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Everything posted by HookerHeels

  1. Alright. I've uploaded the park before I was done, as I've lost 30 minutes of work twice, as auto save doesn't seem to actually save anymore, and the park is partly bugged, or whatever. I've made is version 3.60X, X as in possibly bugged. I've done a fair bit of pathing decorating, changed the top of the big white building to have some glass centered (as the pure white roof was a bit of an eyesore, imo) Fixed a couple paths that were broken. And made a giant movie screen. Which I had decorated and made really nice, but then it won't save anymore, and was wiped twice, so I'm done before I just light the park on fire. Feel free to delete it, fix it up, change it, whatever. I won't be adding myself to the que, as to be honest, I think the park is pretty full, and I don't see much else being added, other then decorating paths and rides, etc. Which while I enjoy, seeing as I came here late, I feel indifferent about The OpenRCT Group Park 3.60X.sv6 @cascadia Claimed: Queue: @Dan, Philmon11, Broxzier, ziscor, jensj12, WuisMissed: @imlegos , @WobblyRails , @wilburg22, @Yimmy
  2. I'm having issues with the park. I can't seem to save it now, and the zipline thing is messing up my ORCT2. I'll upload the new version as soon as I sort it out.
  3. Claimed: RedScope53 Queue: Dan, Philmon11, Broxzier, ziscor, jensj12, WuisMissed: @imlegos , @WobblyRails , @wilburg22, @Yimmy Lets gooo!
  4. Granted, but the only game you have on it is Shower With Your Dad Simulator. I wish someone would have actually gone and bought me something off my Steam wishlist I linked. xDD
  5. Granted, but you can only clean them out once every 3 years. I wish my sunglasses didn't get scratched up.
  6. @Wuis It crashes, therefore restarting it. I tried several times :\ -edit- Fixed it. I had to check 'allow missing checksums'
  7. Granted, But its the last turkey sandwich on earth, and people chase you down with pitchforks, and hold you at fork-point, and in exchange, they give you your life.
  8. @cascadia Its broken :\ It crashes my ORCT2 every time I try to load it. Hope you made a backup before you put the zipline in.
  9. I think a good spot for a second entrance would be...
  10. WAY TO BE LOGICAL. AIs would be horrible.. wut...
  11. Granted, but instead you have to travel 3.5. I wish the sun would go away, and we'd live in an ice age, but everyone has heaters in their homes that keep us nice and toasty and alive.
  12. Couldn't post anywhere without quoting Cascadia.... Granted, but none are better then the modern monorail I wish I had a normal pizza and nothing was wrong with it and nothing would happen to me if I ate it.
  13. Wouldn't stop me from making them.
  14. Granted, but instead hackers come. I wish for new monorail types and track pieces and other monorail related stuffs to be made.
  16. Granted, but you can only use it once a month. I wish I someone would gift me a random game on Steam.
  17. Welcome, take a look around and don't be afraid to jump right in! After all, what better way to get going!
  18. Just found this sifting through GOG, and I thought I'd see if anyone was talking about it here. Totally bought it because awesome!
  19. Nah. Friend asked what a plant in her front yard was.
  21. Granted, but the next 3 wishes are about monorails. I wish for more monorail related mods to be created.
  22. Actually, it could probably be switched back with no issues. I only made it invisible when I was starting to build it. It seems to be completely hidden now.
  23. Burned myself out on RCT2, going to play some Killing Floor and blast away some zombies
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