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Guide: How to make invisible rides?

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Update: For the people who don't like reading, I have made a Youtube video which can be found at the bottom of this post!

OpenRCT2 makes it very easy to make a ride track invisible. Many players don't know how to do this, so in this guide I will try to explain it. First off, you may be thinking "why would you want to make a ride invisible?". I will now show some images of things you can do with invisible rides.


Off-road karts


Off road monster trucks


An invisible kart track (replaced with flying saucer track pieces)

A dragon flying through the park


Stationary life boats / boats sailing on the water on invisible track


Diving lifeboats


Invisible shops (This one was made by Tommy on my server).


A custom maze (which actually works) made by Tubapride on my server.

These are just a few examples of the things you can do with invisible rides. There are several methods to make a ride invisible, which i will describe below.

Corrupted elements

Corrupted elements are objects that will make the objects you place them on invisible. For example if you put a corrupted element on a tile of Go kart track, it will become invisible. The track element is still there though!

To place corrupted elements, you have to go to the tile inspector. To enable the tile inspector, go to options and check 'enable debugging tools' under the wrench tab.

Then under the cogwheels icon you will find the Tile inspector.


When you open the Tile inspector, you can select a tile on the map. When you do so, you will see information about the elements on the tile. In the following image, I selected a piece of Go karts track. Then, with the button on the top right of the Tile inspector window, you can insert a corrupted element. As you can see, the kart track became invisible. And an element of Unknown type (32) appeared in the list. This is the corrupted element.


This way you can make more track elements invisible, until you are happy with the result. It is quite labour intensive for large tracks, but you can do cool things with it. 

ALWAYS BE CAREFUL WITH CORRUPT ELEMENTS! When you remove this ride, you should first delete all corrupt elements using the tile inspector. If you don't, the corrupt elements will stay around and make other scenery on the tile invisible. In the following screenshot i removed the ride and put a tree on a space which had an invisible track piece. You cannot see the tree because of the corrupt element which is still there.


I like to use corrupt elements when I only want to hide part of a track. This is a cool thing i did by only hiding a few track pieces:


A corrupted element will not change a track piece property. It will only hide the track. If there is a chainlift on a track piece you hide using this method, you will still hear it. The stats of a ride will not be changed by using this method.

Changing ride type

Another way to make a ride invisible is by changing the ride type by using the 'Allow arbitrary ride type changes' cheat. This can be found in the last tab of the cheat menu:


The cheat menu may have to be enabled first in the options menu.

When the cheat is enabled, you will find a new selector when you check a ride (Here it says 'Water coaster'):


When you change it to a ride like Crooked house, Lift/Elevator, Enterprise or Haunted House and then press 'Apply' the ride track will become invisible:


This is the easiest way to make a ride track invisible. There are several side-effects to this method which depend on the ride type you change it to.

- Crooked house: Ride stats will become very(!) low. Most people will complain ride is not thrilling enough. Ride will never break down though! A ride cannot be repainted while in crooked house mode. If the vehicles spawn while in crooked house ride type, they will clip through each other. First open/test the ride and only then change to crooked house mode!
- Lift: Ride turns into a transport ride, so people will ignore the intensity completely. Ride may sometimes break down. Go Karts made invisible with this method will wait unusually long before starting the race.
- Enterprise: Ride will get good stats, but will break down often. If the vehicles spawn while in enterprise ride type, they will clip through each other. First open/test the ride and only then change to enterprise ride type!

I typically only use Lift for rides which i want peeps to ride. I use crooked house for invisible rides which I don't want peeps to ride because it never breaks down. I never really use other ride modes.

There are some other side effects as well:

- Some special track pieces like boosters will no longer work.


When to use corrupt elements:

- When you want to hide only parts of a track.

- When you want to hide a shop/stall (For example you could hide a toilet and replace it with a tree).

- I typically also use them for Go karts because changing them to Lift ride type will make them wait very long before starting the race and changing them into crooked house will make the stats too low for most peeps to ride them.

- When you want to use boosters on your ride.

When to use arbitrary ride types cheat:

- All other situations.

- Use Crooked house ride type for rides that you dont want to break down, and where low stats are not an issue. Use Lift ride type for rides which you want peeps to ride.


That was it for now! I will make a more advanced guide on invisible rides later, where I will recreate some of the rides from the screenshots in the beginning.

EDIT: Here's a video explaining the story above.


Edited by Deurklink
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Additionally I want to mention one thing (in view to another recent thread). 

If you change the track type some special pieces wouldn't work as expected anymore. For example the booster piece of a roller coaster does not work for crooked house.

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There are shortcomings in your tutorial.

There are two types of corrupt elements, one that only affects next the element and one that affects all subsequent tile elements.

You did not mention the `ride set type` command. (The exact command may have been slightly different, don't remember it exactly right now).

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20 minutes ago, janisozaur said:

There are shortcomings in your tutorial.

There are two types of corrupt elements, one that only affects next the element and one that affects all subsequent tile elements.

You did not mention the `ride set type` command. (The exact command may have been slightly different, don't remember it exactly right now).

Thank you for your comment. This guide was not meant to handle all methods to make rides invisible, just the ones that are most easy to do using OpenRCT2. I may do a more advanced one later.

I think the methods I covered in my guide are the easiest ways to make rides invisible, and for me they have worked in all situations where i needed it.

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36 minutes ago, S-Man42 said:

Additionally I want to mention one thing (in view to another recent thread). 

If you change the track type some special pieces wouldn't work as expected anymore. For example the booster piece of a roller coaster does not work for crooked house.

Thanks for mentioning this, I didn't know! I typically only use sped up chainlifts with invisible rides so I never noticed. Will add it to the guide.

Edited by Deurklink
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52 minutes ago, Deurklink said:

I think the methods I covered in my guide are the easiest ways to make rides invisible, and for me they have worked in all situations where i needed it.

They've worked in all situations for me too. The other kind of corrupt element is mostly for vanilla compatibility - there is rarely a reason to prefer it and pretty much never a case where you'd need it. The "rides set type" command does exactly the same thing as the arbitrary ride types cheat. It used to be quicker, when you had to select the ride type through a spinner, but now that there's a dropdown I no longer use it.

Edited by X7123M3-256
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