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Everything posted by VincentsAnimations

  1. It's only today that I truly understand what you mean. XD I miss these comments.
  2. Everything you're about to read below this message is pure BS. I was just trying to see what would happen if I posted pure nonsense to other people. So there is no need to DEBUNK me as I will do that for you. In a different post. Just as a warning. Most of this discussion is opinion based and is not meant for the easily TRIGGERED folks out there. Let me get real for you guys, like really real. DON'T PLAY MULTIPLAYER!! Just stop what you're doing right now and play a game by yourself. Seriously, if you want to build a map with people around the world, expect the worst because the very worst is coming your way. There are PLENTY of people who are on the servers for mass destruction and terrorism. People you don't know can be really dangerous if given too much power. Now, you might be thinking, "Hey Vincent's Animations, we know the people we're playing with and we know when people are here for bad intentions." Do you though? I've caught many trolls (with the many accounts I use online) saying things like, "I'll gain their trust and then trash them once I get the good powers." 8l Seriously though people. I really want to make OpenRCT2 a better place to be; a place to have fun and laugh. However, with people like this treading their way towards you, it's really your responsibility for what they do. Mmm well kinda. Anyways back to multiplayer. Don't play it without being prepared for the worst man. Make a server (with a password) and tell your friends, make a total FFA server, or play by yourself. Trust me, these people are after you. And I'm kinda sick of the people who get mad and complain because their server got rekt. So take what I said into consideration. And stop whining about trolls because they...are...EVERYWHERE. Cya til next time.
  3. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR IGN!! Changing your name is loudly frowned upon in OpenRCT2. If some people are using your username and trolling under it, let everyone know about it. If you're getting hate messages from people, report it to the staff. There are so many other solutions to this simple yet spontaneous issue.
  4. I've read the spreadsheet already. I just never got around to deleting that message or rewording it.
  5. Hmmmm, I think that he might also be suffering from other rides costs just building up. (that made no sense, ok lemme explain) So let's say I put a ride down for $3:00 and nobody has any complaints over the price. Yes ride value does hold some importance to how much people will pay for it. However, if say I put like 50 other rides/shops that cost $3:00 for admission (or whatever they're paying for) suddenly guests aren't going to pay for your ride simply because it holds less "value" to them. An easier way to think about it is just. Guests won't pay for rides if they just don't have the money for it compared to other rides that are more satisfactory and cheap. I have no idea if that made sense to you but I tried to lay that out the best way I could explain it.
  6. Thank you, it's called the park of creativity. If you want to join I can give you more information.
  7. I'm starting a new server that will excel at realism and specificity. If you're more into making crazy new ideas and making coasters that are... very extreme, then this isn't the server for you. If you, however, want to make a park that is immersive but still cool, this is the server for you. Come now to create fantastic new worlds that push the limits of prettiness. Side note, you will have to ask for permission and join my discord. I really don't want to advertise myself too much. However, because of the recent drama, I have to take these actions. However, I know that everyone is a special snowflake and won't do anything wrong. I will see you all of you amazing players on the server.
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