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Everything posted by xbalogan

  1. Righto, after my hiatus I'd like to give this a go too if possible! I have to say, even with my love for the current group park, the amount of coasters does urk me a little :L I prefer more realistic parks and as such this'd literally be perfect if all goes well
  2. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    And from the woods I re-emerge! After a little break to recuperate somewhat and regain some inspiration, I've decided to return to the group park! And as such... CLAIMED Claimed: xbalogan Next In Line: imlegos, UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Squab, Przemek, Broxzier,WobblyRails, Racey, qbbqMissed Turn: Philmon11 , Enner
  3. Awesome! It'll be nice since I'm so used to just hitting enter and it really urked me every time I'd hit it and nothing would happen D:
  4. Yeah, knowing that the game can't be changed massively due to relying on the original game did make it seem difficult... But even just being to hold down and drag instead of having to click each chunk individually would be miles better.
  5. Firstly, pressing Enter to accept a password input for servers would be great. Also, a better system for setting patrol areas, even just being able to click and drag would be miles better. Keep up the good work
  6. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Claimed: @Broxzier Next In Line: WobblyRails Xbalogan, qbbq, imlegos , UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Philmon, Squab Missed Turn: Enner
  7. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    At the bottom when writing a comment you can attach files, screenshots will just be displayed as is if they're added. Good to see you back Legos, the missed turn list is finally growing smaller D:
  8. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Right, finished. I didn't really accomplish much, mainly just redid all of my previous tweaks and minor additions. Namely; - A small park, "Lakeside park" along the lake front close to boardwalk. - A large suspension bridge, the final addition to complete the industrial zone as a whole. Besides that I mainly cleared some things up and terraformed. Next In Line: @UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Philmon11, Wuis, Squab, Broxzier, xbalogan Missed Turn: imlegos, Enner Community Park V2.61.sv6
  9. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Coolio, will get working on it soon
  10. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Yeah that's fine Just tag me in a message like usual when you're done
  11. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Before is fine, just tag me in a message or pm me when you're done
  12. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    RIP, wasn't fast enough... I'll be claiming it after Wobbly is done if that's alright
  13. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Yeah I wasn't sure whether he was finished or not... I'll happily wait whilst he finishes
  14. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Has anyone claimed or could I possibly do so? My Internet is pretty stable now so I feel I could actually complete something
  15. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    That's because it's a pixel my girlfriend did for me, its of us But when she drew it we both had dyed hair, which has now been changed (faded or re-dyed in her case) so I edited it
  16. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Ech, sorry for all the issues D: My Internet has been fixed for now, but I wont get involved in the park until I'm sure it's good to go... I didn't do a whole lot of work, nothing I cant recreate so it shouldnt be an issue for my next turn, but yeah Im real sorry for all the delays I've caused
  17. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Apologies again for the delay, my household is switching ISP so I'm unable to upload the park right now, but I am basically finished, just tweaking some small things whilst I wait for the internet to come back up... I'll give a full update with screenshots when I'm able to (Hopefully by tonight) Sorry again :(
  18. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Sorry for the hold up, was out of house so wasn't able to claim it properly, hence the hold up Ill try my best to be more clear and on time to responding so as to avoid these situations again D: Ill get this finished for tomorrow evening
  19. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Oh damn Sorry about that, I would like to claim it though
  20. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Wait! It hasnt been my 24 hours to claim! ;-;
  21. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    I'd prefer Brox's design as it keeps the initial idea for the ride Nice effort though and thank you for finally fixing it
  22. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Im happy to wait my turn and just slot back in as is though
  23. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Next In Line: @Philmon11 , Squab, Broxzier, enner, Wobbly, UTMAN, jensj12, xbalogan, Wuis Missed Turn: imlegos
  24. xbalogan

    Group Park 2

    Why has my name suddenly turned to xblogan D: Also, throw me in after jensj as Im free to get back into the group park after a somewhat lengthy break
  25. They were removed as a feature in multiplayer due to them causing massive desync issues I believe, desync being one of the largest issues with multiplayer atm.
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