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Variable Block Brakes


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It took me a few videos and quite a while to understand the how and why of block brakes. Personally, I don't like how they work (in game), but that's me.

Wouldn't having variable block brakes defeat their design purpose and make them simply ... brakes ?


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Not quite, as the purpose of a block brake is to allow for additional trains to operate, which the normal brakes don't do. It would add an additional layer of realism (and fun) to set the speed of the block brake to something like 24mph so that it doesn't slow the train down nearly as much.

16 hours ago, ShaunDoesStuff said:

Not quite, as the purpose of a block brake is to allow for additional trains to operate, which the normal brakes don't do. It would add an additional layer of realism (and fun) to set the speed of the block brake to something like 24mph so that it doesn't slow the train down nearly as much.

This is not true, I'm afraid: Block Brakes serve to define Block Sections; Block Sections are a safety feature which ensures that any train can only enter any Block Section if that Block Section is not already occupied; if the Block Section *is* occupied the Block Brakes are supposed to completely stop any following train, then release it *only* once the Block Section ahead is entirely clear. The top of a Lift Hill (up->level Chain Lift, Giga Cable-Lift) will also operate in exactly the same fashion as Block Brakes and for the exact-same purpose. You can only run n-1 trains because, if you tried n trains, none of the trains would ever move.

Load up the pre-built Junior Coaster Mango Muncher and watch it: you'll see train 2 arrest and wait at the top of the lift hill until train 1 completely clears the Block Brakes behind the station.

Trains going too fast can completely "blow through" the Block: try to "get cute" with Block Sections and you can expect your coasters to crash.

BTW, more trains =/= more throughput: if the station is constantly receiving/dispatching trains, throughput is already maximized.

I do dislike that RCT Block Brakes will still "trim" a moving train even if the Block is open but, since it's often a good idea to have Trim Brakes before the Block Brakes, that's not a big deal to me.

I'll build a MCBR at the top of a hill; you can also pull a train off of the Block Brakes with a Booster.

I hope I've adequately explained everything.


15 hours ago, jensj12 said:

This feature will be implemented soon. Though be warned, if the block ahead is closed, it will only release with the same speed as it currently does.

Sorry: color me, 'confused' ... I don't intend to be rude; I'm simply nonplussed.

I'm going to link 2 more Google-Drive videos:

!Mini Madness

This is only a modest coaster running a ton of small trains, Block-Sectioned; IIRC, I forgot to record Ratings during the video; base Excitement is ~5.75ish (I think).


Ratings at 01:20: LIM running in "Powered Launch Block-Sectioned Mode" (or whatever it's called). Trains enter the 1st MCBR at an absolute crawl (LIM Coasters have no Boosters or Chain Lift); I'm content with my timing ...

I wanted *zero* Trim Brakes on this Coaster: Isaac Newton, apples, gravity provide "Mother Nature's" Braking.

When I first test-drove this I deliberately initiated (um, "Safety Circuit Cut-out"?) a critical failure simply to ensure that I would not need to place Trim Brakes before the first of the Brake Runs behind the station; thankfully, it's good.

BTW, I call that initial element a "Snake Charmer".

One thing I might want to see: LIM-Coaster Block Brakes functioning, if the Block is open, as mild Boosters (LIM Coaster -> LIM Block Brakes, reverse the current ...)


4 hours ago, RollerCoasterTyphoon said:

Sorry: color me, 'confused' ... I don't intend to be rude; I'm simply nonplussed.

I'm going to link 2 more Google-Drive videos:

!Mini Madness

This is only a modest coaster running a ton of small trains, Block-Sectioned; IIRC, I forgot to record Ratings during the video; base Excitement is ~5.75ish (I think).


Ratings at 01:20: LIM running in "Powered Launch Block-Sectioned Mode" (or whatever it's called). Trains enter the 1st MCBR at an absolute crawl (LIM Coasters have no Boosters or Chain Lift); I'm content with my timing ...

I wanted *zero* Trim Brakes on this Coaster: Isaac Newton, apples, gravity provide "Mother Nature's" Braking.

When I first test-drove this I deliberately initiated (um, "Safety Circuit Cut-out"?) a critical failure simply to ensure that I would not need to place Trim Brakes before the first of the Brake Runs behind the station; thankfully, it's good.

BTW, I call that initial element a "Snake Charmer".

One thing I might want to see: LIM-Coaster Block Brakes functioning, if the Block is open, as mild Boosters (LIM Coaster -> LIM Block Brakes, reverse the current ...)


Happy New Year!


ANyway, i would like to download your rides!


If you need to use block sections without the train slowing down, you can already use the up-to-flat track piece with chainlift you'd normally use at the top of a lifthill.

3 hours ago, jensj12 said:

If you need to use block sections without the train slowing down, you can already use the up-to-flat track piece with chainlift you'd normally use at the top of a lifthill.

Yes, you are absolutely correct. However, at least on occasion, this can be very-dangerous as the speed-threshold for stopping a train is lower than it is for "proper" Block Brakes. This method, also, will still "Trim" a moving train, just not as severely as true Block Brakes.

The video I've provided, above, for !Mini Madness exploits this principle several times. I've never suffered a crash, or even slow-collision, with !Mini Madness but I bet it's pretty darn close in a couple of places, and I merely got lucky.

You'll see a "step" in the Lift Hill; cresting the hill before the MCBR is up->level Chain Lift; a few repeated occurrences of up->level Chain Lift; even fully-loaded trains will still stop as necessary (Whew!).

Here are requested .td6s. Don't put more trains on !Mini Madness: you'll only glean pointless-and-annoying start-stop.

NB: something changed with OpenRCT2 since I first created !Mini Madness; you need to have enabled both Classic Mini Coaster Rocket Cars and Mini Coaster Rocket Cars; I'm confident that our Devs have their reasons.



!Mini Madness.td6 !eLIMinator.td6


The new behaviour is described in #18713. That includes trim brakes before the block brake that will only operate if the block brake is closed. Does that explain it better to you?

On 03/01/2023 at 13:42, jensj12 said:

The new behaviour is described in #18713. That includes trim brakes before the block brake that will only operate if the block brake is closed. Does that explain it better to you?

Absolutely! Thank you! Precise statements and relevant citation are always immensely helpful!


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