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Everything posted by Jubal

  1. Similar issue. But I also cannot load parks. I get an error message saying a file is missing. version 0.4.3 I have resorted to just running 0.4.2 in the meantime.
  2. Does mean we have to run 0.2.4 version? Because that's what happens when I launch it from the documents folder. And it would suck to try and load the new save file format because I noticed the last couple saved games of mine don't show up in the load window (on 0.2.4 version).
  3. I have also been experiencing this in almost the same circumstances!
  4. Thank you guys, this helped me finally! I deleted all the scenarios titled Old_SC40 all the way through to Old_SC69. For those who need help finding them, for me they were the ones in C:\Program Files (x86)\Hasbro Interactive\RollerCoaster Tycoon\Scenarios
  5. Currently running version 0.3.3 and I am just playing regular RCT scenarios when after saving the game, the messages that appear at the bottom of the screen will not show up in the messages log. All messages that appeared before I hit save for the first time in a scenario will save in the log, but not the messages after a save. I have been giving it a few days and even though I've tried different scenarios, and restarted my computer many times over the past couple weeks, the issue persists. Its a little annoying. Any ideas as to what I could try to solve this? ThirtyFirst Game.sv6
  6. I wonder how many people Marcel Vos got into Open RCT2... He got me! At first I was resistant to something that would incorporate Cheats into my nostalgic game. But now I love how it merges all the expansions together and I have never been tempted to use the cheats to win!
  7. Jubal

    Cedar Point

    I dont know why, but I really love the triple water slide into the pool.
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