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Everything posted by BlazingEmpireHD

  1. Alright, that has been noted! Thanks! Updates coming soon.
  2. Alright. Feel free to try them out everyone. I didn't work this hard to have my work go unnoticed.
  3. 3 of them do. One of which I forget. I believe the other two are number 16-17. (All being AE rides). Actually, there may only be two. It's been so long that I really don't remember, Do you have any more questions @cascadia?
  4. At the moment, I have 41 scenarios up for downloads on RCTgo. I'm going to provide links to EVERY. SINGLE. ONE of them so you can all try out my proclaimed "expertice" on scenario making. I may do this based on downloads. So Number 2 has 344 and number 3 had 343 ect..or I go in order and show how many downloads there have been. So lets go. Starting with number 41: Stepstone Alley: 2 (uploaded today) 40: Aldibahi Desert: (EXTREMELY HARD) 59 39: Cyprus Grove: 81 38: Meadowlark Valley: 103 37: Syndaccio Falls: 62 36: Prickly Point: 174 35: Heigel Highlands: 147 34: Krystalite Caverns: 137 33: Erin's World: (FEATURED ON YOUTUBE) 152 32: Zenith Rocks: 114 31 Islands of Vulcano: (FEATURED ON YOUTUBE) 191 30: Sinco-Sekatara Mountains: 169 29: Floraland: 129 28: Dandy Desert: 197 27: Kagadil Farms: 164 26: Jalapatin Plains: 157 25: Orange Hill Park: 181 24: Brecoma Cove: 164 23: Aura Valley (My favourite and most downloaded): 309 22: Whitewater Cove: 214 21: Christmas Creek: 225 20: Volcano Heights: 149 19: Crater Conundrum: 114 18: Triple Pine Park: 208 17: Windy Desert: 278 16: Swamp Cove: 184 15: Quiet Quarters: 210 14: Corciea Mountain: (another personal favourite) 219 13: Gentle Cliffs: 186 12: Atric Escapade: (worst of the 3 snow parks, which, the other two are crowd favourites) 143 11: Galadriel Heights: 210 10: Qualdic Rock: 199 9: Holiday Forrests: 195 8: Disaster Plains: 209 7: Cataclystic Cliffs: 166 6: Funland: 185 5: Mammoth Shores: 230 4: Ashton Gardens: 177 3: Tipton Bay: 206 2: Heigel Desert: 222 1: Chamber Lake: 304 NOW, after that shmozzle, ONE LAST park, Track Creator Park. If you have ANY questions, comments, suggestions, do let me know! If you have a scenario name, a goal, the landscape look, ect.... Also let me know and I will take this into consideration. if ya care, please take the time to tryout my scenarios as I have worked VERY hard on them and do not want them to be looked over. Also, check out my thread about my SPECIAL scenario coming out, aka, Cedar Creek (name likely to change) Thanks so much for being attentive, and downloading my scenarios! Mucho gracias -BlazingEmpireHD
  5. Dude... This looks FANTASTIC! It's a wonder why no one took interest in this, because I see that this took many hours to complete. That's not an easy thing to do. Excellent job, good mate!
  6. This is because RCT2 was adapted from RCT1 to be unable to have these features. The boys at OpenRCt2 haven't made it be possible either. I'd like to have both of these features on the junior coaster, but for the moment, ya just have to stick with the lame boring tracks.
  7. Hey everyone, I have recently been working on a RCT2 Mega Park (originally named Cedar Creek). This is my third time trying to create something decent, because every time I do, something breaks. As it stands, the park is nowhere to complete, but I'll share a couple screen-shots. Plus, there'll be updates every so often showing more more progress. If you want to see the full walk-through of the updates for this park, check out the thread about it in full-detail on RCTgo. Here's a link: I am always open to suggestions for a name, and other things, or something you'd like to see. Currently, there's 9 coasters in the park, as well as two "custom" coaster manufacturers - Blazing Inferno Empire Inc. (an inside joke within RCTgo), and Dastardly Dangerous Designs. As of today, I'm going to add three more custom coasters to the one we already had. Each will be under one of the fictional manufacturers' names. Now, down to the screen shots! (By the way, I am not revealing any names of the coasters because to preserve them until I enter them in RCTgo's Build It! competition). Keep in mind, the park is nowhere near finished, so if there's issues, that's why. Alright, I want to get a new name, because Cedar Creek sounds like a Cedar Fair park. Don't want that. Choice 1: Mountaincrest Valley Choice 2: Everden Heights Choice 3: Amaretto Gardens Or Choice 4: Cedar Creek Likewise, you can ALWAYS request a name, or a coaster to see in the park, or something in general you'd like to see. Thanks!
  8. Granted, but only the first one was free. Plus you got scammed out of the money and were hacked with an inmovable virus. i wish I could make good creations on RCT3.
  9. Alright, I managed to remove the broken file from the game entirely, and it DID help, although, the game would still crash on that particular save. I guess it's good that I save so often. I used the save before the one that was broken, and it seems the bug has been fixed. HOORAY!!!!! Cedar Creek's still up!
  10. I may try that out Cascadia. @Broxzier, the problem is, (if that is the problem), I don't have any idea what is corrupted, or if it's more than one. And, it was just pure OpenRCT2. No trainers, no multiplayer, or third party programs.
  11. Granted, but you get sick, and never recover. I wish my iPhone held more data.
  12. I've been working on my Cedar Creek Park forever (Link to the RCTgo thread about it here:) I came upon a bug, which for some reason affected both RCT2 and OpenRCT2. Every time I load Cedar Creek, it works great, but, if I zoom out or even go to a certain spot in the park, the game crashes immediately. Every time, every time. WHen it does, it pops up an error note. I'll read out exactly what the note says: Assertion Failed Program: C:/Program Files/OpenRCT2/openrct2.dll File: src/paint/sprite/sprite.c Line: 80 Expression: False And then it says something about reading something to get what's wrong. It also has three buttons to click, Abort, Ignore, and Retry. Only abort works. If you can help me with fixing whatever this bug is, PLEASE DO!!! I've already tried three times to create a good park, and every time, something failed. Whether it be a computer death, or the game breaks, I've tried and tried. I WANT TO FINISH IT THIS TIME! Thanks, -Blaze
  13. Granted, but even though you find something, it's just a shark that is groovy. Nothing special I wish I could grow taller
  14. I'm not entirely sure what "quarter blocks" are referring to, but, granted, although, you can only place them in a diagonal row. No ups or downs, lefts or rights, just diagonal. I wish I was old enough to move into my own home.
  15. Granted, but somehow, the topic starts all over, and only trains are the subject. I wish RCT2 had a wing coaster, a realistic dive coaster, (to an extent), a strata coaster and booster pads. (Yes, I know the game was made before these things existed, except booster pads).
  16. Granted, but you can only eat nasty dutch food. I wish I could contribute my ideas of features and such to help make OpenRCT2 better.
  17. Wrong, I was born in Japan. The actual lie is that I don't have two brothers and a sister - just one each. Also, your lie is - you never leave your room.
  18. Lie: (it's a tough one) you actually don't like pizza. - I have two brothers and a sister - I was born in Japan -My parents are not divorced
  19. Unfortunately, that didn't work either. This bug does need to be patched. It's pretty big of one at least.
  20. It's unfortunately un-fixed after I did this. It's indeed a bug. And I hope/need to have it patched. See, I'm making a mega park for RCTgo, and possibly other sites, and there'll be a lot of roller coasters, (at least 14). I'm needing both Articulated, Main, and 6-seater for the woodies, and the regular suspended coaster trains (not the plane) and I only get one option. I really really hope it's patched soon. But, I got a lot of time before this park is even close to being done.
  21. Granted, but that person is a robot, and then the robot explo---- I wish I could create my own game.
  22. Granted, but you're the wizard and only do wizardry for the evil. I wish I wasn't sick with a cold. I also agree with @RedScope53!
  23. I honestly like both, it actually looks great the way you have it right now. If I had to choose, I'd go with brown, but I suggest staying with grey AND brown! Also, you got some damn good buildings all around!
  24. I'll continue the game. I wish I could become a good youtuber.
  25. I'm not entirely sure about that, do I need to have it enabled, or disabled? Thanks for your help
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