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Everything posted by TheKillerChicken

  1. When I construct my map, I use the electric as my default as it looks cool and reminds me of the Allagan Technology from Final Fantasy XIV. So yea, I would not like to have the game select a specific path for me when I would like to use a different one.
  2. So, 18 duodecellion is the true max limit, eh? Thank you for clarifying that it is due to the DRAM limits in the persona computer, I seem to have hit that limit, but I will live with that until more people request the increase.
  3. Glad I could be of help.
  4. To what I have heard, it is a royal pain in the darrier to work with the playstore. I have my assdroid side-loaded, but I do not advise it for security reasons.
  5. I really like that idea. I had to upgrade to a ryzen 9 5.70Ghz processor in order to handle 35,000 guests in my park. I hope that some form of SMT will be possible at some point in time as this game is mainly a single-threaded execution program.
  6. Why I ask of this is because I have mega-scenery rides, go-karts to be exact and it is pretty cumbersome to select every tree with the current drag-select tool, so a marquee option would be cool.
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  7. i have that plugin and it does not work worth arse. they are still getting lost... Here is the upload of that addon if you can get it to work:
  8. Hey, it has been awhile. I have a question, is there a specific reason why the ride limit of 1k was chosen instead of like 2k or 4k, or 8k? Does this have anything to do with integers?
  9. Hey Marcel. I love what you do with OpenRCT2 on youtube.
  10. I now have my other CPU populated and the stuttering is now gone. It was a NUMA imbalance as now I can see the process being used across NUMA0 and 1.
  11. Way better parks than mine as mine are boring, flat, 999x999 tile maps with a whole lot of nothing in it.
  12. I love this maze as I love watching those tiny baby men trying to figure out how to leave it. Besides, it is way better than any maze I can create.
  13. Sorry for the necro, but I kept running into the limits in the original RCT2 as well as it looked horrible off of my 1440p (now 1600p) display, so I searched for RCT2 increased limits, and found this version. Never gone back ever since and I love how active and responsive the devs are here. And yea, trying to run the steam version of RCT2 on windows 10 pro for workstations was just, well, anticlimatic as it kept hanging up with 32 logical processors and 32GB memory for some reason I will never figure out.
  14. Sorry for the necro, but I think an OpenRCT3 would be cool, but I personally prefer 2d over 3d games. Besides, it would be futile to challenge Atari and Frontier Studios.
  15. I built your similar design in my park and it works just fine, but it is above ground, so I am guessing that there is a collision issue with the terrain going on here.
  16. I also have that issue with the 1920s cars getting trapped at the turns, so it isn't just you.
  17. I just downloaded and opened the map of yours, the train is stuck at moving to end of station hence the no results being processed. The results would easily been processed within seconds even on a celeron N series. Your train is stuck. I am going to fart around and see if I can get it unstuck for you. Yea, your train is outright stuck as no matter what I try to do, it will be trying to move to end of station.
  18. When I load my save, it says that there are missing rides/attractions. All I do is copy the json(s) from the latest archive back over and it works again until I close the game and load it again. The missing rides/attractions error is random and it randomly is missing those said files. Would it be possible that my RAID controller is cache-thrashing also as all my games are on a RAID-0 setup and the controller is a dinosaur controller (2014) as well? My whole system is using ECC as well, so perhaps something is not passing my ram correctly?
  19. I seem to be having random file corruption or missing in-game rides/attractions when loading my save. Does OpenRCT2 support the Resilient Filesystem (ReFS) at all or at least somewhat? For those not familiar with it, it is Micro$courage's approach to make a filesystem for their enterprise and server OSs that prevents bit-rotting and also increases the capacity and performance, hence the reason for using it (performance that is) I know this might be a difficult thing to assess as not everyone has an OS that support ReFS as a full-blown read/write setup. Just to add: I am using the command switch to save all of my openrct2 data on the same partition as the game itself.
  20. Sorry for bumping this, but there are json files for the rides that you can edit to add +127 excitement, intensity, and/or nausea, but that is all I know about modifying the core without much coding knowledge. Heck, you can make them never crash/collide or even never have breakdowns or even have them all sheltered by modifying the jsons. Just to be aware, it does require a lot of patience to go through all of those jsons to find what you want. My suggestion for editing them: Use notepadd++ as the integrated one, at least on windows, is terrible. Also take note that they will be updated once in a while, so expect the need to re-edit them.
  21. It can take a while depending on how powerful the processor is and if you have multi-threading enabled or not or how complex the park has become. To what I can see, your park only has 1.6, or 1.8k guests, I cannot read small text anymore, hence the educated guess. On my "guest tormentor roller coaster", it took about 30 seconds to compute the stats with something of about 60 km long with a lot of inversions, turns, and hills. I am using Xeons 2x e5-2667 v2s at 3.60Ghz, so this machine I have is a dinosaur compared to many machines now.
  22. I have autosaves disabled. I think the problem is due to the load-balancing on my NUMA is not correct as it happened with another game as well (I wanted to experiment). I have more memory on the way to populate CPU-1 so both CPU-0 and 1 will work correctly (I hope).
  23. When I play my custom park, it seems to stutter or even hang for about 2-4 seconds and it is random, running the latest release build. I have a lot custom content also, if that helps. I am running windows 11 Enterprise IoT, if that also helps. It does not stutter at the title screen. This is a mainframe server hardware I am using for gaming, so it has SMT and NUMA, so this may be unique to my setup also.
  24. I am having intermittent stuttering going on. Is anyone else have a unique setup like I do with SMT and NUMA for their processors and ram? Why I ask is I want to make sure it is only me or not, but I do not know who else has NUMA and SMT aware hardware for their gamer.
  25. The developers are awesome at what they do, and for free. It is not like they can pull completed code out of null space and call it a day.
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