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Everything posted by SensualEthiopianPolice

  1. Raffles Beach Trolley Park.sv6 Another attempt to remake a park for NEDesigns. I abandoned the project pretty early so i might resume one day. Ha! Gay!
  2. well my idea was more along the lines of a button you hit and it shows the concentration of where thoughts are occurring. You'd just hit the button again and the overlay goes away.
  3. If we're just gonna recommend music:
  4. I fucked up so feel free to do whatever with them. I don't mind.
  5. A button to view overlays such as guest density, litter, vandalism, pygmy rhinoceri, etc. Or ones that show where people are thinking certain thoughts. It would be a big help for thoughts such as "I'm lost".
  6. why not listen to some drone music instead
  7. whoops
  8. I panicked. This is what happened while I was panicking.The OpenRCT Group Park 3.08.sv6 Queue: @Philmon11, jensj12, Broxzier, Dan, ziscor, imlegosMissed: CoasterMaster, CAVIAR, qbbq, Wuis
  9. This is a lot of pressure man im freaking out man im freaking out
  10. wait so what do i do now
  11. I think a lot of us a very high strung. Let's calm down with some music and then we'll listen to some ragas. I have one here to start us off.
  12. I have been. I think the guy's name is nicman.
  13. Is this how I join?
  14. You're probably right. I took their names off just in case
  15. *Cries quietly in corner*
  16. Astroland that I already posted here but a remake version I'm working on for NEDesigns. Astroland 2.sv6
  17. I made this park, uploaded it to NEDesigns for some reason. Made some edits. Now I'm uploading it here. A more fitting location. The park is good but it mostly exists to so people can copy the coaster designs if they want.Jew Harp Park Final.sv6 give me praise goddammit!
  18. Clearly to prove there is no god.
  19. Probably Amazon, I just found these on my bookshelf
  20. Choose your own adventure books
  21. You make me feel enlightened, Imlegos
  22. Hello!
  23. Wuis is magic
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