still new to openrct2 and i havn't figured out how to add custom objects by myself something like a path that takes a full tile. i always add my own railings by using fences.
  16. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    alright. then we wait till everyone has made an opinion on this.
  17. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    if i remember correctly, it is 20:00h in the USA. I'll wait until its morning in germany. then i will claim it and try to make this merged creek (then it should be 1:00 am in USA). If someone else want to claim, keep in mind that this area has to be redesigned (includes the chasm as well) i need to elevate it to make the merged creek possible.
  18. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    But i might need to change the dried out riverbed (stone) a bit. And here: this is what i have in mind for a creek:
  19. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    did i understand it correct, that this was the plan? : I could give it a try. When i do this diagonal, it would be as narrow as 1/2 tiles. But i wouldn't merge both of them. Only connecting one creek with the lake and let the other one flow out of the map. it could be the case, the the former river (dried out area) had a deeper riverbed outside of the map and thats why the other creek flows in the opposite direction. its plausible so, my next turn would be like this: I will also upload a unchanged version. then you could compare both of them. but befor i claim, i would like to read your opinion
  20. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    yes, of course. I would specialize myself in children-areas anyway, so offenseive words are a no-go. (and probably filler-areals between the mega-coasters) Im like a supporter-class in RPGs
  21. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    i thought that it only reached 40%-50% of the overall terraforming :> the desert is not finished and the lower half is empty. im still hoping, that here is someone who exactly knows, how a desert-border looks like ... but if we use cheats, we could still access the editor while in game-mode, am i right? then it wouldn't matter. Anyway: About the ride names... is the nameing international or do we all have to stick with english names?
  22. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    park is now ready for the next one. Here is a full changelog: (its also a computer generated image, but we figured out, that this forum cant handle them correctly. Dosnt matter, it still does its job ) Download: Maybe this "mount dirtmore" river should end in the lake... It looks strange, when it suddenly ends.
  23. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    is this mount dirtmore: that would be awesome. That minetrain could easily mixed with a flume ride or something like this. there is also now a hunting pulpit on each glade (you can see one of them in the bottom right) Here is another close-up based on one of my parks: The area is based on a RCT1 Scenario. I think it was the "crazy coaster" mission of the added attractions addon. here is how it looked in RCT1 (and the Nolimits 2 recreation of it as well): if someone want to create a suspendet coaster, this would be a perfect place for it and also made sure, that the terrain itself looks quite nice: But there is still a lot of things to do. For example: Someone else really need to improve the desert. Im not a desert fox. i have no idea how a real border of an actual desert looks like. The only thing i know, is that there must be a mountain between grassland and desert (or a ocean). Another problem is the broadleaf forest, that starts south of the lake. (where the terraforming stopped). The color of the trees are not correct. We might need to continue with a mixed forest instead but that would be the job of the next user. I try to improve the chasm in the north a bit and merge the rock with the grass/dirt a bit together.
  24. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    I found iron. Wohoo. We can now save some money for our steel rollercoasters \o/ And here the full map right now: starting with fine tuning right now. (terrain painting with small sized brush and smoothing out the edges of the terrain with bushes)
  25. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    most themenparks are built on farmlands anyway, so it could be the case (At least in germany its the case. because of the fact, that themen parks need to be in a certain distant to cities, because of the noise, its the cheapest way to buy land from farmers). building land on the other hand is expensive farmland located directly at the border of cities Not when its feeded by a underground well and the area is a water protection area. And for a fox, its good enough Im trying to smoothly change the tree color from bright green to dark green right now without making it look badly. Its more difficult than i thought.
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