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Everything posted by BEplayer

  1. Classified Feedback: This is awesome! I really like the concept with the shuttle design. The ride is a bit jolty though.
  2. A while ago I recreated Hansa Park! For this, I also had to recreate a big construction side near the front entrance. In real life this big constrution side will be the home to a big new attraction in the future. So I thought it would be fun, to do a little "Contest"! For this contest I want you to build a ride of your choice on this plot of land. Some things that you may want to know: The ride is allowed to leave the plot in parts. But the station must be on this plot of land. you can choose any ride! Try to also make it look nice! Remember: This ride will be located in a medival area of the park, so work with that theme if you want to! After you are finished, upload your park here down bellow! When there are enough entries, I will start a voting here who wins this contest! The main purpose of this is to have fun together! Everyone is welcomed to join! You have not to be really got! You may want to remove the construction side decorations first! No custom scenery! Only the dkmp objects! Download the map you have to build on here: PCC2_BEplayer.park I am meaning this construction side: Some information about the real life project (only in German):!&&p=dc4246a432844e2e94706c3225d6f53e388dbb93e5fa685cd995a2a7ee6975a8JmltdHM9MTcyOTI5NjAwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=077c7952-a240-6c9b-33ad-6dd5a35e6d6c&psq=hansa+park+best+kept+secret&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9jb2FzdGVyZnJpZW5kcy5kZS9mcmVpemVpdHBhcmtmb3J1bS9pbmRleC5waHA_dGhyZWFkcy9uZXVoZWl0LTIwMngtZ3JvJUMzJTlGYXR0cmFrdGlvbi1pbS1oYW5zYS1wYXJrLjEyMjY4NTgv&ntb=1 Enjoy building!
  3. On the PC I just have to open the downloaded file to open the park, probably it works the same on the phone.
  4. Oh, than this cheat doesn't exist in your version of the game. But I think that you still should be able to download the rct Go park. When you open this park, you will win the scenario after a few secounds.
  5. Oh I see! I think you currently have rct classic. I sady have no expierience with this version of the game. Have you installed Open rct2?
  6. This player did it like this: [RCTC] Dragon's Cove - completed - Downloads - RCTgo
  7. I don't have this scenario, it's not included in the rct2 base game I guess. If you can send me the map to download it, I can quickly build the coasters! Just attach the file to your post: Click on the "Drag files here to attach, or choose files" button Go in the open rct2 folder (for most people this folder is under documents) Click on "save" Select your park
  8. Dragon's Cove/Scenario Guide | RollerCoaster Tycoon | Fandom Maybe this can help you!
  9. There is a cheat in the cheat menu to win the scenario. Not saying you should use this cheat, but in the end that's your decision. You can find this cheat under the cheat options, and there under park cheats. If you don't have the cheat menu, activate it in your settings.
  10. If you want even better stats, this video may be helpful. It's also from Marcel Vos, he makes some amazing content. I learned all my basic knowledge from him.
  11. Yeah, looks pretty good! Nice coaster!
  12. I just love these new elements. I am currently using them all the time in my new parks!
  13. I can't see the whole ride with your screenshots, but I like that the coaster hugs the terrain really well. One thing you don't need to do is to add a chainlift on the secound hill that leads into the tunnel. The train would make it over without it, and you would save some maintenance money.
  14. Examples to explain G forces: Lateral Gs: This is the physical force that pushes your body to the side in turns. There is a coaster type called wild mouse, which offers some unbanked turns. These push you from side to side. Vertical Gs: These can be positive or negative. Positive vert. Gs press you into your seat, negatives lift you out of your seat. When coaster fans talk about "airtime" they mean this sensation. You can also watch this really easy to understand video: I think it's important to know how real life coasters work to design functional coasters in rct, so that's why I explained this.
  15. I want to give you some tips for future coasters (to get the intensity right): 1) Bank every Element! Its a good tip to bank every element that you are able to! If you are not able to bank the curve, add brakes to reduce the speed of the train. 2) Element sequencing! Sequence the elements in the right way! Put the biggest elements first, put the smallest later in your layout. For example: Chainlift, Drop, Big Loop, big hills (Coaster Enthusiast often say Airtime Hill), Brakes higher off the ground, small drop, corkshrew, final brakes)
  16. You just need practise. When you know the basics, it get's more fun, I can confidently say this.
  17. So I assume that you now know everything? I am not able to understand the last two messages because my dutch isn't to good, I am only able to know that "Dankje" means Thanks because it's "Danke" in german Greetings from the Baltic Sea!
  18. If you still need help, just write me which language I should speak (I will use the internet)
  19. This could help you.
  20. Today I visited a really small but sharming theme park. The park is called "Karls Erlebnishof Koserow". In English this means: "Karl's Adventure Village Koserow". This park is located on Usedom, a small island in east germany (near poland). The whole place is themed to a farm, and this really well. For such a small park the theming level is really high. This park has only two coasters. One of them is only for children, it's a human powered kiddie coaster, which is just odd. Then there is the "Erdbeerraupenbahn". Translated to english that means "Strawberry caterpillar express". I thought that this ride just would be another wacky worm, but I was suprised! In the back row I got a nice weak ejector airtime pop. I know, sounds crazy. So make shure to visit this small park, if you are in north east germany. RCDB Page:
  21. BEplayer


    You should probably join the dkmp discord server if you are able to (it's free). There you can take part in contests that could really help you to improve your creations. Getting feedback is always a great idea.
  22. BEplayer


    Hi Spacecoke! Nice that you found your way back to rct. This parks looks pretty nice, much nicer than some things I have seen from players that have played much longer than you. As for the merry go round, I sadly can't really help you as I am not to good in shoestring rides.
  23. I hope the video works for you!
  24. A great addition! This seems like they wanted to recreate the sucess of the beast. For my taste the ride was to lateral heavy and just had some mild floater over a few of these hills.
  25. Hey, I actually have experience with this game, I have played it now for over 1 year. When I build coasters, I try to make it realistic. But this is not to bad, as a first creation. I really like the landscaping and the enclosed lufthill! Some tips for future creations: 1) Try to mix up your elements. There was one section where you put like 4 heartline rolls in a row. That feels really repetitive. 2) Work on your sequencing. Put the biggest elements first and make them smaller as you build the layout. For example: Drop, Camelback, Loop, cobra roll, midcourse breakrun, corkshrew, heartline roll 3) Use freeform mode! This ride was completly build in classic mode, the freeform mode just allows you to make much smoother elements. Use this tutorial: I hoped I helped you a bit! This is a coaster I made this week: Screen_Recording_20241012_230101_Ultimate Coaster 2.mp4
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