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Effect of short inspection cycle

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Hello to all,

i have a question related to the effect of the inspection cycle for a ride.

Since i started playing RCT (whatever version) i set the inspection time to "every 10 minutes". But often i ask myself if this makes sense? 

The thing is, the inspection is every 10 minutes and i have enough mechanics to manage this cycle, but it seems that more inspections has no positive effect on an ride, because the reliability decreases over time and some rides breaking down every 2-3 minutes or so.

The only thing is, you need less mechanics, if the inspection cycle is longer.

So: What is the effect of the inspection cycle on a ride?

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Over time, the reliability of all rides goes down faster, whatever the inspection interval is. Mechanics restore up to 25% of the lost reliability. Keeping the reliability high will always have a positive result, decreasing the chance of breakdowns.

This code is responsible for handling inspections: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/blob/develop/src/openrct2/peep/peep.c#L4812, and this is what decreases reliability (ignore the comment): https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/blob/develop/src/openrct2/ride/ride.c#L2280

If the ride does break down, higher relibility may prevent a brake failure.

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Flat rides are cheap and easy to replace. If it's 2 years old and broken, it makes sense to just demolish and replace them, since you will also be able to ask more money for them. In such a case you could get away with setting their intervals at 1 hr. On the flip side, breakdowns are never good for guest happiness.

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