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Everything posted by BEplayer

  1. I created this map for a contest which was hosted by deurklink. Download Page + Screenshots:
  2. Looks really bright and colourful, I think it would be nice to see some ground texturing.
  3. I really love your concept! It's amazing to see how the park is developing into a giant theme park.
  4. Are there any mistakes I made with the park? Please let me know.
  5. The first update is here! - painted some markers on the surface - landsacping (lakes) - some first coasters (layouts of colossus, desert race and krake) - some placeholder rides
  6. I will recreate Heide Park in the next months! Really excited to give you the first update tomorrow! Everybody who writes a coment, will become an entertainer in the park!
  7. Hello and welcome to this new series! What could be coming here?
  8. This is my biggest project yet! But what will come next?
  9. The park is ready for download: Hansa Park Recreation 2024 by BEplayer - Downloads - RCTgo
  10. This is the download of my hansa park recreation. I recreated all the coasters and rides, as well as the buildings. Enjoy! Build Log: DOWNLOAD: (If you are a member of the dkmp discord, don't download this to avoid spilers, because this is my entry for the park creation contest!!) Edit: Now everybody is allowed to download! Hansa Park 2024 Recreation.park SCREENSHOTS:
  11. That looks amazing! Nice job
  12. This is amazing. I really like the effort, creating all these slides likely took you a lot of time. I think the developers really should have a close look at this.
  13. That sounds like a great project. Sadly I have no time to play at the time, and I am not dutch too.
  14. Hey, I am slowly getting better at Ultimate Coaster 2, and the game is great. This is my first "good" coaster. If you want to have a download, just ask. YouCut_20240806_171837822.mp4
  15. Its already kind of possible. There is just no way to add a Zero g stall.
  16. Hey, today I am presenting you my newest creation, a B&M Giga Coaster. This ride was not build in rct2, instead it was made in Ultimate Coaster 2. This is a free mobile game, which allows you to build and ride your own coasters. How to download the giga coaster? 1. Download this save file: masterpiece 2.uc2sav 2. Download ultimate coaster 2. Its completly free. 3. Open the game and click on the three points in the corner of your screen. 4. Click "more" and click on import track. 5. Click on the savefile, and you are done! 6. Enjoy the ride! Screenshots:
      • 1
      • Awesome
  17. With this link, you can download all my entries for the dkmp contests here: BEplayer ( Thanks to deurklink for creating the amazing website!
      • 1
      • Awesome
  18. I also had this! Glad it was fixed so quickly.
  19. If you like, answer these three questions!
  20. this old song always reminds me of the european championship 2024 in germany. This song was the goal song of our team, so it always bringst back good memories This: "Völlig losgelöst von der Erde Schwebt das Raumschiff völlig schwerelos" means something like that in englisch: Completely detached from the earth The spaceship floats completely weightless
  21. That's pretty nice.
  22. I have the same problem! As far as I know, there is no direct solution for this.
  23. Great ideas! I also would love to see a stall that sells fast passes, like the Flash pass at six flags. Then it would be great to have fast lanes added to the game.
  24. Exactly. It really was great, because I normally don't ride chainlifts at all. I am from northern germany, and there are no mountains there.
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