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Everything posted by Foxbox

  1. I just hoped to get Fort Anachrosim and Pandaworld into OpenRCT. But is there a button to sort the classic scenarios into a seperate Tab, so I can finish with Deluxe and later play the Classic version? If not, i still can use cheats to skip. Its not a big deal. I was just surprised. At least some Scenarios have some different objectives, like: Diamond Heights with 100k more as a goal. Just wanted to share.
  2. Dosn't matter anymore, because the OpenRCT2 Launcher updated with a new develop build (af53fa8) wich patched the bug. Big thanks
  3. I tried playing the level, cheat to win a level or a savegame 1 day befor wining the scenario. Every scenario was locked again. Same on a fresh install on my laptop No one mention it on GitHub and im not creating a new account just for that, on a Website, i don't even like to use. That's why im posting here. I know, it develop branch, but I just wanted this to be a reminder, to put the unlock feature back in, when it shifts to develop to release. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
  4. closed because of budget cuts. (Can be removed by Mods, if needed). Reason: [...] Money don't grow on trees [...] -Cage the Elephant" Server Name: [Foxy-Server] "Crossroads" [Anarchy] Version Link: Dev-Branch Ver.: (662c742) (More will probably be added in some time) Update List: DEV: d3ee7ed -> DEV: 9ef7a4c (2022-03-14) DEV: 9ef7a4c -> DEV: 662c742 (2022-18-14) problems with 9ef7a4c FAQ: Q: Will you add more servers? A: Eventually. Each one will have a different name to tell friends on what server you are playing. Q: The DEV-Branch updates every few hours. How up to date will this server be? A: Between 1 Week and 1 Month. Its currently not automated. Q: Will there be moderated Server? A: Unlikely, because im lazy a. f. ... Unless i find some moderators that are willing to keep the peace on some of those servers, its unlikly. Q: Download for the empty map? A: Temporary download location: ^ Webserver is not finished. Im moveing all images as soon as its done.
  5. Can i load 2 differen "--user-data-path"'s on a single server? so that i can run 2 differen instances of openRCT2? (one as a private server for friends and another one for public) ? ---------------- Main problem right now: "Autosave" Every instance of openRCT2 saves the files at the same location and with the same syntax: "autosave_XXXX-XX-XX_XX-XX-XX" Autosave _Date_Time How can i seperate those on one server without mixing them up? Can i use a commandline parameter that seperates the save location?
  6. Via "Remote Desktop" on the root server. Launching the game, and evey 4 secound -> one Frame. Roughly 0.25 fps. As i said: i can not launch openRCT2 without grafics and interface for some reason. Not on the server and not on my PC. I could ask a friend with a linux server to test this as well. Maybe he has more luck than me. 🤷‍♂️
  7. Headless mode dosn't seem to start and the vServer dosn't have any grafics card (or is beeing Dos'ed) because the game runs at 0.25 FPS. Its a windows 2012 R2 vRoot (4 cores / 8gb ram) The command is: "C:\Users\________\Documents\OpenRCT2\bin\openrct2.exe" host "C:\Users\________\Documents\OpenRCT2\save\Pixels.sv6" -port 11753 --headless I tried it via admin and normal user. Ports are also enabled in the firewall. BTW: The headless mode also dosn't work for my local PC either. (Windows 10) Only normal mode works fine.
  8. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    and what do you do, if your version number is stored as 8 bit integer and you are at version number 256 and higher? You can't just simply use 16 bit, when the machine is only capable of 8 bit. Your method simply dosn't work on every machine.
  9. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    2+0 = 2. 2+0+0 = 2. 0+2+0 = 2. Works for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Each line is a seperate ID. If you reach 1.9 (1.90000...) and your project is still not finished, you add 1.91 (1.91000...) and if it is still not finished at 1.99 (1.99000...), you add 1.991 (1.99100...) This is how i read versions. and it makes total sense The reason behind it: Most of the time, you dont know, how many updates you need. Thats why you cant do something like: 1.01. In this case you only have 99 updates left until you need to go to 2.0. In my version, you can have as many updates as you like. Thats why 2 is in version the same as 20 and 200 and 2000. Easy
  10. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    there is no difference between x.2 and x.20 and x.200 and x.2000. If there is nothing behind a number, it always counts as 0. >.< But hey: at least im finished and now you can do it the what-ever-way But rather than arguing over perfect versioning, you should fix the problem with adding and removing objects. You also couldn't remove that "to-be-wolf" btw. That would be a bit more important, don't you think. Same problem goes for adding and removing unused rollerocoasters. It took me 5 hours just to add a hyper coaster. I also let a wolf do my taxes as well :>
  11. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    and when i had used 5.20, you would have said: 5.2 is correct. It starts to get boring ... Try another joke for once
  12. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    Yeah, that was the plan. But only if you all want a helix. I dont want to do this much work, just to throw it into the bin I'll show the 3D model as soon as i have some time to finish it. I was just lucky that i could work on this group park a bit more. One day earlier and i had to skip a turn. That was very well timed. ;D Ok im finished now: (Its also a very small generic-german-area). Good thing, you dont need custom scenary for german flags. Haha! I didn't import any more objects in this turn. Now im Finished... For the monorail helix, i dont need actually play the game. Just give you the object... Have fun everyone Claimed: Queue:@UTMAN , SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, YoloSweggLord, Tune, Broxzier, JochemMissed: jensj12, TCE, Cascadia Foxy The OpenRCT2 Group Park 5.2.sv6 See? I used an attachment and it only took 5 minutes to upload (instead of 10 secounds when i use my own server). Also: i nearly wrote 5.20, but that would be wrong again. Now it should be PERFECT. :>
  13. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    Main changes so far: (every time, i load the park, the custom sign is back in the object pool. Same goes for other scenary, that dissapears from the object pool, even if they are activated.) Rollercoaster finished and working: Sif - Artorias' Companion E: 8.84 (very high) I: 7.07 (high) N: 3.83 (medium) max speed 28.1ms-1 average speed 8.9ms-1 ride time 1min20secs ride length 952m max pos vert G's: 3.55g max neg vert G's: -1.64g max lat G's: 1.4g total airtime: 4.23 sec drops: 7 highest drop: 33m inversion: 1 i tried to kept it at a low profile after the secound drop, so that there could be a layout for another coaster, that went over the parking space. this is just an idea for someone else of you. I wont create another coaster in this area. it should work. Just try not to destroy too much scenary ^.^ Also: Changed the path at the water slide: I just want to avoid connections at exit-paths for now... Not sure, if i should start another project or end all of my turns. This would be a nice challenge to recreate... But first, i'll need to improve the scenary a bit. The divecoaster still dosn't look as it was planned.
  14. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    Yes, but the slopes still looks unrealistic. And most monorails have helix parts as well. Actually, i have never seen a 30° slope on a monorail. The steepest slope i have seen was on the old monorail in Phantasialand (at the area were now Taron is located) with 10° slope out of a station. I know, its a limitation of RCT2. Thats why i ask, if we should use some extra track parts to make it look a bit better. We also could just wait till the end and use all remaining free object slots for stuff like this. Edit: I may need to change this path. Its was an Exit only path (as you see at the sign) to keep the traffic as low as possible in this area. (there are 2 path signs. The true "exit" sign, that blocks the peeps is invisible)
  15. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    Claimed: FoxyQueue: SpiffyJack, giraty, RedScope53, YoloSweggLord, Tune, Broxzier, Jochem Missed: jensj12, UTMAN, TCE, Cascadia @SpiffyJack @giraty @RedScope53 @YoloSweggLord @Tune @Broxzier @Jochem @jensj12 @UTMAN @TCE @cascadia im experimenting with helix turns for monorails. It slightly improves the speed, but its your choice if we should add them. Its a big scenary, and those are not very often used, because the vanilla big scenary are not generic in any way or form. A helix for a monorail can be used around the entire park and makes the slopes more realistic. It will be a quarter helix (similar to the suspended coaster) I wont add it in this turn, but maybe in the next turn (if i manage to finish it).
  16. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    No. And i hope, i didnt offend you as well. I just want to learn new things and you change the rules all the time. Its just difficult to learn something new under those circumstance. You may know, that im still new here and try to adapt to this forum. And the more rules are dynamicly changeing, the more difficult it is for me. If we could agree to a constant line, that dosn't change, i would be a very happy fox The nameing is not constant, because according to wikipedia, you can do it like this and this and this now i know more different types of version naming than there are actual programming languages on earth. How about this: For the next group park, you should write down all neccesary information. I could help you with some sort of Q&A list if you like. Im well trained in finding exploits in rules, games and real-life . I will closely what this round and try find every inconsistent. After it is finished, i'll give you a list and the next project sould work a lot smoother, i think. Btw: There is a big difference between "offended" and "confused". Im only confused, because im just not sure, how to name it. You can even call me "f**k furry" and im not offended (and i still respect, that in international forums, i have to censor swearwords-> you dont have to this in german forums (you dont get banned at least, if its not spammed), because i dont give a f**k ) Its basicly impossible to offend someone from germany. So dont worry about offending me. The only thing that could happen is, that im rofl'ing in the cornor (I think i have told you that befor somewhere here...) Just dont believe the news and our politics... they dont represent us very well ...
  17. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    only if @Broxzier is ok with this (but i doubt it). He clearly said that minor changes needs to have a dot and another number (or more precise: it was written on wikipedia). But maybe he just dont like what i do
  18. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    seems to be not an easy task, to arrange all needed textures on one sprite... What about signs with names? can those be abused (e.g: if i type "A" the image applied to the letter A shows up?). The vanilla sign uses letters in 3D, so they must be individual sprites, or am i wrong? If those sprites could be scaled up to 1x2 tiles, it might work, but right now i havn't figured out how to make a normal sign with customized letters. (i have only 2 weeks of experience in objects, so yeah)
  19. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    dosn't the object gets removed entirely?... That's an awesome idea, if it works I'll test it right away. something like a UV-Map for RCT2 signs? And we have the front-side and backside.
  20. Exactly. But by doing so, you modify the software, you bought. which could be considered illegal (dont have the manual anymore). Dont get me wrong: this also applys by adding new objects to the game.
  21. Something different this time: Dont give me unlimited time for scenarios, or something like this will happen: Befor: After: Got a bit carried away, i guess... :>
  22. Foxbox

    Group Park 5

    Another point i have in mind for the signs. Maybe this isnt a bad idea after all. The group-park only uses 44 of 128 big scenary files. And most of the big scenary objects are ugly as hell (and not generic at all: e.g: Mine Hut, Martian Building)... The ONLY generic objects are in the small scenary group. What about, if everyone could create customized 1x2 signs for thair own attraction? As you can see: we dont need castle towers, because of the small 1/4 blocks, we dont need Mining Huts because of the wooden fences, roofs and structure. All objects to recreate any big scenary object is already in the small scenary group. If this group park reaches the end, i will use all remaining slots for objects and add custom scenary. Im just trying to find a way, that benefits everyone, even if i have to break the habbit of a single programmer And btw: This needs to be removed: It was a successfull test, but then i forgot about it :>
  23. Then, its just a cracked software But how would you otherwise get those assets for a OS, that is not able to run the software.
  24. Maybe because they thought, that providing a free demo with all assets AND oRCT2 (which bypasses the CD protection and eliminates the time) would be very close to a illegal crack. RCT2 is abandonware, but the assets are still protected. Using a demo in combination with oRCT2 seems like a gray-zone :> Maybe this is why the provided demo is incomplete. But luckly im not the one, whos head get chopped off *irony off*
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