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Everything posted by janisozaur

  1. When it freezes, can you look at the log and see if it gets spammed with warnings? What map size are you using?
  2. github is our main issue tracker, but someone has a look at fora (here & reddit) every now and then, we pull the issues we find over to github so we can track them easily.
  3. ok, checked it – the game enters an endless loop. I've filed an issue for you:
  4. send us the save and specify where it crashes.
  5. this got merged before a proper fix was in place.
  6. we know, it's being worked on.
  7. Which version are you using?
  8. We're tied to x86 for the time being. We can build for other little-endian 32-bit platforms with some functionality disabled, but amd64 is out of reach for now.
  9. @Broxzier care to post an issue on github or mention that at gitter?
  10. See A build with this hack/fix will be available soon on this job:
  11. I loaded your park into the game and called the function that removes rides.
  12. Isn't it? Do you modify the sources before they're built? As this change is still present in repository:
  13. there ya go:
  14. Hey there. I honestly doubt raspi1 is powerful enough to be able to emulate the OS (why would you even bother to do such a thing with windows is beyond my comprehension) + openrct2 on top of it, as it struggles to even keep up with a native version.
  15. I'm running test builds of openrct2, you can try them by adding and (this is one is only temporary, to overcome launchpad's limitations, it will be merged into the former in near future) PPAs to your system. Let me know if they work or not.
  16. Not sure how you're looking, but this is quite Linux looking to me: We've had that for couple of months now. See We have a few packages already, not yet release-quality, but they may be available for your system. What distro you use?
  17. Why won't you rather use native Linux build for your server?
  18. windows builds require a certificate bundle, which we ship in windows artifacts. There is an error right there in the logs: ERROR[src\network\http.cpp:135 (http_request_json)]: HTTP request failed: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?). When you restart, you probably have wrong CWD set. I have to ask though: why would you use wine and windows build to host this server? That's super weird to me.
  19. janisozaur

    Group Park 2

    In that case you may want to see: (original issue) (investigation + possible fix) Can you (windows users) please check if the build from solves the problem with displaying map of park? To see if you're affected first check if it crashes with vanilla build.
  20. janisozaur

    Group Park 2

    Are you using any corrupt elements in this park by any chance?
  21. I'm quite sure at least one of the mentioned services would offer the RSS for podcast.
  22. I don't usually lurk in these forums, but I just noticed this thread. Please help out with I'm not too much concerned with packaging myself, regardless, I still made strides in that field and eventually, I'll have PPA working. My main concern for now is getting things working as good as they can, which implies I expect you to build from source for the time being, which is trivial. It shouldn't contain any more bugs than the windows version, there are few differences with regard to how things are set up and expected to work. It will spit out some more to stderr (compared to windows version) and will not have any messageboxes or dir selectors or other such sillyness, until someone implements that.
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