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Everything posted by djwessie

  1. Hello, Can somebody show me or clearly explaimns me how i get twitch working in the game? So that I can stream my gameplay? Regards, Wes
  2. You now have a limit of rides you can select. 128 rides in total I believe. With the new save format you can extend that limit by adding more rides and scenery content so the possibilities with the game are beyond limits.
  3. Yes true but with the new save format you can add 'more' rides into the object selection and so on. So it would be much easier to create and add custom content.
  4. With the new save format it should be able to add new track types and coasters to the game. Are you willing to provide us or the team that content cause you are doing a pretty good job at this so far?
  5. My save works in the DEV version, just the objects are glitching more then previous DEV versions. Is this a new issue or am I the only one who encounters this. Check my buildlog for more info what I'm doing at the moment.
  6. Hey guys, I am building alot of object over and in each other, but I never had so much glitch with the zero clearnce/heigt restrictions. In the latest updates, it seems the objects are glitching more then before. Is there a fix then just delete all of my objects abd start over again? Regards, Wes.
  7. Welcome, To Journey of the hidden artifact! The ride has become more complete now! Still not everything is finished. There is a walkthrough inside the mountain, a darkride after the splash and a temple with a stolen artifact. Can you find the magical piece and restore the mountain's magic? More to come soon, Wes.
  8. But it is not allowed to upload a whole file folder of objdata files here due to the creators rights.
  9. But it is not allowed to upload a whole file folder of objdata files here due to the creators rights.
  10. Great atmosphere! Although for me it feels like you could have done a slightky better job in your track transitions on a few points. But, givem that, a really awesome showcase!
  11. If you want, I can upload a ZIP/RAR for you on wetransfer so you can have a download. PM me your mail adress (Don't post it here due to security reasons) and then further instructions where to place them.
  12. Every 3 or 4 days it get''s updated. Sometimes each day a new update. They work hard, but it is still people who have daytime jobs. So don't expect them to be working on it as a full game developer.
  13. #spoileralert: Thank you, That totally worked! The station is WIP so I'm not going to post it in the buildlog right now. Some errors shown on the pic above are currently being worked on.
  14. I am working on a new water ride as shown in build logs. But I stumbled upon a small issue: I can't edit the chainspeed of the merged lifthill. I am using 1 entrance station and one exit station to simulate a Intamin circular platform to get into the boats. The ride operates therefore in Boat Hire Mode. In the old 8cars way of hacking our way into RCT-2 we could adjust the lift value to tackle this. Is it possible to tackle this issue somehow in OpenRCT-2? Regards, Wes.
  15. This is exactly my problem. I want to design stuff I need, but if you suck at 3D modeling, it is really a pain in the ... you know what I mean.
  16. Welcome to my latest project: Things to be done: - Repaint some rock work - Adding the food area - Adding the right Foliage - Building/Finishing the station - Add some details in the mountain cottage and temple - Need a name - Write a good story for it And as a Surprise, This time the ride end with the Dark-ride section, instead of the big Splash finale. The ride is around 6 minutes, which is a bit long, but the excitement rating is currently above 7,5. So i'd hope guests will like it, and not say that they want to get off the ride.
  17. The new Canada's Wonderland is a 10 seater according to Cedar Fair. But they also said that about Valravn in Cedar Point. The 6 accross floorless B&M divers are now the most popular.
  18. I can't create a 3D model. I can't even draw the right lines. But the Baron1889, The new Dive machine in China, Valkyria in Liseberg and Kraken in Heide Park are 6 seat floorless Dive Coasters. So they become more commonly build now. The new Dive Machines are 10 seaters or 6. The 8 seat Divers are Sheikra and the Sheikra clone in China. So they are very rare in existance. See why we want the 6 seater here?
  19. I have had big fights with the board of NE about the judging. That they only apply a certain style and that too much of the content shown is most of the time copy paste. And they are not willing to accept a different creative mind then their standards. But Let's not talk about NE. I want to create the ride by myself, but I just don't have the knowhow to do it.
  20. 1: I can't create rides cause I can't design or script. 2: Leave me far far away from NE as possible 3: The 6 seat with floor can't make special elements so it would not satisfy my needs.
  21. But that would not add much to realism right?
  22. The 6 seats is rising up in Europe alot. I wish to make smaller Dive Coasters and the 8-10 seaters would not fit.
  23. Is this train type somewhere availible?
  24. Yes, but i'd like to have wooden and brick curved walls as well. And i need it 1/4 tile wide, not neccesarily (If i spell this correct) high.
  25. Due to some designs we are doing for some themeparks, we havr this currently on hold. But we can't talk much about it.
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