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Everything posted by UTMAN

  1. UTMAN


    A yeah has passed and the coaster has been a slightly remodelled, and redesigned, especially at the end of it. Because of safety reasons. (it's because the save file got corrupted TOTALLY and it went really buggy as hell, so I started over the map and rebuilt the whole thing). Also a nice building, and a nice forest has been placed all around the coaster to make it more exciting. it's got named as "Simoun", one of the fastest and longest Roller Coaster ever built in this unknown country. Also next to is a new restuarant has been built to reduce the overflowing mass of people in the Orange building.View imageView imageView imageView imageView image
  2. UTMAN


    Hey guys! I thought my park is would be better fitting to be here. I already posted a lot of pictures in the "What are you working on?" topic, but I decided to move it here. I will repost the pictures here, while adding a story. :)Norheaven has been founded in 2006 April 3. At that time the park had some basic rides and a Roller Coaster was under construction. These rides were a Merry-go-around which was surrounded by a small forest, thus it got names as "Pixie-Go-Around" based on the legend of wisps who were small living creatures in the forest. An Enterprise which was under the red building. A mini golf course with a beautiful garden surrounding it. Also it had a huge building with some rides inside it and a restaurant on its second floor, and last but not least a coaster was under construction.View imageView imageView imageView image
  3. It really looks nice Broxzier! Especially that mini castle with the cars. I was busy myself too. Hedge Gardens under construction. Any ideas what kind of ride would be ideal in a garden?
  4. Thanks Broxzier! I really appreciate it! I finished the coaster, kinda. And here she is: Simoun! She is hell of a ride. One of the best coasters I've ever made! I hope you all like it! Stats: Excitement Rating: 9.80 (very high) Intensity Rating: 9.09 (very high) Nasuea Rating: 6.72 (high)
  5. I am working on a biiiig sandbox map. Trying to build some buildings and big coasters. This is how far I got today. The entrance and you can find a red building there. Under it an Enterprise. View imageOne of the main buildings. 4 Ride under it, and it has a second floor with a restaurant. And a coaster under construction. However I got a bug, where the game doesn't show the ride's rating no matter how you test it. :/Any ideas, suggestions?
  6. Ahh I misread Brox, I thought you won't be here till tomorrow 9... :D My bad. :/
  7. Maybe that would be the best to renew everything... by the way imlegos, I think you can claim the park until Broxzier doesn't return. :)
  8. Indeed, but as I saw it never went below 40%~. They were very low, but at least it remained around 40%~. Now everything is 0% and 10%. I played it a few years with my build and the rides slowly went back to 40% again. So I think in the latest developement build the reliability rating decreasing a lot faster.
  9. View imageOkkkkay. I guess I finished my part. :) I added a few rides and some stalls around the parks. Also added a few staff to places where I found they are needed. I guess that's about it! :) list: Broxzier, imlegos, benboyrocks, Philmon11, jensj12, UTMANMissed turn: SnowMew, AdamLambert, Derf
  10. Jenjs, what game build did you use? Every coaster's reliabilty got INSANELY low. Like I saw one with 0%! reliability. :O
  11. Wow Jensj, the coaster looks amazingly well done! :) Since Broxzier said I can go, I'll start working on the map. :)
  12. Well you should put benches after your Roller coaster, because sick people have no place to rest. :) Nothing else specially. Your coaster is nice .:)
  13. Checking it. :)Current list: Broxzier, UTMAN, imlegos, benboyrocks, Philmon11Missed turn: SnowMew, AdamLambert (Derf, jensj12)
  14. Current list: Philmon11, Broxzier, UTMAN, imlegos, benboyrocksMissed turn: SnowMew, AdamLambert (Derf, jensj12) Since Adam didn't reply and Snow unfortunately, "ran out of steam" it's Philmon11's turn now. The first one who claims the park can work in it. :)
  15. Current list: AdamLambert, Philmon11, Broxzier, UTMAN, imlegos, benboyrocksMissed turn: SnowMew (Derf, jensj12) Thanks Ben! Now it's AdamLambert's turn, but anybody from the Missed turn can continue. Whoever writes first can work on the park! :)Just some NOTE: Many people want to get to the pizzeria which was ON the pier that has been closed, and a LOT of guests are trying to get to the pizzeria. And again a lot of guests are getting lost in the exit of the log flume. These should be fixed by the next guy who comes. :) !!!!
  16. I did Broxzier because they haven't done any single turn yet. So I took activity as a priority. When one them writes here or we get any sign of life activity and willingness to work on the park I will take him out from the parentheses. :)
  17. Adam, I think you can slowly start working on the park. :) So basically the first one (SnowMew, Benboyrocks or AdamLambert) writes gets the right to work on the park. :)Current list: AdamLambert, Philmon11, Broxzier, UTMAN, imlegosMissed turn: benboyrocks, SnowMew (Derf, jensj12)
  18. My first and only thought is:But, why? :D
  19. Current list: SnowMew, AdamLambert, Philmon11, Broxzier, UTMAN, imlegosMissed turn: benboyrocks (Derf, jensj12)SnowMew / benboyrocks you guys are next. Either of you who are the faster can work on the park. If they don't reply, it's your turn AdamLambert :)
  20. I think since imlegos is ill and benboyrocs is working we should skip them. And when they come back they will instantly be first. What do you guys think about this?Current list: SnowMew, AdamLambert, Philmon11, Broxzier, UTMANMissed turn: imlegos, benboyrocks (Derf, jensj12)
  21. You aren't imlegos :) I just thought if someone could do a round before tomorrow he could do that. That's all. :)
  22. benboy, I think you can do the map if you want. Ofcourse if you can fininish it today/tomorrow for imlegos. :)
  23. Get well :)
  24. Phil, I was referring at the bottom of the ride which is near to your Wooden Coaster. My ride is kinda far away from the western area, since it's on the mountain. I didn't want to add any scenery there because I already overdid my part so I didn't want to take away space from you guys. :) But I don't feel like that this particular ride goes well with the western theme. Wooden coasters are the one which looks really sweet in a western area, not steels :/
  25. Yeah, I know. Sorry all! :/ Next time I won't build anything just focus on the scenery on some other rides.
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