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Everything posted by VincentsAnimations

  1. Thanks for the response, I’m just going to explain every point you made. I’ve gone into my task manager and closed ALL the non essential apps. My internet speed is actually pretty decent. I’ve had a natrual ping of 20 ms, keep in mind that that number is an average. My distance from the host is relatively short as far as I know.
  2. So ping represents the amount of time it takes for information to go from your computer, to someone else’s computer, come back to your computer, and process the information. Not trying to school anyone just bringing that up so we know what I’m talking about. I am a moderator on the OpenRCT freebuild server so it’s important that I have a good connection to the server. However, I have a really bad ping. This ping causes everything on the server to teleport and pause at a rhythmic pace. It’s quiet interesting but very annoying when trying to be a moderator. Furthermore, if I take an action that is a little intense on my computer, I’m automatically disconnected from the server. I’m not blaming anyone but myself for this issue. I think my connection to the server could be easily explained by something I’m unaware of. And that’s why I’m bringing this up. I don’t know why my ping is this bad. I’ve never had an issue with any other server. Do you have any ideas on how I could improve on this?
  3. What exactly does a dedicated server mean? I’ve gotten a little bit of information from other people but I decided to just ask you guys (or girls). I’ve heard of headless commands and I’ve wondered the purpose of having a headless host. Does it just reduce the likelyhood of having the server crash? I don’t know, I don’t host servers professionally like most of you guys. So let me know.
  4. Holy crap! This is pretty meta. I always looked at the game as a philsophical challenge more than the math challenge. XD
  5. You’re left in a room with only three boxes. You open the first box and it has a card inside of it. The card says, “the third box is true.” You go to open the third box and it has another card in it. The card reads, “the first box is false.” You open the second box and the card inside reads, “both box 1 and box 3 are false.”
  6. If you go to the Downloads page for OpenRCT you should find a "download launcher" option. The launcher should update the game every time you open the launcher.
  7. I've been getting this error a lot whenever I search more than 3 times a minute. I don't know what the error code means or why I keep getting this.
  8. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. When I host a server, I usually go into cheats and disable ride breakdowns, guest vandalism, littering, etc. I’ve always wondered if it’s a cowardly move that I make. I don’t know, what do you guys think?
  9. It’s a fun trick that a lot of people use and is also used in the roller coaster calculator by Marcel Vos. Coolest Video Ever. I didn’t program the game so I’ll let someone else fill in the rest of the details.
  10. Wait...why did nobody inform me of this? XD
  12. I’ve put together a slideshow for the people who are interested in The Park of Realism. I know it’s not the best slideshow ever but bare with me. It will show up in the comments section.
  13. don't feel like typing...
  14. For some reason, rides that have already saved coaster designs under them don't show on multiplayer. I'm not sure if this is a technical issue or by deliberate intent.
  15. It's possible that you could implement some kind of system where a path way is fused with the track. So if a ride breaks down while it's operating, guests can leave the ride while on a break run. I think that this idea might be a little easier to apply to the game.
  16. It was a thought vomit. Just getting little ideas out there ya know?
  17. Those stupid bobsled coasters OH MY GOD!! They are a horrendous tire fire of intensity and crashes. I CAN NOT make a SINGLE FREAKING bobsled coaster without it killing alot of guests in my park because THEY ARE SO UNSTABLE AF!! Alright, I'm gonna enter the chill zone for a sec...
  18. DON'T FREAK OUT!! THIS POST ISN'T MEANT TO BASH ON RCT2'S GRAPHICS!! So I've looked at some of the graphics for RCT2's coasters and felt this feeling of inconsistency and emptiness. Some of the rides looks a bit sketchy when certain elements go into others. Now lemme dispel an argument for it gets created. I don't hate RCT2's graphics, they're freaking cool dude!! It fills me with joy to see the roller coasters magically animating themselves so smoothly and complicatedly. I do feel that some of these graphical inconsistencies could be changed just a little. that i think about it...nobody from the openrct dev list is gonna go out of their to fix EVERY graphic that i bring up here soooo forget it...
  19. Hey everyone. It’s the one of many Vincent’s Animations. I’ve been hanging around these forums for a bit and it’s about time I give a better introduction. Here we go. I am Vincent’s Animations. I’ve hosted the “Creativity Park” and the “Park of Realism”. I have a vision to make OpenRct2 a more relaxed and fun place to hangout and make crazy death machines (rollercoasters in English). Again, I’m not anyone’s favorite person on the forums or the game for that matter. But I’m not here to tell you about other people; that can wait. I’m here to tell you that I want to build fun and exciting maps with others. I don’t care if I don’t have a good history with you or someone else you know. I’m able to put that in the trash and be a semi-normal person. I am VERY excited to make maps with the rest of you. I’ll see you til then.
  20. But people can easily gain your trust know the rest.
  21. Um, question. Why doesn't that link work? Is it an older link?
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