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Everything posted by TCE

  1. Ah, fair enough. Thanks.
  2. You may be correct. Those trams were listed under custom when I was going through my rides, though. Not sure, lol.
  3. Hopefully others can share their custom rides/stalls, because I know that isn't all of it.
  4. I've put all of my custom rides/custom stalls that I've found over the years for you in this park. All you have to do is download it, then you will automatically have the custom content. Note: I didn't include Amazing Earl's stuff because his content has already been posted in here. Enjoy! PS. I would like @CharlieP custom content, his sounds awesome, and stuff I haven't got yet. If you could please upload a park with your stuff, that'd be great, thanks. All Custom.sv6
  5. Speaking of staff, has anyone ever actually seen a security guard tell someone to leave the park before? I've heard it happens but have never seen it.
  6. TCE

    Group Park 4

    Hey, that looks amazing. I'm no good at doing scenery like that, I really need to start watching more tutorials. Whenever I attempt a large scale scenery, the scenery ends up flickering non stop and it's so frustrating.
  7. TCE

    Group Park 4

    No not at all, carry on
  8. TCE

    Group Park 4

    Haha, I have no idea
  9. TCE

    Group Park 4

    I made a small maze, didn't have much time to do more unfortunately, but I couldn't see a maze in the park. Claimed: - Queue: @Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos, RedScope53, Cascadia, TCEMissed: Centric, Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice, Philmon11, jensj12, _SpacE__, YoloSweggLord, WobblyRails The OpenRTC2 Group Park 4.21.sv6
  10. TCE

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: - TCEQueue: Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos, RedScope53, CascadiaMissed: Centric, Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice, Philmon11, jensj12, _SpacE__, YoloSweggLord, WobblyRails Claimed, I'll get onto it tomorrow.
  11. build 71d0861 The most recent version?
  12. It happens quite a lot, then they queue for the same ride again. Is this a bug? And then when they're that unhappy, rollercoasters, etc. never seem to make them happy when they go on them.
  13. TCE

    Group Park 4

    No problem, thanks for clarifying.
  14. TCE

    Group Park 4

    So it's all good? I would like to add, anyone can add scenery, another ride, etc. to my area if they wish to make it look better. I haven't mastered scenery yet, lol.
  15. TCE

    Group Park 4

    Here you go guys: Claimed: Queue: @ectricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, imlegos, Redscope53, jensj12, _SpacE__, YoloSweggLord, WobblyRails, TCEMissed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan, ImABoss The OpenRCT Group Park 4.15.sv6
  16. TCE

    Group Park 4

    Ah that's what did it, thanks for the heads up.
  17. TCE

    Group Park 4

    Ah soz about that, didn't know custom content wasn't allowed. I'll replace the rides and stalls tomorrow if that's okay? And thanks, it was quite irritating those glitched paths, lol.
  18. TCE

    Group Park 4

    I added a small area, with some scenery and two flat rides. The highlighted white paths, I can't replace with a normal path, any ideas why? The paths kept breaking as I was working in the area. I also added a food and shop area. Anyone is welcome to add on to the area if you want to make it look better Claimed: Queue: @ectricsanonPhilmon11, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, imlegos, Redscope53, jensj12, _SpacE__, YoloSweggLord, WobblyRails, TCEMissed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan, ImABoss The OpenRCT Group Park 4.15.sv6
  19. TCE

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: @TCEQueue: Etricsanon, Philmon11, BlazingEmpireHD, Wuis, Broxzier, SensualEthiopianPolice, imlegos, Redscope53, jensj12, _SpacE__, YoloSweggLord, WobblyRailsMissed: Cascadia, Centric, Dan, ImABoss I'll get around to it tomorrow, thanks.
  20. Thanks.
  21. Which download btw?
  22. Legend, thanks a lot mate.
  23. No worries man, thanks again, keep up the good work
  24. Okay, thanks man. When you do upload, please tell me, I'll give it a download do you take requests? Have you ever tried to make a rhythm dancer ride?
  25. Great stuff man, thanks. Looks awesome. Btw, do you still do custom rides?
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