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  1. I forgot about that since I haven't used the log flume in ages. I tried the reverser coaster's reversing piece but that didn't work, I assume that's because of the special behaviour of those cars. Edit: Having tried this, the cars do a 180 degree spin as expected, but go back to their original facing direction afterwards. I don't know why this happens, but I think it's because the cars actually do turn, so they need to be face back to their original direction to continue along the track. I also assume this happens with the log flume too, but you don't notice since the logs are symmetrical.
  2. This video shows a coaster which I found out about, and since for some reason I actually kinda like the Heartline Twister Coaster (TOGO Ultra Twisters IRL), I decided to recreate it in OpenRCT2. The screenshot below shows the result. Although the real ride only runs with a single train, I've used multiple to increase the throughput and make it more practical in RCT2. You can see the first train looks like it's come off the track sideways, but that's just the way I did the turnaround section, since there is no turntable piece (yet?). Here I've changed it to a wild mouse and removed the other coasters I used to fill in the invisible parts, so you can see how the turnaround and the bottom of the lift hill work. It also allows you to see the brake run as actual brakes. In the actual coaster I used a second Heartline Twister with a chain lift section to replicate the appearance of the brakes and the correct track type. In the real coaster, the half inversion before the dive loop is inclined at ~45 degrees, but since that's not possible in RCT2 I've tried to match it as closely as possible. The length is just shy of the original:1,027 feet rather than 1,191, and it's also slightly slower. Interestingly, a sign on the original coaster said there was a maximum G Force of 4.5Gs, while my version only gets to about 3.2
  3. Mine's just updated and on a multiplayer server it didn't give the "undefined string" message, but when I tried to place certain pieces (the ones affected by this bug), they wouldn't place. Trying to switch part resulted in the track builder window not showing any part preview image, but it reverted to normal when I right clicked on another track piece.
  4. I quite like go-karts, and having seen this INSANE park that heavily features Go-Karts, I've thought of some things that could make them even better. 1: Karts choose sides on merged track Currently, Go-karts will only go on one side of the track on straights and 1-radius turns (The parts used in the go-kart ride itself). However, when they encounter a large turn they will go in the centre of the track, which looks odd and doesn't match their intended behaviour. I'm not sure why they don't, perhaps there's some variables associated with track pieces to decide the offset that are only set for the go-kart's track pieces. 2: Karts don't skip over diagonal elements (and others) When making a kart track with the arbitrary ride type changes cheat, I found the karts would just teleport past diagonal straights and 45* turn pieces, like a regular coaster teleports past golf holes. This limits how tracks can be built. I can understand skipping inversions, but one idea I have had is to make custom MK8-style karts with sprites for inversions etc., and this won't work if the karts just teleport past the inversions. 3: Shortcuts and track splits I can understand this one being harder to implement, but since the karts can choose the side of the track they drive on, why shouldn't they be able to choose between 2 tracks? This would enable functional shortcuts or alternative routes. I like the above park's approach with one lap actually consisting of the karts driving two circuits of the track, but in my opinion having actual functioning shortcuts would make go-karts much more exciting. For this one, I do see many implementation problems, such as how to perform the split (probably a new track piece), how to check that all paths form complete circuits etc., so I'm not expecting it to be done anytime soon. But hey, it's an idea.
  5. I'm going to add myself to this as well now that I've got more time @Bangaled Since you said you can't do it, I'm putting you in the missed list. Also @sage_lee you haven't claimed so @Leudimin I suppose it's your turn. Claimed: - Queue: Leudimin, Jochem, TheMathsGod Missed: 1081p, Redscope53, Wuis, Thibo1102, giraty, L3mmy, The_Saladman, UTMAN, Broxzier, DDDucker, Deurklink, Bangaled, sage_lee
  6. The base game does contain curved full height walls and base blocks. These are 1/4 high curved walls. Brown Recoulourable
  7. Would I be able to join the queue? I'm very busy the next couple of days but I should be fine once a couple of others have had a go.
  8. The arbitrary ride type changes cheat is (as far as I'm aware) definitely the best way to go. Just build the track normally, and when you reach a point where you want to add a part not included in the original ride, switch the ride type to one that has that part. Once you've done that you can change it back. The coaster will function exactly as you'd expect, but those pieces will be invisible as jensj12 mentioned. You can use zero clearance to build over the parts with the track you want to put there instead (making sure that coaster has those parts available) so it doesn't look like there's a massive gap in the track, but do it in the opposite direction so the editor doesn't go all weird. If you do it in the same direction the editor won't let you extend the track since it thinks it's a complete circuit (with the other track there).
  9. 1. A- Merry-go-round is always the first to go in 2. A- Probably build a couple of cheap profit coasters. 3. A- I'd probably also start spamming bins to reduce litter and put first aid rooms near the high nausea coasters. 4. A 5. A- When I don't have much funds for a coaster I just use time warp until the profit allows me to finish the coaster. 6. D at first, if they continue then A or B 7. B- Due to my limited experience of IRL coasters I tend to focus on looks and what I think the guests would like, even if it's nothing like real coasters. 8. A and D 9. Mine train. I really like the aesthetics of it and the Wild West theme is my favourite in the game.
  10. TheMathsGod

    RCT1 paths

    Welcome to the forums! Unfortunately the RCT1 path building system is missing from OpenRCT2, like it was in the original RCT2 game. I believe implementing such a system would require a new save format, which is the single thing that imposes most of the limits in the game. A few websites such as have a variety of custom objects people have created, so someone has probably recreated the rct1 tiled paths there. Just download the files and put them in the openrct2/object folder, and they should show up in the scenario editor menu. If you enable debugging tools in the options, you can get them in an existing scenario by selecting the gears tab at the top, then choosing the "show object selection" option. This will bring up the same menu that appears in the scenario editor, where you can select and use the paths. Hope this helps.
  11. Recently, I've started making my stations with custom internal details, such as multiple "lanes" and gates that line up with the rows on the coaster cars, as seen in most IRL stations (as far as I'm aware). Since I didn't want to hide everything inside, I left big holes in the walls and roof to allow you to see in from at least one camera angle. I then remembered the "Underground/Inside View" option, and wanted to see if I could use that to see inside the station when I wanted to, while still having walls and a roof for an outside view. However, I discovered that particular view option only hides scenery objects classed as "walls" (with the clearance being the edge of a tile). So, I was wondering if certain scenery objects could be marked as "roof objects", which would hide with the inside view selected. I understand that this would 99.9% likely require the new save format, but it's something I would like to see. Thinking about this, I wondered if you could get around the issue by making a roof object and giving it the clearance of a wall. Naturally, this would lead to funky placement results, but it *should* cause the object to hide with the inside view enabled. Now, I haven't made any custom scenery myself so I don't know if it's possible, but if it isn't I'd like to know why. I suspect there may be an issue with cutoff. If this is possible as a workaround, I may want to download some object editor program and try this. If anyone else wants to use them (or even make them themselves), please say.
  12. If you're using Windows, You should be able to search for "openrct2.exe" in "This PC". This should give you the full path to the game no matter what drive it's been installed to.
  13. Unfortunately my laptop has a full C Drive so I can't use printscreen. When I tried to open the game, it worked fine until I tried to open a scenario (as a new game). The screen then showed the edge of the map as if it was on the title sequence. I couldn't click anything, and after a while the game crashed completely. I tried to reopen the game, but it gave me an error code which I cannot show since I screenshotted it, but after going into MS paint ( kept crashing too), I couldn't paste it because the clipboard was supposedly empty. Anyone have a clue what just happened? Is it just my laptop's lack of C drive space making everything become completely messed up? EDIT: Now every time I try to open the game (using the launcher), the launcher shows fine, but when I click "play" the game closes instantly with no error message.
  14. From what I know, the game should prevent you deselecting rides you've already built. Furthermore, I believe the main reason for these limits is the game's save format. Are you able to save your game and successfully reload? As far as I'm aware the save format shouldn't let you do this, so please share what you've experienced.
  15. I was messing around in a sandbox park and I thought to myself "I wonder if I could make a Mobius coaster out of two different coasters merged together...". It's probably been done before, but here it is! Two coasters merged together, a Steel Twister called "Steel" and a Wooden coaster called "Wood". Very imaginative, aren't they?. I like to call this a Merged Mobius, but call it what you want. This is an overview of the coaster(s), showing a very rough station. I'd usually try a bit better on the scenery and add more around the actual coaster (I mostly just use trees though), but this is mainly me experimenting. Here's the two trains pulling out of the station. Can't see anything wrong here, can you? And finally the (actually pretty decent by my standards) stats of the two coasters. The stats seem to be calculated a bit weird imo, since both only show one inversion, even though I'd expect either 2 on both or 2 on Steel (since both inversions are made from steel coaster track) and 0 on Wood. I would like to know how the game handles the stats in this rather odd case.
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