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Everything posted by zaxcav

  1. The Update Manager will only show updates to installed packages. Use the Package Manager to first install OpenRCT2 from the master PPA.
  2. Yes. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openrct2/master
  3. You need root privileges to install. Make sure you use "sudo" as the instructions above state.
  4. It's possible the sound files are not included in "Minimum" file group in your CD version and can be found in one of the other folders. But that's just a guess. The important thing is you got them. There's another post in the forums about music missing from the game that might interest you:
  5. Per the wiki, the following files are for the music and should be in your RCT2 folder in the Data folder: Optional: CSS3.DAT - CSS9.DAT, CSS11.DAT - CSS15.DAT and CSS18.DAT - CSS46.DAT (music styles) Optional: CSS17.DAT (title screen music) Optional: CSS17.DAT from RCT1, renamed to CSS50.DAT, which enables you to have the RCT1 title screen music. Based on your screen shots, you can look for these files in /home/owner/programs/rct2/Minimum/Data
  6. That sounds like you did it right. 🥳 Glad we could help.
  7. Ok. This command should extract all of the files from the CD: unshield -d "/home/owner/programs/rct2ww" x "/media/owner/RCT2_WW_EU/data1.hdr" Once that's done post a list of the extracted files so we can help advise you how to merge them with the RCT base install as Gymnasiast advised above.
  8. I don't have a RCT2WW CD to see what it looks like, but based on what you've pasted above the command used didn't extract anything at all. Try this to extract the whole CD content: unshield -d "/home/owner/programs/rct2ww" x "/media/owner/RCT2_WW_EU/data1.hdr" Once that's done, post a list of the content of the "rct2ww" folder.
  9. For RCT1 ,there are instructions here:
  10. Great suggestion from Gymnasiast regarding Flakpak. Looking at the entry in the Software Manager in LinuxMint for OpenRCT2 it is indeed a Flatpak package. Leave your CD extracted files - they should be ok. Uninstall OpenRCT2 in the Software Manager. Install OpenRCT2 using the apt-get commands. Hopefully that will work.
  11. I don't understand that either. The only possible explanation that comes to mind is a folder permission issue. The message "command not found" indicates that the openrct2 executable is not in your path. In your case, the correct folder that OpenRCT2" needs is the "Minumum" folder, so the correct command would be: openrct2 set-rct2 ~/programs/rct2/Minumum But that will not work if the executable cannot be found. How did you install OpenRCT2? If I install from the nightly PPA, using the commands in the quickstart guide, it's found in the path. Entering the command "which openrct2" finds the executable here "/usr/bin/openrct2", for me.
  12. Hmm, your installation does indeed have a "Minimum" folder. All the necessary files should be under there. Can you show what files are in the "Minimum" folder? BTW, the problem with the listed commands is the parts with "$" (e.g. "$INSTALLDIR") - these are shell variables which presumably are not set, so expand to nothing. The resulting path, after expansion of the shell variables, is not found. So the commands need to be adjusted accordingly to replace the shell variables with the correct path.
  13. I have tried the instructions from the quickstart page listed in the first post and it does not work for me either (Retail CD from RCT2 Triple Theme Pack) - the archive has no "Minimum" group. Leaving out the "-g Minimum" will extract the files. This is as described on the Wiki:
  14. Probably the simplest thing to try is use the file browser to move the entire installed RCT2 folder from under ".wine" into your home folder and see whether OpenRCT2 can find it there.
  15. Can you confirm that the RCT2 files are indeed installed under ".wine". Can you find the RCT2 files using the normal file browser?
  16. Since the folder names include spaces and other special characters you need to add quotes: set-rct2 "/home/owner/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Infogrames/RollerCoaster Tycoon 2"
  17. The wiki page you refer to has a good description of the path finding under the section "Pathing Systems". It leaves out some details to keep the explanation simple. Junctions are indeed intersections of paths, such as a T or X. Other things that are considered junctions are listed on the wiki page. The main additional point to know is that the pathfinding searches through at most N junctions on a potential path before it stops. It chooses the direction of the various potential paths that ends closest to the destination. The value of N is around 10-15 if I remember correctly. Peeps that own a map have a slightly large value than those that do not, so should be a little better at finding their way around. If it weren't for the path thinning algorithm that assists the path finding, every path tile on a wider path would be a junction and the path finding would reach the search limits very quickly indeed. This may be what you refer to as the "junction problem". The "junction problem" might also refer to various other undesirable outcomes of limiting the search in this way. There is an option to view the result of the path thinning in game. When path finding, peeps always follow the thinned paths. RCT1 had no path thinning. Probably the best way to help the path finding is to design paths that follow the same principles of a real road system. Build a network of main thoroughfares (like highways) with minimal junctions to get the peeps most of the way to their destination. Few rides or shops should be connected directly to these. Then fill the zones between the main thoroughfares with smaller roads and laneways to which the rides and shops are connected.
  18. The first item in the list appears to cover what you asked about.
  19. The code snippet taken out of context is confusing because it's not clear what "edx >> 8" means. Looking at the preceding code (the relevant bit is: "edx = get_num_of_sheltered_eighths(ride)"), we can see this is how much of the track is covered, in eighths. i.e. if 6/8ths or more of the track is covered, the ride excitement is halved. So driving in a tunnel is only half as exciting as driving in the open.
  20. zaxcav

    Group Park 7

    Well said. Haha. So what the heck is going on there? The pathfinding usually handles multiple tiles at the same location (zero clearance) fairly well. If I remember correctly though, there is an "optimisation" that culls edges from an intersection that are thin paths and also dead ends, which is what it thinks the paths under the shops are here. This make these shops effectively unreachable to the pathfinding, despite being otherwise properly connected to the path. This is something I never thought of and will have to fix at some point when I get some time again. In the meantime, avoid placing shops/entrances/exits on top of paths with zero clearance turned on.
  21. @BroxzierVery interesting observation regarding moved stalls. I'll have to look into that. Thanks for the tip. For ride entrances, the location data is essentially duplicated - the entrance tile itself is at a specific location, and the ride itself stores it's entrance and exit locations for each station (XY only - the pathfinding assumes the entrance height is the same as the platform height, so I plan to fix this so that disconnected entrances at different heights will also work). When the tile inspector is used to copy the entrance, only the entrance tile is copied. The data in the ride itself is not changed. I've started working on extensions to the tile inspector to address this. The pathfinding determines the peep's goal based on the entrance location stored in the ride. Since the peep chooses which ride to head to, this information is easier to retrieve. If there is a queue connected to the original entrance location, the start of the queue is where the peep heads for, otherwise the entrance location itself is used. If the original entrance is not there anymore (deleted or moved underground to hide it) the pathfinding will typically fail and the peep falls back to "aimless" wandering behaviour.
  22. I was investigating a path finding issue to a ride with a disconnected entrance in Belmont Shores (NE) - peeps heading to the ride were walking around aimlessly. I determined that the cause of the problem was that the ride entrance data reflected the original entrance, not the position of the disconnected entrance. This means that peeps interacting directly with the disconnected entrance/connected queue can decide to go on the ride and join the queue. However, peeps elsewhere in the park who decide to go on the ride will attempt to walk to the location of the original entrance (as in the ride entrance data). The path finding will FAIL in this case. I wonder if this is also the reason that the normal path tool cannot be used to connect paths/queues to the disconnected entrance?
  23. @saxman1089I'm glad you were able to fix the problem in your park so everything works properly again. The bad news with the exit parade is your guest numbers drop. The good news is that the average happiness of the remaining guests is much higher, so the park rating will shoot up :-)
  24. Sounds like the tile inspector needs to be improved slightly when used to delete a park entrance. Alternatively/additionally this problem could be checked for and corrected after loading a savegame. Both should be fairly easy changes - the difficult part is finding where to add the extra code.
  25. @saxman1089 The pathing looks fine. The wide path flags calculated from the edges look normal. I turned on the path finding debugging to see if there's something weird happening there. The peeps leaving the park are using the following location for their destination: x: 2, y: 75, height: 14. The exit location is however at x:2, y: 94, height: 14. This explains why they aren't leaving. I added some debugging to print out the entrance location in the map data. There are 2 park entrance locations in the map data: Entrance 0: 2, 94, 14 Entrance 2: 2, 75, 14 At what ever location the currently stuck peeps were when they decided to leave, they were closer to the entrance 2 location. How you get rid of this obsolete entrance location data I do not know. Maybe someone else can help you out there.
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