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Rotating Ride Entrance and Exit with Hex Editing

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Say you want to rotate the entrance so that the queue line and exit path are perpendicular to the station. You have a track like this, it works and everything, but the entrance together with the path is taking too much space for example.View imageFirst of all – save the park. By saving all objects in the park will be sorted, and we need this to find the entrance and exit easily. You might want to disable auto-save while hex editing, because it can change the order of things around, and then you might end up editing something else.Download CheatEngine (or any other program that can search through the memory and let you edit it, I’ve heard of people using WinHack but that doesn’t work on 64-bit machines). We’re going to use this to edit the memory of the game while it is open.After having it installed, click the blinking icon on the top-left (computer with magnifier glass), and search for openrct2.exe in the list. Select it and click Open. Now CheatEngine can search through the game’s memory.View imageNow we need to find the tile on which the entrance is build. This is my way of finding it, but there are many other ways you can use to find it! Start of by setting the game to use Units instead of real values. This will make it easier for this method. Once done, check the height of the tile.View imageIt looks like the height is -1. The height of a tile isn’t just that number – this is just the number that’s being displayed. When a tile is on their lowest position, the number displays -7. Also every step in height is a difference of 2, not 1. If you take the very basic block scenery for example, that one has a height of 1. Stacking two of them will have the same height as 1 tile step.Now to find the tile, we need to convert this -1 to a number we can use. Since the game starts counting from zero, and zero is actually -7 height, we need to subtract -7 (or add 7) to the height. We get 6. Now we need to multiply this by two to find the actual height, leaving us with 12. This is the number we’ll be looking for. Now go to cheat engine, on the right set Scan Type to Exact Value, and set Value Type to Byte. Enter the number we just found – 12 – and press First Scan. You’ll get a huge list of bytes with the same value. It can’t hurt to press Next Scan a couple of times now, since this value won’t change, and it will filter out all bytes that have changed.Next, go back to the game, raise or lower the land a little, enter the new height value in CheatEngine (remember that one step makes a difference of 2, so moving it up one tile will make it 14), and press Next Scan. If you’re left with more than two values, keep doing this until you have filtered out all the other byte's addresses.The reason there are two values left is because each tile has a height for the ground, and a height for the walls around it.View imageDouble click the first to add it to the list of addresses on the bottom of CheatEngine. Now follow the same steps to find the height of the tile of the Exit and add it as well. You can assign a description to them to make it easier to know which is which.View imageRight-click on one of them, and select Browse this memory region. It will open a new window in which you can see the data itself. Ignore the top half of the screen, we’re only looking at the data. On the top-left of this part the tile-height value will be printed. It will probably say something like 0C instead, this is because everything is displayed using hexadecimal base. I will prefix Hex values with 0x in the rest of this post.If you change 0x0C0C to 0x1C1C for example, and go back to the game, you’ll see this (might need to zoom or something to refresh):View imageNow we are 100% certain to be on the right tile.Now go back to the memory editor, and chance the values back to 0x0C0C. If you look a little bit further to the right of the value you just editor, you’ll see a very faith yellow line. This line is there for every 8 bytes, and for OpenRCT2 it’s helpful to see where each new map element begins. Right after this line to the right of the tile you’ve found, the entrance will be stored. The very first byte of this map element indicates the type of the element. It will probably say something like 0x10, 0x11, 0x12 or 0x13. Each of these is an entrance, but with a different direction.View imageChange it to any of the other values, and check in-game if it’s the direction you want. To check the direction, pick the footpath tool in OpenRCT2, toggle the advanced mode and hover over the entrance. The arrow will indicate from which way the guests will enter.View imageRight now for me it looks like I got the wrong direction, and want to turn is 180 degrees. Since the rotations are in order of 90 degrees each, it’s a matter of subtracting or adding 2.Do the same for the Exit, and your entrance and exit will be turned and fully functional.View imageWarning: Guests will behave strangely by walking through other people in the queue line before taking a seat. In most cases you can hide this with some scenery.This is just one of the many things you can do with hex editing. I hope you enjoyed!

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Nice tutorial Broxzier, but there's a much easyer way to do this, the only thing you must do is start up the game via normal RCT2, follow the steps on this website here: open up the game in OpenRCT2 and voila, the entrance and exit is rotated.That's personal, since I never understand Hex-Editing...


Fair enough. However with trainers you are limited to what they are made for, while with hex editing you can change anything you want. Most trainers don't have any functions to change scenery for example, with hex editing you can change all that easily.


Does the Son of beast trainer work on OpenRCT?Also, thank you Broxzier, your effort truly makes you an asset to this community. :)

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