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Everything posted by BEplayer

  1. I think that the boat ride will be rethemed. Paramount has so many IPs, they will probably implement then into the park. To retheme the brothers Grimm ride to an ip just makes sense.
  2. That's true. I haven't build one since 2004...
  3. The giga coasters track pieces are locked behind cheats for a good reason. The trains have no new sprites for some of the elements. I would regemant to either use other trains (like the new LSM trains or floorless trains) or to just accept the glitching.
  4. I think the same. An Intamin exa coaster would be great. Hopefully it's not a 1000 meters tall zamperla coaster
  5. This could replace Kingda ka: A while back six flags actually showed us this plan of a 400 foot mack extreme spinner. Do you think it looks good?
  6. Yea, I really hate to see that. When I will see Videos of it coming down I will probably cry.
  7. If you don't know, the tallest coaster in the world just closed quietly. Kingda Ka is going to be removed. I sadly never got to ride it. I think that this decision will be awful for six flags great adventure.
  8. I guess it would be possible. Probably somebody is already working in this.
  9. When I visited the park today the park was crowed. The new coaster had a 70 minutes line all day long, the capacity really isn't great.
  10. I think that, especially in our current days where we have to get used to the idea of war again, it's really important to look back. As a german I can say, that war never was good for our country. We only lost land, cities, history and most importantly lives. I think, that there should be one rule: The people responsible for the war, should be at the frontline. Then, there would never be a war again. Also, it's important to appreciate peace, as long as we still have it.
  11. This is a great idea!
  12. I quietly worked on this park for the last months, now it's finished! It's meant to be a six flags park, with lot's of big caosters. I also wanted to give it this american park atmosphere, I am interested what you think! Enjoy! Coasters: "Steel Phantom" B&M Stand Up Coaster (1994) "Joker" RMC Hyper hybrid (2018) "Furiosa del Mar" Intamin Strata Coaster (2006) "Kid Flash Cosmic coaster" Vekoma Family Boomerang (2015) "Diving Coaster" B&M Dive (2024) "Steam Flyer" Gravity Group woodie with inversion (2011) "Ghostly Mine" Arrow Mine Train (1963) "Rough Rider" SBF Visa Family Coaster XCW-07099 (2001) Water Rides: "Ghostly Flume" Arrow Log Flume (1969) "Mexican River Tour" Intamin Splash Boats (1999) Tower Rides: "Superman Power Tower" S&S Shot and Drop (2000) "Great American Sky Scream" Funtime Starflyer (2022) "dalton Terror: The drop!" Intamin Drop Tower (2013) Other flat Rides: "Lex Luthers Invatron" Huss Top Spin (2002) "Firering" Larson Super Loop (2017) "La volare" Zierer Wave Swinger (1990) "La navis de mexicana" Martin and Flamings int. Swinging Ship (1965) "Grand American Scrambler" Scrambler (1976) "Iron Sharks" Huss Double Inverter (1988) "Wild Wheel Spin" Zamperla Teacups (2001) "Ghost Town Bumpers" Zamperla Bumper cars (2001) "Le grande carousel" Hüttinger carousels USA.(1959) Other attractions: "Maze of Dalton Manor" Horror Maze (2020) Project Ghosttown.park Make shure to give me feedback down bellow! Project Ghosttown.park
  13. That would be nice, but you can already do this! This video shows how to build beyond vertical: And to build elevators, just download the advanced track plugins
  14. Teaser #2: The park will feature the highest coaster in North America!
  15. Hope this new Company b&m builds a new coaster here soon. Iron Wolf is amazing.
  16. great small details! I am interested to see what they add next.
  17. It will be in present time.
  18. Thanks! I had a lot of fun building this.
  19. This is the Soundtrack of Nessie at my home park hansa park. Its So underrated and so amazing. When I recreated Hansa Park, I heard this song for hours.
  20. this is a great song!
  21. I think it looked awesome
  22. I just wanted to say thanks to the open rct2 developers. First I want to talk about the new updates. I remember thinking about features open rct2 should add to the game 4 years ago. Back then I thought of a RMC hybrid, a rmc Single rail and an intamin blitz. Now, 4 years later, all of these are in the game. I never thought that this would happen, but it did. Without the amazing open rct2 developers that would have not been possible. So, thanks for that! I also like that the developers seem to have a masterplan for the game in their minds. When the Zero g-rolls were added to the hybrid coaster, I thought that these would be exclusive to the hybrid coaster. But I was wrong. Never thought, that the corkshrew could get these as well. To end this post, I want to share some ideas for the game, some may be a bit unrealistic. 1) Zero g-rolls and new elements on the b&m track 2) big loops and corkshrews for the compact inverted coaster 3) Tilt Tracks 4) new gen intamin track (double spined) Thanks!
  23. Teaser #1: The park will have some losely themed areas: 1) Ghost Town Mine Village 2) Steam City 3) DC Universe 4) Mexico 5) Dark Castles of Dalton
  24. This is my newest park, I worked on it for the last 2 months. It's meant to be a typical american six flags styled park. I build this park on the map of the Ghost Town scenario, much in the style of the "scenarios but beautiful" series created by deurklink for a contest. The park will be released very soon, until then I will post teasers.
  25. This map includes three rides: One rocking horse ride, one B&M invert as well as a drop tower. The park is completly western themed. Enjoy! Showcase Video including this park: Download:
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