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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Dan

    Group Park 3

    Shall be uploading the park shortly, on my way home.
  2. Dan

    Group Park 3

    Will be finished and have the file uploaded at some point tomorrow. :)
  3. Dan

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: DanQueue: Wuis, Broxzier, imlegos, ziscor, jensj12Missed: Philmon11
  4. Dan

    Group Park 3

    Ooh, looks great! If @Wuis isn't ready to claim then I'll take my go?
  5. Dan

    Group Park 3

    I'm sure we can easily have the path run down the right hand side of the ride, merging off from where the monorail track passes overhead? I'll try and find a way to have it run down the left side once I've taken my next turn and worked on my next ride.
  6. Dan

    Group Park 3

    Apologies for the lengthier turns, juggling work, uni, organising the abroad park trips I have this year and dabbling in this park are somewhat of a difficult yet enjoyable task. Anyway, Introducing T'chaka River, a gentle river cruise through a serene yet mysterious jungle, including an indoor cave segment and a waterfall section. I intend to save the empty space near the entrance plaza for my next project. Anyone is free to have an attempt at making a better effort at the foliage than I feel I did on one of their turns. Claimed: Queue: @jensj12, Wuis, Broxzier, Ziscor, Philmon11, DanMissed: CoasterMaster, CAVIAR, qbbq, imlegos The OpenRCT Group Park 3.17.sv6
  7. Dan

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: DanQueue: Jensj12, Wuis, Broxzier, Ziscor, Philmon11Missed: CoasterMaster, CAVIAR, qbbq, imlegos
  8. Dan

    Group Park 3

    Yeah, forgot to put myself back on. Thanks!
  9. Dan

    Group Park 3

    A few minor tweaks to Kiddie Kingdom (hope you don't mind, @Philmon11, feel free to revert if they aren't to your taste): - Coloured each separate locomotive on the Kiddie Express. - Repainted the raised section of track to more authentic wooden colours. - Added a hedge around the paving perimeter to stop those pesky kids escaping. My own addition this time round is Motion Raiders, a 4D cinema situated inside a large modern building with plenty of natural light able to seep in for guests waiting for their turn. Claimed: Queue: @ziscor, imlegos, Philmon11Missed: jensj12 Broxzier, CoasterMaster, CAVIAR, qbbq, Wuis The OpenRCT Group Park 3.10.sv6
  10. Dan

    Group Park 3

    Should be another hour two away from uploading. :)
  11. Dan

    Group Park 3

    Claimed: - Dan Queue: ziscor, imlegos, Philmon11Missed: jensj12 Broxzier, CoasterMaster, CAVIAR, qbbq, Wuis
  12. Dan

    Group Park 3

    I'm fine if anyone wants to have a stab at moving the coaster
  13. Dan

    Group Park 3

    Lacking motivation at the moment, having it all drained by the real world! I'm sure it'll be greater in length next time, as I also want to put a bit more theming into the coaster.
  14. Dan

    Group Park 3

    Introducing Dark Matter, a relatively compact Intamin Megalite. A few additional benches and the completion of the fencing around Ghosts & Gardens are also the latest developments within the park. Claimed: -Queue: @ziscor, qbbq, imlegos, Wuis, SensualEthiopianPolice, Philmon11, jensj12, Broxzier, DanMissed: CoasterMaster, CAVIAR The OpenRCT Group Park 3.05
  15. Dan

    Group Park 3

    Claimed. I shall get to work.
  16. Dan

    Group Park 3

    Throw my hat into the ring for this one if you'd please.
  17. Dan

    Rapid Group Park no.1

    Definitely against having a flat park, I reckon we should generate a few landscaped templates and mutually agree on which to start with. As for custom rides, I'd be all for it as they'd make the park feel a little less generic in places and broaden the possibilities, but not an extensive usage of them.
  18. Coasters are always slower during the testing period than when they are fully operational, I expect this to be a lot faster in the coming weeks.
  19. Dan

    Rapid Group Park no.1

    Sounds interesting, throw my hat into the ring for this if you please.
  20. There's the 'Large Tram' cheat that spawns between 500-1000 guests per click.
  21. How could I forget Alpina Bahn! Perhaps not quite worth the number 5 spot, but definitely up in a top 10!
  22. So on a spin from the Top 5 Favourite Roller Coasters topic, I'd be interested to see what everyone's Top 5 Hated Roller Coasters are. Rides that you simply cannot bare to experience or would begrudged to ride again. Here's mine: 1. Wild Mouse @ Blackpool Pleasure Beach 2. Bandit @ Movie Park Germany 3. Furious Baco @ PortAventura 4. Vekoma SLC @ Any park that has one 5. Primeval Whirl @Animal Kingdom
  23. It happens both on fresh games as well as old saves, and in multiplayer also.
  24. Which build do you advise, as I have attempted to revert to the previous 4 dev builds and the last stable build, yet the message still persists.
  25. I was just about to post a similar topic, I'm also having this issue: I'm currently using 0.0.4 build 1675. I've tried reverting back to a few previous dev builds, only to be greeted by the same message. The same happened when attempting to revert back to the previous stable build also. OS: Windows 10.
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