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Everything posted by HookerHeels
Indeed a 4th station is needed, I just came up with a quick idea. I figured we'd work it out a bit more once the park starts shaping up a bit more as for styles and locations, etc.
I have a basic layout of monorail/chair lift I'd like to build at some point. Also, can we agree, no monorail rides? I find them ugly and boring and they take away from the monorail being transport >_< (tho, if everyone wants them, that's cool too) Red being monorail, yellow being chairlift.
Guess I'll add myself to the end (before Space) Claimed: - Queue: @jensj12, Centric, Dan, Philmon11, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, ImABoss, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, RedScope53, _SpacE_, YoloSweggLord Missed: cascadia
Claimed: - Queue: _SpacE_, YoloSwegLord, jensj12, RedScope53, Centric, Dan, Philmon11, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, ImABoss, Broxzier, SensualEthiopienPolice Missed: cascadia
I'll take Jens' or Cascadia's spot if one of them is busy. Entrance looks good, Brox!
Its looking pretty good. Are we about ready to start working on it?
Right. Basically just added trees and added some depth to the riverside. The OpenRCT2 Group Park Alpha2.sc6
The problem I have with the little lake you added, is that it cuts off that large strip of land, essentially making the peninsula awkwardly placed. Anyone else have thoughts on it? Also, claiming again to do a little more detailing to the riverside I put in.
Below is the new river, and I did some landscaping around the swamp: Bushes, trees, cattails, etc. The river is just a rough idea, if noone likes it, thats fine, just a suggestion. It could also be tweaked a but more if someone has an idea. Also, may I suggest, since the park is only 148x148, we lower the space per turn from 800 tiles to say, 450 or something? The larger area is 15x50, as in the first post. Now, most people won't A, Use that much space every turn, and B, aren't always going to make a square, but you get the point. 800 tiles is a fair amount. The smaller area is 16x27, or, 432 tiles. Right. I'm finished for now, someone else can put their ideas in. I made a couple bridge, trees and of course a river. The Open RCT2 Group Park 4 Alpha.sc6
The problem with having the lake higher, means the river would have to be higher. The swamp would be lower, and with flowing water that close, a swamp wouldn't form.
-Edit- Claimed: -RedScope53 Queue: - Missed: - Claiming it. Going to try out my river idea. What if, instead of deleting the river, we move it. My thought is, if we move it to the outer edge, it would provide an edge to the park/map without just fence and trees. Plus I think it'd look nice. Also, if noone else has claimed it, I'd like to claim it next and do the new river, if everyone would like to try the idea out. Also, that swamp looks fantastic.
I'd rather see a different park done for the intro thing. Have it set up and designed just for that.
I made this a while back, been using it. Thought I'd upload it here. Just a simple black/grey theme for the gui. To install, just drop the .json file into your "Documents\OpenRCT2\themes" Modern Mania.json Thanks for checking it out, hope you enjoy it Less noticeable changes Open/close/test have been switch to RCT1 lights, rather then the RCT2 flags. (I much prefer it this way, but of course you can always change back if you don't like it.) Guest bar is now blue.
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I second this. Also, I'd be happy to help with the landscaping, so sign me up! Also. Should we make a rule about pathing? Like, themed paths is great, but at the same time, I see half of this type of path there and half of this type here. Should we have an overall design/material for the primary paths? Like for instance, the primary path idea in this picture. Also these are my path suggestions. They offer a somewhat unified look, yet diversity.
*cleans out objects folder*
Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. Get some pathing down, etc. Helps make sure we get traffic flow. I'm also greatly looking forward to the next park. Since I came in so late on GP3, I'm excited to 'get my roots' in early
@cascadia Nah, Its more then likely my mods breaking it. I might get around to cleaning them up/dat packing them.
Every time I make a new map, after spending an hour picking and choosing each and object, path and fauna, it corrupts the save and can't be loaded. I've even tried only selected a couple, still does it. I have no idea whats wrong with it, and considering the amount of mods I have to go through, I don't feel like finding a broken mod or what could be causing it. I don't think its my game, and if it is, nothing I can do, my cds are 900 miles away and I couldn't reinstall. Good to hear! You know the ol' saying; Real life > games life.
Been busy, and since my game is borked, haven't been playing, but I'm still here
Indeed. I only use the launcher, so its always updated. I'm sure its just my custom content breaking saves, as I have a LOT of custom content, and many duplicates that I should get around to removing.
Yeah. I've tried making a map for Juli's server, and every time I spend an hour hand picking objects and paths, when saving, it works fine. Then the next time I go to load the landscape, it crashes. Done that 3 times now. I'm getting PO'd at ORCT2. Last time it decided to not show objects in my scenery window. Thanks for the rep