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Posts posted by CharlieP

  1. There is a way. Open up the in game console (` tilde symbol) the type "guest_initial_cash" and the new amount like 100.

    That will change all new pips' initial cash once you close the console. If you forget, just type "variables" for a list.

    • Like 1
  2. The game I am enclosing has an odd problem. The mechanics ignore their assigned areas. They respond to calls out side their area, sometimes clear across the park when others are closer and not occupied. They also will not enter an entrance or exit that has been "turned" (such as Power Tower 2". Power Tower 2 is a good example it fails quite often (look at its stats). I have had this problem with any other scenarios in the past, just this one. It does the same thing in stable as well as development modes.

    The handymen don't have this dereliction of duty problem. I have deleted all the mechanics and assigned new ones and set their areas while the game is paused so when resuming they were in the correct areas.



    131B - Venice River Delta.sv6

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  3. Rainbow Valley gave me fits and Harmonic Hills tests your tunneling skills but Tiny Towers and Micro Park were the most difficult.

    None of RCT2's were that difficult. If it weren't for the scenario making ability of RCT2 it would have been disappointing.

  4. I assume you are using the scenario editor to build your landscape, entrance etc. I also assume you have chosen the rides and scenery that will be available both at the start and after doing research. You can't put rides in the park using the editor. What you need to do is:

    1. Give your park a name and save it. Also save the landscape in case you wish to make changes later. Keep in mind that ALL landscape and terrain changes made AFTER you get the park set will have to be made in sandbox mode.

    2. Open your scenario and put it in sandbox mode and place the rides you want to begin with. Use the console to add more money if needed. "set money XXXXXXXXX" Set the park to the closed mode unless you want peeps running around. I usually freeze the climate too.

    3. When everything is like you want it:

         a.  Take the park out of sandbox mode, unfreeze the climate and set the park to open.

         b.  Reset the date.

         c.  Set your initial cash back to its original amount using the console ("scenario_initial_cash XXXXXXXX")

         d. Save the park

    4. Open the toolbox and select "Convert saved game to scenario."


    • Like 4
  5. I ran into a issue several months ago when I had 6476 items in my ObjData folder. Yes I was able to scroll down to the very bottom but somewhere in the T's the dat name in the lower corner stopped showing. I since haven't had that many items in that file.

  6. As you start to download some new parks your ObjData/Object folder will increase with many new dats. To find out what has been downloaded each time open the ObjData/Object folder and sort by date. The newest ones will be the latest dates.

    A little bit of advise though, make a copy of the ObjData/Object folder you normally use before you start downloading new parks. That folder gets pretty full pretty fast and you may not want to keep all the new dats which have been downloaded. Also at some point that folder will get soo full (over 5500) that you won't be able to scroll down the small scenery list and read all the info about each one.

    Another thing to look for is many times different park builders have designed their own items which are almost identical to the originals or other custom made items, roofs and walls are good examples, these may all have the same name but of course different dat names. A good example is pizza shops PIZZS (original) and PIZZS1. Both look identical but if you don't build all of your parks with the same one you could/will have trouble opening them and why carry extra dats in your file. It will get big enough as is.

  7. Not if you play golf like I do.

    Sometimes I paint little faces on the ball of someone I don't like or has pissed me off >:( and then hit the ever loving s__t out of the ball. Sometimes I aim for the water or see how many trees I can hit with one swing.

    Very relaxing and satisfying !:D

  8. @Philmon11 what @Wuis said is 100% on the button. School is the utmost important thing at this stage in your young life. Even though a lot of what you are being taught might seem like you will never need it in real life, it is the foundation of what you will be when you get older.

    Out of every day set aside a 1/2 hour (an hour if you can) and just relax. Do whatever makes you relax (mine was picking on my little brother). It will make everything a little less stressful. If things become too intense, find someone you can talk to, mine was my grandmother. My personal form of relaxation was playing basketball (I'm 6' 9'). While I was in Vietnam we spent time playing Euchre, it made the days go a little faster and allowed us to forget about what was going around us. When I came home I went to college and got a BS and then a MBA, but I still found time to let my yayas out. Now that I am retired I play a lot of that #@$%&%$# game called golf (I sometimes have a different 4 letter word for it). When I come home I set down and play this _____ (fill in the blank) game.

    What I am trying to say in my long winded fashion is everyone here is 100% behind you. We know you can do it.

    • Like 3
  9. @joshmarsilio I know you are relatively new to this and I don't think any of us jumped in and starting making custom ANYTHING right a way. We all started with what was in the game and gradually learned how to design, construct and test a new coaster learning as we went. Some of us have forgotten that we were once novices too. Woodies to some people are hard to design so that they are entertaining and fun to ride.

    I might suggest rather using a pre-built scenario use the Scenario Editor and create a 100x100 layout using the map generating tool. Scroll through until you find one that has small rolling hills. Remembering that some of the best woodies I have ridden on were NOT built on flat ground. Start to experiment. Load a pre-built and try modifying it to learn.

    Another thing is to download some parks from other people and look at what they did when they built their coasters.

    Who knows maybe your niche might be constructing B&M wing coasters!

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  10. Are we to assume that your park is built on a 54x54 platform?

    As I said in July, put the game in sandbox mode first. Next click on the map icon and a popup appears.

    In the lower right hand corner is a box showing your current park size. Either click in the center to bring up a popup box where you can change the size or use the arrows to increase the size. Be careful not to decrease the size if you have a ride on the outside set of tiles as this may cause the game to crash.



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