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  1. wat Literally the whole map is empty to use. And not a bad park, but I also wouldn't classify it as a megapark...
  2. Except ORCT2 doesn't do any of that in the sharing sense, therefore, since its not being sold, given, or claimed as their own, its fine. It simply modifies code that the person(s) already has. Which is completely legal.
  3. Can confirm this started for me with the new save format. I also was confused and thought my selections were missing. Basically,*all* items are put in Misc. Not a big deal, but does make looking for trees or something specific a bit harder. All saves do this as well, not just specific ones. (not to take over OPs post, but heres my version/save.) -Edit- Forgot to mention, theres also only the misc tab. Literally it. 119319926_Galaxia12.park
  4. Yes, forgot to say that lol
  5. To use it in already built scenarios, simply click the gear icon on the top bar, and "object selection."
  6. Your mom is too strict an... Oh look shiny!
  7. Park looks good so far. Keep it up guys
  8. Welcome aboard!
  9. Mmmmm sexy blue gladd... yeah I love gladd..
  10. And its only me anyways lol I'm heading to a party today so I would't be able to anyways lol
  11. No time this week, study, tests and work, @Deurklink
  12. Little update: Been working on the park a little. Large gap between posts, but I get burned out on RCT2 very quickly lol Been working on the parks first coaster. The rating isn't horrible either. Its a jungle/dino themed ride, which I'm probably going to make the surrounding areas the same. I'm not sure how I feel about the yellow walls around the little pond (or the pond itself tbh,) so I might come back and redo that area.
  13. Yeah, we should do a poll (really just say yay or nay since theres like 5 of us lol) if we're going to do themed areas, or a theme for the whole park. That being said, we could add a non-themed entrance elsewhere, and leave that area to be the Asian themed zone if we decide to do themed areas opposed to a themed park. However, I'm not going to cut down on my use of EP items because some people won't buy them for $5 after they've been out for 14 years, for whatever reason they have for not buying them... If we decide to not use EP/CS, then so be it, but again, I'm not gonna cut down as long as they're allowed
  14. Np I like doing decorating, as I suck at making coasters (which I've stated is why I like doing the transportation/gokarts) so it was fun to do. Any changes you want to make, of course, feel free!
  15. So I started the Asian theming. I think Asian and Space work well together, since Japan/China are both very techy/future-esk, at least in my opinion. I've given the entrance a large makeover, but kept giraty's original design. I also changed the path to something a tad more fitting for an Asian park (you can revert it if you don't like it, of course.) I've added a new ride, expanded the paths out, and made a chair lift on the hill that I left unfinished, we can either keep it, or toss it, either is fine by me.) New entrance design. Closer up on the main entry. New Go-kart ride. Started this side out a tad more. Added a(2) "comeback soon! signs to the railbridge. The Buddah doesn't have to stay, I was just decorating lol Claim: - Queue: @Deurklink, Wuis , giraty, Utman, RedScope53 Missed: @Broxzier I like the idea of a sidewalk lined road for the main path. Obviously this doesn't have to be throughout the entire park, nor at all if noone else likes it. Again, All my changed can be reverted if people don't like them, I just get carried away decorating lol I have two versions here., which has all the changes, and 8.0.3, which changes nothing, and only adds a small Neptune twister, water themed ride. Full: The OpenRCT2 Group Park 8.03.5.sv6 No changes: The OpenRCT2 Group Park 8.03.sv6
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