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Everything posted by TCE

  1. Or any of the rides from this list..thanks in advance.
  2. Or anything from these 3 pages? Thanks.
  3. Thanks, guys.
  4. Ah, awesome, thanks. Another thing I would like to know, how do we go about getting the extra entertainers like the gorilla, knight and bandit? Because I only ever see the tiger, elephant and panda on OpenRCT2. Thanks in advance.
  5. Is this face/mood still in RCT2/OpenRCT2? I remember seeing it quite a bit in the first RCT, but haven't seen it in years. They feel better after vandalizing things or riding some rides, lol.
  6. TCE

    Group Park 4

    Hey no probs, you done a good job
  7. Ideal, thanks, much appreciated.
  8. Just updated it with more stuff
  9. Let me know what you all think please. I also switched it to surfboards as well. Is there a way you can save a ride that isn't a coaster? If not, could this be an added feature? I would love to be able to put my pool in other parks, too. Thanks.
  10. Awesome, thanks, man. Much appreciated.
  11. How do you do this? Thanks in advance.
  12. TCE

    Hi I guess

  13. You can actually do this in the options. If I'm reading what you've said correctly, then go to Options > click the Mechanic tab > check the box that says Enable Unlocking of Scenarios (if you highlight it, it'll say its RCT1 Behavior).
  14. TCE

    Group Park 4

    Sorry guys, I'm a bit busy this time round. Claimed: -Queue: @jensj12 , Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos, CascadiaMissed: Centric Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice, _SpacE__, WobblyRails, YoloSweggLord, Philmon11, TCE,
  15. Make only the boat hire station and don't add a track. Then the swimmers (from AE's custom rides) can swim freely.
  16. The feature for the pay to enter park and pay for rides has already been added in.
  17. TCE

    Group Park 4

    My apologies.
  18. Another thing I've noticed with guests is when a guest leaves a queue angry (their thoughts of been waiting for ages), some guests leave then join the queue line again straight away. It says they're heading for that ride, even though they had just left the queue.
  19. Thanks, man. Much appreciated.
  20. TCE

    Group Park 4

    Yeah sure, no worries.
  21. TCE

    Group Park 4

    - I added a small Junior rollercoaster called Underground Blast. It's a slowish one, but hits it's peak underground (hence the name). It's popularity is 100% and satisfaction is 75%. Also added a little scenery. If anyone wants to improve the scenery and/or add other rides around it, be my guest. - Added a path from Underground Blast to Bubble Bypass, because the guests were complaining that it was too crowded at UB. - Added a roof over my food court (next to Bubble Bypass) and more benches. -Added more handymen because many of the rides weren't getting fixed on time. Claimed: - Queue: @YoloSweggLord, Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos, Philmon11, RedScope53, Cascadia, TCEMissed: Centric, Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice, jensj12, _SpacE__, WobblyRails The OpenRTC2 Group Park 4.29.sv6
  22. TCE

    Group Park 4

    Claimed: - TCEQueue: YoloSweggLord, Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos, Philmon11, RedScope53, CascadiaMissed: Centric, Dan, ImABoss, ectricsanon, BlazingEmpireHD, SensualEthiopianPolice, jensj12, _SpacE__, WobblyRails Will work on it later, thanks.
  23. Amazing, never knew there was so many custom rides, thanks. Looking forward to seeing the new entrances.
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