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joshmarsilio's Coasters And Parks


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Posted (edited)

These parks were made mostly with original rct2 "vanilla", using mostly pre-made coasters (but do contain some original coasters too). They are my time lapsed (no cheats except in later development) (mostly vanilla) completions of the first three parks listed here. The coasters were created in openrct2 but with limited object selection. 



Crazy Castle By Josh Marsilio 4.18.parkFetching info...

Bumbly Bazaar by Josh Marsilio 2.99.sv6Fetching info...

Extreme Heights By Josh Marsilio 5.63.sv6Fetching info...

Extreme Heights (REMIX) By Josh Marsilio 1.39.sv6Fetching info...

batista By JoshMarsilio 1.18.sv6Fetching info...

the fourth dimension by JoshMarsilio 1.0.sv6Fetching info...

supermouse By JoshMarsilio.sv6Fetching info...

SuperKarts By JoshMarsilio.sv6Fetching info...



59e9ac03ed882_BumblyBazaarByJoshMarsilio2017-10-2003-48-12.thumb.png.7557e89a8420a6b25a84526f407d7f82.png59e9ac1b50da8_ExtremeHeightsByJoshMarsilio2017-10-2003-47-52.thumb.png.bcd9f8c1752d29cfc229ce8f7a89abed.png5acce37e78e67_XtRmeHeightsRMXJMarsilio2018-04-1012-13-24.thumb.png.801da81b5e1f44d20d3ce7a61af2eb41.png59e9ac03ed882_BumblyBazaarByJoshMarsilio2017-10-2003-48-12.thumb.png.7557e89a8420a6b25a84526f407d7f82.png5a6d07d1d70b9_Batista2018-01-2718-09-18.thumb.png.8397cd2b7d1ace31cbd82fbc79ebfacb.pngDeluxe Park 2016-10-06 12-54-31.png595728030e7ea_EarthPark2017-05-1717-39-52.thumb.png.90ee1050ce2b7f8a72571f2a95a31526.png5957282f6f488_SixFlagsMediocreMountain2016-10-0612-46-31.thumb.png.0ab32cb1a31c8e1f4a78ce1c85fd8743.png



Crazy Castle By Josh Marsilio 4.18.parkFetching info...

Edited by joshmarsilio

hey, i'm a beginner. it took me some time to create these parks, and what's the difference if i use pre-made rides, they're still good rides, somebody is bound to use them somewhere. I've only owned the game for less than 2 years now, i have a slow computer, and i don't have all the building pieces you have. 


The difference between prefabs and custom is that you have the satisfaction of creating something no one else has, as it is, your park looks like the mound of 1st time completing Crazy Castles.

Posted (edited)

It is of my first time completing crazy castles and it took me more than 12 hours of game play. What's wrong with it? How is a custom coaster any better than a pre-made coaster? The pre made coaster's are custom in the sense that somebody made them at some point. Show me a better version of crazy castle and i will be impressed.

By the way i am demonstrating 2 other custom coasters which i've made. You don't seem to be impressed with them either.

I  am tired of seeing everyone's coasters lets see some parks.

Edited by joshmarsilio
  On 16/09/2016 at 20:32, joshmarsilio said:

It is of my first time completing crazy castles and it took me more than 12 hours of game play. What's wrong with it? How is a custom coaster any better than a pre-made coaster? The pre made coaster's are custom in the sense that somebody made them at some point. Show me a better version of crazy castle and i will be taken.

By the way i am demonstrating 2 other custom coasters which i've made. You don't seem to be impressed with them either.

I  am tired of seeing everyone's coasters lets see some parks.


well we've all seen the default coasters already because they are default. It's like trying to impress people by showing them a lamp. Yeah it might look cool but if everyone already has that lamp, what's there to know? As for your custom coasters, they are spaghetti bowls, very erratic and ill thought out designs which may garner good stats but are hardly attractive rides. Look at some more professional parks to get an idea as to what is considered noteworthy in this community. New Element designs are considered the best so maybe download some of those and try replicating what they made.

Posted (edited)

well your crazy castle is quite unimpressive, and have you even downloaded the .sv6 files to see my rides? i think they're great they're two of my favorite rides i've ever seen. Anyway, Rct2 is not just about building coasters. I am still waiting to see a better completion of these three parks....  waiting .....

by the way, i am feeling inclined to delete these files i've uploaded if not a single person is going to appreciate them.

Why don't you all ever upload some of your .sv6 files huh?

Edited by joshmarsilio
Posted (edited)

Because none of these are proper saves.

I am posting this not from my desktop which has all my serious projects, but from my laptop with which I am just completing the game for the hell of it. I shall return here later with a image of some stuff I have made with proper scenery in mind.

Also, the point on my Crazy Castle image is to basically show how simple it is, and how it can easily be done with only 6 custom layout rides (Maze, Golf, Monorail, Junior, Wooden Wild, and Looping Shuttle). Also, the image was not taken at the point of completion but rather at the point I had saved it. However, running the map at max speed for a bit without touching anything will yeild a success

Edited by imlegos
Posted (edited)

by the way, there are three parks here i'm showing you; crazy castle, bumbly bazaare, extreme heights. And then batista and fourth dimension are the two coasters i made. I don't see whats not good about these rides.

Edited by joshmarsilio

I'm still on my laptop you dolt. Besides who cares what scenario they are in.

All I can show you elsewise is a screen shot of Electric Fields, Factory Capers, a unfinished Eurasia - Renovation (From the Ashes), a unfinished Botany Breakers, A very unfinished build utilizing only vanilla assets, and a even more unfinished build using minimal custom scenery assets.


A good coaster appears random but it actually very tightly controlled. Every piece of track complements another piece of track or scenery in some way shape or form. A bad coaster is actually random. Nothing goes together it just seems to go. Your coasters are VERY haphazard but still very simple. They aren't creative enough to stand out or realistic enough to blend in. They have no real cohesion.


What even are those screenshots? Jesus man

Prefabs are the lazy way out and shows you have no creativity UNLESS you intend to improve upon the ride itself tremendously, here looks like you spam a lot of scenery and such.

Also forgive me if I'm wrong, but one of those screenshots reminds me of someone else.......


Posted (edited)

Reminds you of someone else? I don't understand what you're saying.

i'm still waiting to see an .sv6 file, or a better version of these scenarios. Can you even prove who did make the prefab rides? I bet you can't, so whats the difference. 

Sensual, i am unimpressed with your coasters. They are all the same and are all wooden. You have some general skills but how about something a little more "unusual"?

Well i'm 1 message away from deleting my uploads, i'm sorry i tried.

Edited by joshmarsilio
  On 16/09/2016 at 22:17, joshmarsilio said:

Reminds you of someone else? I don't understand what you're saying.

i'm still waiting to see an .sv6 file, or a better version of these scenarios. Can you even prove who did make the prefab rides? I bet you can't, so whats the difference. 

Sensual, i am unimpressed with your coasters. They are all the same and are all wooden. You have some general skills but how about something a little more "unusual"?

Well i'm 1 message away from deleting my uploads, i'm sorry i tried.


I give you advice and your response is to say "we can't prove who made the prefab rides" (made by Chris Sawyer's team, replica's of coasters made by Schwarzkopf, Dinn Corp., Vekoma, B&M, and Cobb) and "Sensual, i am unimpressed with your coasters." This isn't a contest. Do you want to get better or stay delusional that you're good. You can't take any sort of constructive criticism or even a literal guide.

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