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Share your height maps!

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Posted (edited)

Hello everyone!

Not so long ago a height map loader has been merged into the project, which is now both present in the stable (0.0.7) and development branch. A height map is usually a greyscale image where each pixel represents the average height of the area on the map, where black is low and white is high. The loader reads those images, and turns them into a map.

The height map loader can be accessed only in the Scenario Editor, and can be found in the Map Generation window.


After you have selected your height map, the map will be generated already, and the greyed-out options will now be accessible.

Here are some height maps that I used for testing (and for fun).

United Kingdom:

Interestingly random noise generates nice maps when you smooth them out:

A river or something:

And obviously the best map ever:

Edited by Broxzier
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I have yet to try these out. As you know, I'm a scenario maker, so this will be helpful. Also, did I mention this is so freaking cool!?

If I can figure out how to use it correctly, I'ma bout to produce some awesome stuff. Is there any place where I'd place a greyscale(?) image?


Also, @Broxzier that last image kind of looks like your avatar. Oh wait....

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  On 05/05/2017 at 23:29, BlazingEmpireHD said:

If I can figure out how to use it correctly, I'm about to produce some awesome stuff. Is there any place where I'd place a greyscale(?) image?


Google image search is where I found most of mine. You can also make them yourself with an image editor, even Paint can do. Draw some shapes, fill them, blur the edges, add some noise, distort the blurred areas...

Here's a quick video of how to make a random height map in Photoshop:

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  • 5 weeks later...

I just came across a height map that I've used for a different program. The first file is too big for RCT2, so it will be cut off, or you can cut out the part you're interested in, and the second is reduced to only 240x240 pixels.



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Posted (edited)
  On 08/06/2017 at 18:39, SpiffyJack said:

I'm separating the grey scale to tile height ratio. It seems that every 20 pts in grey scale separates tile heights... still working on the formula.


Not sure what you mean by this. You mean that the value 0-19 have one height, then 20-39 are one step higher? These values are not set, the height will be calculated based on the input. The lowest value a greyscale pixel can have is 0, and the highest is 255. In case you set the low and high value to 0 and 100, the height will be exactly 100/255th of this, rounded down to the correct tile height, since they go with steps of two.

  On 08/06/2017 at 18:39, SpiffyJack said:

I think you know what i'm trying to do... you have any input on this?


Not sure what you're asking.

Edit: since you mentioned formula, the formula for calculating the height is something like this: Height = (P - min) / (max - min) * (high - low) + low, where:

  • P = the pixel value (value between 0 and 255, inclusive), read from the (possibly smoothed) heightmap
  • min = 0, or the lowest pixel value in the height map when "Normalize" it enabled
  • max = 255, or the highest pixel value in the height map when "Normalize" is enabled
  • high = the setting from the window
  • low = also the setting from the window

Then after the height is calculated, it rounds it down to the nearest even number. If "Smooth tiles" is enabled, it picks the best possible slope by comparing it with the height of its neighbouring tiles.

Edited by Broxzier
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Posted (edited)
  On 08/06/2017 at 21:09, Broxzier said:

Not sure what you mean by this. You mean that the value 0-19 have one height, then 20-39 are one step higher? These values are not set, the height will be calculated based on the input. The lowest value a greyscale pixel can have is 0, and the highest is 255. In case you set the low and high value to 0 and 100, the height will be exactly 100/255th of this, rounded down to the correct tile height, since they go with steps of two.

Not sure what you're asking.



You answered my question better than I asked it. So know i'm thinking I can limit a greyscale pallet to 100 shades (or 50 due to steps of two) and get pretty close to knowing exactly where tiles will rise and fall. 

For instance: If you work off an origin of height (black), each grey can be a specific height allowing you to carve an entire map as detailed like a road map if you wanted.. :D  I have noted too many grey's can be noisy. vs. working with a simple pallet and having more control.

edit: I only base my 0-19 .. 20-39 etc so i can see the different shades

Edited by SpiffyJack
Posted (edited)
  On 11/06/2017 at 20:48, BlazingEmpireHD said:

Question: If I find greyscale images to make a scenario out of it, where would I put the image? Or, is there something else I can do?


I just made a 'Heightmap folder' and keep all my grey scales in there. Once the image is imported, its never used again unless you decide to re-import it. 

EDIT: Color also works, but can be very unpredictable as to the results. 

Edited by SpiffyJack
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Thank you both! I'd try out these ideas, but OpenRCT2 won't run for me. I doubt it's a game glitch, but I've tried at least ten times to get past the first loading screen (white box in black box) and it just freezes and does not respond.

It may or may not be my computer, so, I'm not going to worry about it.

  On 12/06/2017 at 04:32, BlazingEmpireHD said:

Thank you both! I'd try out these ideas, but OpenRCT2 won't run for me. I doubt it's a game glitch, but I've tried at least ten times to get past the first loading screen (white box in black box) and it just freezes and does not respond.

It may or may not be my computer, so, I'm not going to worry about it.


Just curious, are you using the Launcher to execute the game with the latest build? Hopefully yes, if not, try that. 

Posted (edited)


Europe! I probably won't actually make a heightmap because I never really learned Photoshop and I'm probably not interested in it enough to do so, but it's a cool function.

Edited by Wuis
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