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extra wide paths

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Personally, I find more than one tile wide paths don't get utilised like you'd hope. An option I use is to make either an "avenue" (path tile - space - path tile) and have a crossover every few tiles (I do 10 tiles then a crossover), or do one tile width path and put a row of fences then another row of path, then use the removal tool to remove the fences. You then have a similar aesthetic which gets better use.

Both my methods are a bit more time consuming but they work for me.  :)

Obviously other people will have other opinions, and that's great.  :)

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On 22/10/2023 at 23:12, ExCrafty said:

Personally, I find more than one tile wide paths don't get utilised like you'd hope. An option I use is to make either an "avenue" (path tile - space - path tile) and have a crossover every few tiles (I do 10 tiles then a crossover),


nice, actually i did that in former vanilla times as well but somehow thought it might confuse the pathfinding by all these "extra" crossings though it actually worked fine :_)

but somehow i always wanted to try 2 tile wide paths but back in the times there were a lot of reports it doesnt really work and i remembered a few years ago that openrct were to tackle that somewhere in the forum posts/dev comments but lost track of that on my account.

I guess it will be a mix of both then :_)) the avenue approach for the main walking paths and the 2 tile one for the side paths. 1 tile paths simply get too crowded when you reach 10k+ visitors anyway and it also somehow looks weird in very large parks in my opinion.

@jensj12 will avoid 2+ wide paths anyway then, 2 is enough.

Thanks for you input!

Edited by TomOliver
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