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Requesting clarification on what can feasibly be put into the game


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Hello, OpenRCT2 community!

I've browsed a few of the ideas threads here, and while many ideas seem exciting and creative, several of them are met with "it's not possible to integrate at the moment", usually regarding the save file format or the game not being fully deconstructed yet. It seems like many veterans of this community are familiar with these limitations, and the current state of the game, and I'm sorry I'm not among them.

At the same time, this Ideas subform works like a magnet for new players. Those who go to check out what this "Open RCT 2" thing is all about, and then see there's a place for you to submit your own ideas... that's inherently awesome, and many people will jump straight here before familiarizing themselves with the state of the game's development. And so the veterans have to explain time and time again why the ideas are unfeasible, and the explanations stay inside threads where nobody will look for them.

So instead of suggesting a feature for the games, I'm requesting a feature for the forums. A small thread, stickied/pinned to the top of the page, where the developers explain what they are currently able to do with the game, what is and isn't on the table, and addressing a few issues that are frequently brought up (Keyword: Object limits). So if somebody were about to suggest, say, a staff upgrade feature akin to that of RCT3, they could at least check the thread to see if it was within reason and why. Would that be possible?

Thanks in advance!

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The idea is great! No idea how it could be implemented though. How do you explain what's on the table without actually thinking about the idea in the first place?  Nonetheless, maybe have key points, like:

Guest AI : Done

Sprite Work : Work In Progress

Track Design : Not Begun

This might get annoying to update, though...

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I find this idea ill-conceived. We, the developers, don't really use this forum much, only occasionally come by to see if there are any issues, which we then pull into the issue tracker.

It appears you're trying to replicate our issue tracker as a forum thread, while you're free to do so, given record of past actions I highly doubt anyone will maintain it. The forums, reddit and nedesigns are already high-maintenance in my opinion.

You're welcome to browse through the issue tracker, this gives you the best and biggest picture.

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I don't expect new members to read a sticky post before submitting their ideas, which in most cases are duplicates, which means they didn't take the time to check if their suggestion has already been made. I'm the most active developer on here, and don't mind letting them know about the limits when they suggest something. It's only the "remove limit please" threads that are a bit annoying.

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