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Everything posted by Ling

  1. Just change the ride type to "Powered launch (without passing station)". You'll need to check "Show all operating modes" in the cheats menu. You may also have to check "Unlock operating limits" in order to lower the launch speed low enough for it to not fly off the top.
  2. In case you feel like something to do this month and/or are missing the monthly competitions over here. Link If you have questions about the format or workbench please ask them in the Reddit thread so that I am more likely to see them, and others who may have the same question may see it more easily.
  3. Switch back to Stable until it's resolved.
  4. I posted about it already here and have provided some more details. Didn't experience it this morning but my game updated sometime during the day. Reverting to Stable for now.
  5. Yes, that is one of the first things you have to do, and I have done it before for in-house Filezilla and Minecraft servers. was able to successfully ping the port and my friend was able to see it on the list, although he wasn't able to maintain the connection to it (I am starting to suspect he may have been having internet problems at the particular moment we tried this, which could be compounding the problems and make me suspect a problem with the network when in fact it's seemingly more likely a problem with the particular version of the server running on my PC, i.e. headless vs. client). I am unable to connect to it from my MacBook Pro using the same network version from outside the network, but can connect from the LAN. Was able to check my girlfriend's PC and it can successfully connect from inside the LAN too. One thing I have noticed is that it seems extremely sensitive to order of operations. If I start a server using the OpenRCT2 client (e.g. to set permission) and then switch to a headless server running on the same PC, the headless server constantly errors out that it was incapable of advertising, and nothing can connect to it (including a localhost connection from the same PC). However, if I start the headless server first, then I can connect to it on the same PC as well as from other PCs on the network. The problem there is it's not currently possible to give anyone permissions - the commands don't seem to exist for headless servers, and using a whitelist.json that has my client player name doesn't work. Whichever form of server I create first (headless batch file or OpenRCT2 client), only that type of server works until the computer is restarted. Very strange. Somehow one program takes ownership of the port and doesn't give up control until the computer is restarted. I still have not been able to get anyone to successfully connect from outside of the network for longer than a few seconds, but hope to get more people onboard to try different things tonight.
  6. Minor update: A friend with a Windows 10 PC was able to connect successfully, but is getting disconnected every few seconds without any further info. Our public IP hasn't changed, and doesn't seem to be dynamic. My MacBook Pro, still also running the latest developer branch and also running network 0.2.1-2, cannot see the server on the list at all. Any attempt at a direct connection, either internally on the same WiFi (to the internal IP) or tethered to my phone and connecting to <our public IP>:11753 fails completely. I do not currently have access to any other machines to test with.
  7. Trying to get a small server running for some local friends (max ~5 players at any one time), sadly do not have any way to get my dedicated server PC attached to our router at the new place, so I cannot run it headless although I would eventually like to. In the meantime, I just want to get something working so I can share the steps with everyone, get them connected, and see if they like it. I have a dynamic DNS set up through no-ip to make things easier, although I have tried connecting with and without to similar results. NAT is enabled. I tracked down my public IP address, and am port forwarding 11753 to my desktop, which has a static IP (or my router is smart enough to follow the MAC address, it's not entirely clear which but the IP address hasn't changed in the course of my troubleshooting). I am testing it by tethering my MacBook Pro to my phone to simulate an outside network. When I put in either "<public IP>:11753" or <name>" it sits on Authenticating for a while then says No Data. I am running it with a password, and currently a max of 3 players. can see the IP and the port just fine. I have also permitted the port access in both Inbound Rules and Outbound Rules in Windows Defender, although that does not seem to have changed anything. Advertising vs. not advertising doesn't seem to make a difference. I cannot see my server name on the client either way, and cannot directly connect either way. Looking for any other things to try. EDIT: Both clients are running the Develop branch, both use launchers and so are currently on the most recent versions of the game.
  8. The lack of LL is concerning to me too and I think is also related to the rise of OpenRCT2. I'm curious if any of the teams are using OpenRCT2 to build concurrently. I already mentioned this over at NE but this may be the most consistently incredible quality we have ever gotten out of an H2H season, at least since the early days, even before my time. Nothing obviously unfinished or even poor quality; just a ton of absolutely solid parks. A lot of the rounds have been incredibly close too. It makes me really happy. I can't believe Heaven's Gallery vs. The Replacements R4M1 is perfectly tied after 44 votes.
  9. Round 4 is well underway.
  10. Switch back to the Release build. The latest Develop build is having a lot of problems.
  11. Four angles + stats, and download. Really not happy with a lot of the structures. Not being able to rely on ZC proved to be a pretty huge handicap, there's a lot of stuff that feels unfinished. The coaster is Osiris vs. Set, the two Egyptian brothers. Osiris is the god of farming and civilization, Set is the god of desert, storms, and evil. Osiris's color is blue, Set's is red. The tracks are fairly short so they don't interact much, but they do at least line up on the vertical drop, the loops in the plaza, and the peaks over the desert. Ling_CCC5.sv6
  12. Does that mean we can use zero clearance to make, for instance, a station for the coaster? Can we enable "Draw all track pieces" (i.e. enabling large inversions on a vertical drop coaster without merging) ?
  13. Not if you wanted an element that didn't exist on the original ride. But this is also kind of my point - you get into grey areas real fast when you try to dictate what tools people can and cannot use. It might help to specify the intent of the rules which would help interpret them, i.e. NCSO so that everyone is competing with the same ride and object set, specifying map size so the entries are not too different, disallowing other rides so that the coasters are the only things to compare. But I'm not sure what the intent of the trainer tools/"cheats" rules is so it's hard for me to interpret what should and shouldn't be allowed. We ran into the exact same problem in the CCC4 thread where points were awarded for being over a threshold but the definition of the threshold wasn't clear enough, so it was hard to read the intent.
  14. No zero clearance? If the intent is to rule out merging, I would forbid that explicitly but ZC is probably the single most useful (and widely used) tool in creative RCT.
  15. I have serious issues with this. What does this even mean? Is merging allowed? What about using tile inspector and being able to change ride settings to make transfer tracks and trains? Zero clearance? Raising/sinking large objects for effect? If all in-game tools are allowed, exactly what is going to cause an entry to be disqualified?
  16. All Coasters Go To Heaven is one of my favorite concepts for a park ever, and so well-suited to H2H. Mostly just adore seeing a really solid Drachen Fire recreation (and Son of Kumba's inclusion is perfect). Dig Site was my favorite overall for round 1 though - just so much happening.
  17. Wow, I totally forgot about this thread and haven't checked it since January. @jensj12 I do have some contest ideas (having run quite a few over at /r/rollercoastercontests and on other RCT fan-sites in the past) but none that would fit into the CCC moniker. Feel free to post if you have something ready to go, and I'll probably participate in that too. The only thing I would ask is to try to be clear about the rules. There was still a pretty significant amount of confusion as to how anything was supposed to be counted here (i.e. Deurklink's entry had 4 tracks, my entry could have been argued to have 4, 5, or 6, yours had 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 depending on what passed for a "new" merged track) and it would make it feel a lot more fair if stuff like that were handled explicitly up-front. Let me know if you want help formalizing the rules.
  18. Thanks Deurklink. I hope more people enter.
  19. My first submission. Still really unclear on the rules or how any of this is being counted but hopefully this still qualifies. It's still not clear to me how much scenery should or should not exist on these entries so I went kinda light on it. The used area is 16x20. It's a compact inverted coaster, that uses a vertical lift from the Inverted Vertical Shuttle, all inversions from a B&M invert, and two reversing towers using Inverted Impulse Coaster track. They are linked with an S-bend from the Inverted Shuttle Coaster (not a unique element, obviously). The ride is fully custom supported. The final brake run and final turn into the station are accomplished with a merge to a Suspended Swinging Coaster, to get from the height of the first brake run to the height of the station. Technically this is a unique piece. Finally, here is an image displaying where each track is and what track and train types were used. This was done before the most recent version of the game which combined many ride types such as the vertical pieces from various SLC track types. Depending on how you count this, it is either 4 (SLC+B&M+Intamin+Arrow), 5 (+Inverted Vertical Shuttle), or 6 (+Inverted Shuttle Coaster) unique tracks. The support work is not super clean because I'm really not used to doing designs in such tight spaces. Save file is here: Download
  20. This makes it virtually impossible to reach (or pass) four different mutually exclusive track types. You get steel twister (all of them) for any large elements or inversions, will mouse for tight turns, wooden for a water splash, vertical drop coaster for vertical lift (even though it can be accomplished again with steel twister using cheats, so that's not really an extra track then by these rules). Any other element can be accomplished with elements from those track types and therefore no other tracks would "count". This does not make any sense to me. Could you try rephrasing or explaining again?
  21. If no landscaping, path, or scenery is added what are the parameters for the entries to be judged on? Aesthetics? Stats? # of merges? What counts as a new track type? For instance are Compact Inverted Coaster, Inverted Shuttle Coaster, and Inverted Vertical Shuttle all different ride types? What about the different variations of the B&M sit-down, hyper, floorless, and stand-up tracks? Or only if you use an element unique to that ride type (i.e. vertical drop coaster's vertical lift vs. B&M sit-down). Can the other track used be aesthetic only (as in reverse-merging a heartline coaster to make a lift cage)? If you start the ride on a track type that has had a different train hacked onto it (i.e. B&M track but has had LIM trains selected via unlocking train types), does that count as one merge (since it could equally be accomplished by splicing an LIM station onto a B&M layout)? Does scenery have to lie within the bounds we are submitting? Can, for instance, supports extend out of the zone as long as the track is wholly inside?
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