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Link Track Building To keyboard


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I think it would be much easier (well at least for me) to build coasters, if the track pieces were linked to keyboard keys so one could build an entire coaster without the use of the mouse. It would be a bit complicated coming up with a schematic (which key for which piece etc.) (there are so many variables), but it seems possible.

One problem i have also noticed in track building is that when you try to tilt a straight-away at 45 degrees you are automatically given a curved bank piece, or a helix. You have to click bank again for the bank to be straight. This, and some other automatic track functions seem counter intuitive. I have even noticed when i have deconstructed and rebuilt a few pre-made coasters that certain track pieces that exist in the pre-made ride don't even exist in the track piece selection. I could be wrong, but this is what i think i have observed.

Well i'm not an incredibly skilled coaster builder at the moment, and maybe if i practice more i wouldn't be making this here suggestion, but i really think its a good idea.

---- or if simple mouse scrolling or up and down keys could scroll through different track pieces this may be helpful as well.

Edited by joshmarsilio
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