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Everything posted by UTMAN

  1. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Sure, you can claim it
  2. You are welcome!
  3. Weird, they could find the exit for me. I think you should start the Open RCT 2 Launcher, Options and there: Then update the game to the latest build. It should fix your problem.
  4. Can you upload your save file so we can take a look at your park? My guess is that another entry point spawned in your game and they are trying to reach that.
  5. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    xbalogan, you can claim it even now if you want too Since you are in the missed turn line and Squab haven't claimed his turn.
  6. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Phil, Wuis has computer problems, I think if both of you cannot do their turns, then it should be @Squab or @Broxzier 's turns.
  7. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I expanded the ice castle and added 2 rides. Also I added a few information kiosks all around the park, so people can get umbrellas and maps. Next In Line: jensj12, Philmon11, Wuis, Squab, Broxzier, enner, Wobbly, UTMANMissed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, Zygorator, wasdalos007, imlegos, xblogan Community Park V2.46.sv6
  8. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Hey, I claim it and work on it. I will finish as soon as possible, so jensj don't have to wait too much.
  9. Hey! Welcome to the site! You can play this on any latest computer system as far my knowledge goes. And yep, this is basically an addon, a huge expansion to the original game. A lot of improvements and new features were added which weren't avaliable in the original game, or you needed external programs like 8car.
  10. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Wuis, to be honest I don't relly mind if I come now or after jenjs, I wanted to claim it now because now I have time, and maybe the weekends so I can work on the park for few hours. This was the original rule, that the one who misses his turn can take his missed turn right away if the park is not claimed, or come first after someone finishes working on it. This is how we did it in the previous park, and here too. And nobody complained about this rule. And if you, by any chance, miss your turn, you can get it anytime you want.
  11. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Sorry guys for the dissapearence. I had some terrible week and stuff, but now I am back. Can I claim my turn after WobblyRails?
  12. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Claiming it!
  13. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Is it me, or the guest number is kinda bugged. The park should have WAY more guests than 950...
  14. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    The next in line is: Next In Line: @Wuis, xbalogan, wasdalos007, Broxzier, jensj12, UTMAN, Philmon 11Missed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, imlegos, Philmon, Zygorator
  15. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I haven't done a lot. Fixed some scenery, staff/ride problem and pathing. I couldn't do more because of work/school so I upload it, so Philip can work on it too. Community Park V2.34.sv6
  16. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I kinda disappeared from the line
  17. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I wanted to redo brox's coaster, but since he said that he want to rebuild that part, I think it would be the best thing if I gave my turn to him, and let him redo his part. After that I'll take my regular turn. Next In Line: @Broxzier, UTMAN, Wuis, xbaloganMissed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, imlegos, Philmon, Zygorator, jensj12
  18. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    AHHHHH xDDD okkkkkkkkay......... /sigh I give up
  19. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I kinda redid some of your work. Check it out I am so sorry. However I couldn't redo the bridges (only one of them 80%) and the station you've built. Because the game only enables 3 stations maximum :// Community Park V2.28.sv6 Community Park V2.28.sv6
  20. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Ooooooooooooooooh damn, I so screwed it up. Wuis can you wait for an hour? i'll try to fix the mess I did by rebuilding everything that xbalogan made
  21. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Okay, my turn is kinda done. I did a coaster on the other side of the lake, where the jet ski's are. And started to build a snow/mediaval themed castle there. The castle is in very early stage, and any of you can build into it. Next In Line: Broxzier, Wuis, jensj12, Xbalogan, UTMANMissed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, imlegos, Philmon, Zygorator Community Park V2.28.sv6
  22. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Okay, sorry for the delay! I'm claiming the park! Broxzier stopped notifying me on Skype when it's my turn :v I rarely come online, because I am still getting used to the forums, and also I am having some exams. But here I am! i'll start to work on it now!
  23. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    I'll claim it then!
  24. UTMAN

    Group Park 2 Next In Line: Philmon, Zyhorator, xbalogan, Broxzier, jensj, UTMAN Missed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, imlegos I built only a River Rapids
  25. UTMAN

    Group Park 2

    Ok, I kinda fixed the tornado with scenery. Also put some extra scenery after it. Next In Line: Philmon, xbalogan, Broxzier, jensj Missed Turn: Jamaka, Erik, imlegos, UTMAN
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