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Everything posted by Broxzier

  1. I added a bit about mountains, I hope this is useful for some of you.
  2. Yup, SnowMew finished and now it's your turn already! ^^
  3. You can basically just add yourself to the list, as long as you play it fair :PCurrent list: Philmon11, Broxzier, UTMAN, imlegos, benboyrocks, SnowMew, AdamLambertMissed turn: Derf, jensj12
  4. First: I think everyone should do that as soon as they are done with the park.Second: Great idea!The thing with the observation tower had to do with some scenery I misplaced while having clearance checks disabled, someone has fixed it already it seems.
  5. Works fine for me, maybe hard refresh? (Ctrl+F5), or try this direct link:
  6. Rapid riverrrrr!View imageMining coasterrrr!View imageI don't know what to call thissss!View image
  7. That was quick! I'll take a look at it right away.Current list: Philmon11, Broxzier, UTMAN, imlegos, benboyrocks, SnowMewMissed turn: Derf, jensj12
  8. Make us proud SnowMew! :D
  9. Added you!Current list: Snowmew, Philmon11, Broxzier, UTMAN, imlegos, benboyrocksMissed turn: Derf, jensj12
  10. Nice and fast. The mineing train coaster might blocks the path there though. Let's see how this gets solved :PCurrent list: Snowmew, Philmon11, Broxzier, UTMAN, imlegosMissed turn: Derf, jensj12
  11. Not posting my personal Skype here, you can contact me on 123mannetje[at] if you wish. I have it open right now.
  12. If even only one person doesn't have the expansion packs they are being left out of the fun. With custom scenery this is not an issue however, since it'll get imported when first opening the park.
  13. I'd like to know your opinions on it, I don't want to be the only one making these decisions. I don't have WW and TT installed at the moment, but wouldn't mind doing so for this park. I can imagine others here not having the expansion packs though.Wacky World / Time Twister pollCustom Scenery pollWhen you vote against using the expansions or custom scenery, please explain why. :)
  14. There's an option "No entrance" in the colouring tab, it just makes them invisible.
  15. Seems like the scenery that I placed on the platform is in the way, by removing it the mechanic guy could reach it.I'll take a look at what you build later today, from what I saw just now the new area and river thingy fits well.Current list: imlegos, Snowmew, Philmon11, Broxzier, UTMANMissed turn: jensj12
  16. I never really place them except for long roads, guests don't seem to take them often anyway.
  17. Heya! I'm finished, here's what I've done:- Extended the railroad a little to the other side- Placed two rides: Observation tower and ferris wheel (Now I think of it, they probably have 1s in their names :P)- Changed some scenery here and there to make it look better- Added scenery around the coaster that Snowmew build- Build a new area so guests can access the lake, reachable from both waysHere's a screenshot:View imageDownload V3 here: some reason it won't load in the original game anymore, but it works fine with the launcher.Current list: UTMAN, imlegos, Snowmew, Philmon11, BroxzierMissed turn: jensj12 (give a call when you want to join again, you'll be placed first)Good luck UTMAN! :D
  18. Alright, thanks for letting us know. I'll start right away and will probably post the result tonight. Would you like to go after me or maybe let someone else first?
  19. It looks fun Snowmew! Both links are working. I'll probably do the scenery around it when it's my turn ^^@Derf: Ahh that's a shame. Take care, I hope to see you joining during or after winter then!Current list: jensj12, Broxzier, UTMAN, imlegos, Snowmew, Philmon11imlegos beat me to it :PEdit:It's been 12 days since jensj12's last post. I'll wait till tonight (~8 hours from now) before I'll start working on the park.
  20. @UTMAN: Sounds good to me, let's just have full freedom in where to build stuff then. :P Also good point about the delay. What about having a second list of people who missed their turn, and when they respond they will be next in line again? In this case Derf responded again, so he'll be after Snowmew.@Derf: No worries, you can go after Snowmew if you want!
  21. Derf still has two hours to claim their spot, in case they do not respond in time here's the updated list:SnowMew, Derf, jensj12, Broxzier, UTMAN, imlegos (confirm?)@UTMAN (and the rest): Just my opinion would be to make it grow like real parks by expanding what is there already. What do you guys prefer?
  22. Works perfectly, it's looking good!Good luck Derf, you're next! :DEdit:Huh, why is this message placed above yours?
  23. Nice catch. You can post them to GitHub here (you can get there by clicking on the !-icon on the right). Before posting an issue just make sure there's no other issue targeting the exact same thing.I'll let you post it so you learn how it works. It's probably a good idea to mention issue #2065 (the one I made for you earlier).
  24. I'm fine with that for now, but I don't want to keep being the person who uploads the park manually every time - sharing it yourself could make this much faster.Current list: Derf, SnowMew, jensj12, Broxzier, UTMAN, imlegos (?)
  25. Someone has fixed it already!
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