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One of my favorite things to do when there's a scenario with different sections is to build a coaster that acts as a transport ride, with a station at each section. For the RCT1 Thunder Rock scenario I built a coaster with one station at the bottom of the rock and another station at the top. A couple of lift hills (with a few drops and curves in between) got people to the top and the ride down was coasting all the way. This park looks like a candidate for that, although the top looks pretty crowded already.


I'll use whatever is available in the scenario and looks good at the time. I guess i have a preference for the junior coasters and steel "mini's" as well as the mine rides. I don't usually put extreme elements (loops, fast turns, spirals, etc) in these but no reason each leg couldn't have a a loop or two :-).  Usually I just think that f I were in this park what sort of crazy ride would i want to get on.

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