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Everything posted by imlegos

  1. Started work on a mountain themed area. +Added imlegos Terrain Block set V2 +Added GW - Water Scenery Group -Removed Water Features Theming +Added 2 Unit wooden support +Added 2 Unit diagonal wooden support +Added Mine Train Coaster +Added 6 seater Mine Train Cars (Corkscrew) Started construction on new mine train ride. Rapid Group Park 1.04.sv6 Claimed: - Players: Broxzier, jensj12, Cascadia, UTMANCooldown (2): imlegos (2)
  2. So.. I noticed a ride wasen't being fixed, and I spotted this... All the guests were stuck on this walkway, because the one above wasen't connected properly (I removed some path to show where the problem is)
  3. Claimed: - imlegosPlayers: Broxzier, jensj12, CascadiaCooldown (2): UTMAN (1)
  4. Right so... Apperently I dun messed up while reworking the group, and now the list has 2 of nearly everything. Opps.
  5. Also, now that I'm thinking about it, I should probably have made the download a folder contain the group file and the object files.
  6. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    Here. This is the version to be used.
  7. Right, so I may stake my claim to this project when I get home, but where would a good place to work on advanced terraforming be? (I would end up working with my recently released object group)
  8. I intend for this to be added to at least Rapid Group 1, along with a new area themed to either mining or just advanced terraforming. Heck, Maybe even just make a mountainous area to have a second go at an "Expedition Everest" type ride. Snow parts are included in this. Also, there are water pieces that would work with these pieces, however, I did not include them due to limiting the objects in the list. Another note: The grass blocks sadly have a black boarder effect on them, so if anyone has border-less grass blocks, it would be appreciated if you could come forward. (Blind also saw this and said if I made a map for him with this in it, he would use it in a Multiplayer session.)
  9. (Btw, IMTERBLB = IMlegos TERrain BLock set V2)
  10. Because... LOGIC!
  11. I'd think this is your worst nightmare, considering this is a object set aimed directly at making unfinished mine trains.
  12. imlegos

    Group Park 3

    After running 3.57a, these were created. a35c654e-d4a4-4427-9296-7218dd18b7a5.sv6 a35c654e-d4a4-4427-9296-7218dd18b7a5(dcf0a9d).dmp
  13. Also, to install the set, just put it into the RCT2 ObjData folder.
  14. Issued a quick fix because the fence was wrong (Couldn't be bothered to retake the image, but now it's a 3 pole fence instead of the 4 pole gate)
  15. No, I've just been waiting for them to add the ability to put "Spoiler" tabs into the forum, so I can make a ORCT2 Pokedex.
  16. Hello everyone, you may or may not remember me asking about the location of server downloaded objects, and shortly after finding them, I posted an image of a group. Well, I've finally gone and completed that group, and I proudly present to you: imlegos Terrain Block Set V2 IMTERBLB.DAT Set contains the above object selection.
  17. "I should start suggesting more memes..." And now I wait.
  18. Granted, but you have no one who would believe that you know what you do. I wish that the internet wasn't full of morons.
  19. Post scenario files?
  20. Is that image close enough to say "Deal with my AI"?
  21. The car ride based on a San Fran road. My family has tried to go through it in a Nissan Pathfinder.
  22. Also, that road is the worst for long vehicals...
  23. If I can get an icon for my terrain objects pack, I could add that for like a mine themed area. (Or just general terraforming) No, my terraforming skills are not limited to just Mine Train coasters, I've built a terra-based Twist on Blind's MPStream
  24. I'm pretty sure this is just a rendering bug, as you mentioned that the pieces are there, just being rendered underwater.
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