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Odd Quirk: Deselecting Water

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Posted (edited)

Heya, so I was messing around with saved games and the object selector (For new people who are reading this and have no clue what this is; Enable debug in the options). and I found that you can deselect water while it is in use. In the scenario editor, trying to continue the creation process will give you an error message telling you that you havn't selected a water type. However, in play, there is no message and the game allows you to close the selection box. The water will still exist, and it seems to deafult to "whatever water color was last selected.

However, placing water, deselecting the type, saving, reloading, and selecting a different type will cause any pixels in the water that are supposed to flash to flash in the colors of the newly selected water. Saving again and then reloading will convert the water to the selected color.


As a side note; messing around with changing the water colors without saving can cause the options portion of the bar to change color, despite this not happening when a water color is selected normally. The water icon on the bar also changes, but only after closing the selection window.'

P.S. version 7ac7c1e Dev

Edited by imlegos
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Well. That's odd, isn't it?


I don't really see a terrible issue though. At least it is an interesting one. ;) That reminds me, 


Feature for Future OpenRCT2: Being able to select more than one water type. So you can have "lava" in your park, or murky water, ect.

Posted (edited)

@BlazingEmpireHD It's not really a "issue" just a "odd quirk". Selecting multiple water types won't be possible, due too the way the game renders water. selecting water affects the game's color pallet, and this is even shown in game by 2 color options being "Light Water" and "Dark Water". They're always listed as part of the blue pallet, but depending on the selected water color, they change.

Edited by imlegos
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  On 23/11/2016 at 20:29, BlazingEmpireHD said:

Feature for Future OpenRCT2: Being able to select more than one water type. So you can have "lava" in your park, or murky water, ect.


Not possible without changes to the file format. Water colors remap the entire game's palette; you can't have the same set of water colors remap to two different things. You'd have to change it so that each land tile has a byte to specify water type.

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I'm no computer genius, or game developer. Sounds like wayyy too much work. Although, it'd be so cool to see. An alternitive I see is custom scenery.


I've been thinking, I have another feature (that might actually work given enough work). 

I've always wanted to have more options for terra-painting. (Tile colours). I'm sure several people have wished for a rock/snow paint option, a grass/snow option, snow/mud, and tiles that have three or more components. I'm not sure how hard it would be to implement, but it would be cool nevertheless.


I figured it would. I've seen the moving water objects, but never have I seen anything regarding more terra-painting tiles. While it would be a cool thing to have, I don't see it happening for a long time.


I've got a question. When do you all see OpenRCT2 coming to completion? Do you think it will ever end?

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