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Everything posted by Superjustinbros

  1. My original idea for this was showing the default max number of trains/cars as a fraction alongside the current limit, so for example the image Nubble posted in GitHub would show each selection as 2/2 Trains and 6/6 Cars per Train. Going over the limit in the case of cars would only increase the first number while the second number remains at 6., while the Trains window drops in both numbers to show 1/1 once a certain number of cars have been passed.
  2. Usually, vomit in queue lines only really occur if a guest decides to be stupid and enter the queue while on the brink of vomiting. Form there it'll halt the entire line walking in the queue to blast open it's mouth and let loose puke before continuing down. Guests can't vomit if they're standing in the queue lines, which is why it's rare.
  3. I like this idea; it's easier than trying to memorize which items were selected across each scenario for sure.
  4. Ever since an update that was launched just recently, track designs now are set to open the Documents/OpenRCT2/Track folder instead of the tracks folder in the RCT2 install location, the latter of which I prefer since I'm trying to leave space open on my main HD.
  5. Before I begin, i should mention that this is very minor, so if it comes off more as a nitpick, I apologize. Before the update that added in the cheat that enabled the use of up to 255 cars on a train, I originally liked how you could easily tell the maximum limit of cars for the current ride without directly closing the ride and changing the number thanks to the dropdown window system instead of the value-changing buttons. So I was thinking of a way you could show the limit or perhaps use dropdowns when the cheat is off and value-changers is on?
  6. This ZIP contains two simple workbench scenarios that I made, with what I consider to be the most optimal selection of rides and scenery. Each scenario offers the same selection; differing only in the paths they contain (one with 15 of my custom pathways, the other with all the Vanilla and Time Twister pathways (plus the black tarmac path I made which for some reason I cannot remove even though there's no instance of it in the landscape) The following rides/attractions are not present from your usual lineup: *Elevator - Has very little use in a workbench park IMO for various reasons, between guests using them as rides instead of actual means of getting around the park faster and how most people don't really use them to begin with from what I've seen. *Dodgems - Place one near the end of the park or another usually vacant area: "I want to get off Dodgems 1" *Boat Hire - If it's not a full enclosed track (which most people don't do): "Boat 1 on Boat Hire 1 hasn't returned to the station platform!" *Cash Machine - No Money scenarios = Guests having no money = what's the point of having a stall to increase your funds if everything's free?
  7. Exactly; considering that not everyone will hate the same sounds. Takes the example I posted in the OP; this player may hate the sound of the Miniature Railroads, but I don't.
  8. Yesterday I went into a multiplayer server only to learn they didn't allow construction of a Miniature Railroad... because of how annoying they considered the train's sounds. This gave me the idea of being able to go into the Options menu and shutting off only specific sounds in the game, like for say the toilet flushing form a Bathroom.
  9. I know I'm late with the reply, but thank you two for the comments. I mostly wanted to experiment with the Pathmaker and all it's different features to make paths fit for certain park types. Like aquatic, disco, horror, ice, or tropical.
  10. Having the idea of adding/customizing presets sounds like a good idea. From the Options tab you could select either full randomization, default+custom presets, or a combination of the two. Then again if that did happen then the player would have to set presets for every flat ride, tracked ride, and stall in the game that allows the use of colors, though I'm sure it wouldn't take too long. Another idea I had was randomizing track and vehicle color presets between each other if randomization isn't enabled.
  11. This is more of something aesthetic than anything since it wouldn't really affect the gameplay all too much, plus I wouldn't call it an absolute necessity. Basically, it would add a setting in the Option menus that upon clicking it, any time a new ride is started on in-game, it will default to 100% random colors instead of one of several pre-set palettes specific to the ride. Trains' colors would be randomized as well, and would always be set to have "All Trains the same color", and the ride station platform would be Plain.
  12. I do not see any sort of "Location" tab on the dropdown menu that appears when I right click the My Documents folder from the "User" folder. That said, there isn't a way just to change the location where saved games are kept (either in the RCT2 install's files like vanilla RCT2 or the user's Documents folder)?
  13. To conserve space, I'd prefer to use the game data's folder (like the Infogrames folder which is on an external hard drive) to put my Saves as opposed to using the Documents folder on my main hard drive. However no matter what I do, the game always defaults to the Documents folder on my main hard drive as means of storing my saved games. Is there a way I can alter which folder the game defaults to (and imports/copies to) my saves?
  14. I'll admit I chuckled a bit to this.
  15. If you have two files named the same thing on your computer somewhere (in different RCT2 downloads for instance), place the older version of that file in the ObjData folder. I got something similar with the DRAGON file since a modded save added a DRAGON file that was marked as custom.
  16. If this becomes a feature; I'd prefer it to be a selective option in the settings menu instead of a permanent feature.
  17. A very minor feature idea: Mostly since they seem to turn up a lot online as I always find myself cleaning pathways/trash bins (the former due to the bad AI of the handymen and the latter in thanks to trash bins only being able to hold 1 piece of trash) online that no one else fixes thanks to frequent desync, I was thinking there could be a better way to be notified when a vandal in on the loose, so you can catch them and put them in a "time out" until their vandal spree ends sooner. The text would read "[Guest name] has become a Vandal!" Of course this would be optional, enabled by going into options and clicking on a checkbox.
  18. I made these a long time ago and shared them onto the RCT2 Reddit late last month. Custom Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 paths
  19. Well I do see Handymen getting trapped on occasion but yeah, i suppose the devs do have a point; despite not making sense that a Handyman wouldn't know the existence of a pile of vomit that's right in front of it, only to turn around and walk away while cleaning up something else.
  20. Surprised this is still an on-going topic.
  21. I find it someone odd that in Open RCT2, litter bins will fill up after just one item instead of something like five or ten.
  22. When this feature returns in the future completely devoid of bugs, I would love for it to get some improvements which would make for selecting the scenery to be saved with the track design simpler. *Scenery cluster selection: Something like how Clear Scenery works; you get a box that varies by size that you scroll over tiles on the ground to automatically select all the scenery in them. Likewise there'd be an option to deselect them using the same method. It'd be especially useful if the exit path from a design's ride is inside a building and "Select Nearby Scenery" doesn't reach it. *Select nearby paths: If for some reason you just want the paths from a ride but not the scenery, this would select only the ride's queue line and any path tiles adjacent to it. *Disable selection of trees: You'd use this if a certain ride was built through tons of trees that you don't want to save with the track design, so you don't have to remove them by hand after selecting "Select nearby scenery". In a nutshell it excludes anything from the "Tree" tab when selecting objects. *Height Check: Used mainly for rides built on inclines/underground to allow for larger heights, this would mostly check if the ride could be built on a completely flat surface without editing the landscape once the design is saved and loaded elseware. *Scenery Count: How much scenery objects are currently selected, shown along with the cap.
  23. I would prefer for this option to allow for not only faster, but smarter Handymen. Ones that will actively track and remove nearby vomit and empty litter bins the same way mechanics would track ride exits, instead of just walking away from a piece of vomit/litter he was placed next to just because he was facing the opposite direction when he repositioned himself to sweep up another batch. Also I am in huge support of a way for Mechanics to fix vandalism since having the player being the only one that could fix them is a bit of a dumb idea IMO.
  24. Glad to see this posted, and especially glad I was able to contribute to it, especially the underground restrooms.
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